Technical Article

Get Item from Delimited List at Position


This script returns the n-th item in a delimited list.


Example Usage:

declare @mylist nvarchar(100)
set @mylist = 'A,B, C, D , 1, 2,345, EFG, H,'
select dbo.fn_ListGetAt(@mylist, 8, ',')

Returns the 8th value in the comma-delimited list specified above -- "EFG"


This script is part of a series of list-scripts:





CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_ListGetAt] (@ValueList nvarchar(4000), @Pos int, @Delim char(1)= ',' )
RETURNS nvarchar(4000)
FUNCTION: fn_ListGetAt
    Parameter:    [IN] @ValueList nvarchar(4000)
            [IN] @Pos int
            [IN] @Delim char(1), default delimiter is ","
            [RETURN] @Value nvarchar(4000)
    Type:        nvarchar
    Characteristic:    DETERMINISTIC
    Description:    Returns the n-th item in a delimited list where the delimiter is specified as a parameter. Always expects an nvarchar list, and always returns an nvarchar value.
    Example:    declare @mylist nvarchar(100)
            set @mylist = 'A,B, C, D , 1, 2,345, EFG, H,'
            select dbo.fn_ListGetAt(@mylist, 8, ',') -- Returns the 8th value in the comma-delimited list specified above -- "EFG"
-- END DOC --

    declare @Value nvarchar(4000)
    declare @loopcount int
    declare @DelimPos int
    declare @EndPiecePos int

    set @loopcount = 0

    -- loop over the string and scoop out the values between delimiters
    while (Len(@ValueList) > 0)
        set @DelimPos = CHARINDEX(@Delim, @ValueList)        -- find the first delimiter position

        if (@DelimPos > 0)
            set @EndPiecePos = @DelimPos-1            -- set the end position for the first value
        else if (@DelimPos = 0)
            set @EndPiecePos = Len(@ValueList)            -- if no delimiter in the string, the value is the string

        set @Value = LTrim(RTrim(Left(@ValueList, @EndPiecePos)))    -- set the value equal to the current item in the list

        set @loopcount = @loopcount + 1                -- increment the loopcount

        if (@loopcount = @Pos) RETURN @Value            -- if this loopcount is the same as the position in the list we're looking for, RETURN the value.

        if (@DelimPos > 0)
            set @ValueList = Right(@ValueList, Len(@ValueList)-@DelimPos)    -- set the list to the remainder of the list, less the current item
            set @ValueList = null


    if (@loopcount <> @Pos) set @value = null
    RETURN @Value


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