Technical Article

Getting transaction log space usage statistics for all databases.


Copy the script to SSMS
Run it
Ensure that you have viewserverstate permission assigned.
declare @SQLPerfLogSpace table
    DBNAME          sysname,
    LogSizeMB         decimal(10,4),
    LogSpaceUsed      decimal(10,4),
Status               Bit --Status of the log file. Always 0.
insert into @SQLPerfLogSpace exec('DBCC SQLPERF(logspace)')
select * from @SQLPerfLogSpace
Order by LogSizeMB desc
select * from @SQLPerfLogSpace
Order by LogSpaceUSed desc
declare @SQLPerfLogSpace table
    DBNAME          sysname,
    LogSizeMB         decimal(10,4),
    LogSpaceUsed      decimal(10,4),
	Status               Bit --Status of the log file. Always 0.
insert into @SQLPerfLogSpace exec('DBCC SQLPERF(logspace)')

select * from @SQLPerfLogSpace
Order by LogSizeMB desc

select * from @SQLPerfLogSpace
Order by LogSpaceUSed desc


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