Technical Article

Get week information (beginning, end) for the date


This procedure will get week information ( number,day start-day finish) for requested date. By default output dates are in 'mm/dd/yyyy' format.
Format of the output dates could be changed (see 'style' info in the SQL HelpFile for 'Convert' function)

IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects 
			WHERE name = '_WeekByDate_sp' AND type = 'P')

create procedure _WeekByDate_sp
		@currdate varchar(25),
		@Format int = 101	
The following procedure will get week information ( number,day start-day finish) for requested date.
Format of the output dates could be changed. (see 'style' info in the SQL HelpFile for 'Convert' function)

Without   With 
century century 
(yy)	(yyyy)	Standard Input/Output**
-	0 or 100 (*) 	Default	mon dd yyyy hh:miAM (or PM)
1	101	USA	mm/dd/yy
2	102	ANSI
3	103	British/French	dd/mm/yy
4	104	German
5	105	Italian	dd-mm-yy
6	106	-	dd mon yy
7	107	-	mon dd, yy
8	108	-	hh:mm:ss
-	9 or 109 (*) 	Default + milliseconds	mon dd yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM (or PM)
10	110	USA	mm-dd-yy
11	111	JAPAN	yy/mm/dd
12	112	ISO	yymmdd
-	13 or 113 (*) 	Europe default + milliseconds	dd mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmm(24h)
14	114	-	hh:mi:ss:mmm(24h)
-	20 or 120 (*) 	ODBC canonical	yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss(24h)
-	21 or 121 (*) 	ODBC canonical (with milliseconds)	yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm(24h)

Created by Eva Zadoyen

declare @firstday varchar(25)
declare @endday varchar(25)
declare @day int
declare @week int

select @week = datepart(ww,@currdate)
select @day =(datepart(dw,@currdate)+6 -@@datefirst)* (-1)
select @firstday = convert(varchar(25),dateadd( dd,@day, @currdate),@format)
select @endday = convert(varchar(25),dateadd(dd,7,@firstday),@format)
select @currdate 'Date',@week 'Week', @firstday 'First Day of the Week',@endday 'Last Day of the Week' 


declare @mydate varchar(25)
set @mydate = '4/22/2002'
exec _weekByDate_sp @mydate,110

Date                      Week        First Day of the Week     Last Day of the Week      
------------------------- ----------- ------------------------- ------------------------- 
4/22/2002                 17          04-21-2002                04-28-2002

(1 row(s) affected)



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