
Technical Article

A DateRange Table Valued function

The function is an inline table-valued function (or sometimes called a parameterised view) so it can be used just like a view or a table but needs parameters. It generates a single-column table of datetime2 with rows differing by any multiple of any of the dateparts that SQL Server provides.

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2019-08-29 (first published: )

3,035 reads

Technical Article

A simple powershell script to look up server hardware and OS information

This is a simple powershell script to query and display hardware and OS information from a remote computer.

It uses CIM (Common Information Model) that is available since Powershell version 3 so as long as you have version 3 and up, you should be able to run this script against any server that you have access to.

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2019-08-14 (first published: )

1,441 reads

Technical Article

Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

Many people have published high performance, read-less, Inline Table Valued functions that use Itzik Ben-Gan's wonderful "Virtual Numbers Table" to replace WHILE loops and other forms of RBAR. This one is Jeff Moden's version.

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2019-08-13 (first published: )

3,730 reads

Technical Article

Look up AD user properties using powershell

I realize that this is a bit of a lengthy script for something that you can use a one liner in the power shell:



But I needed to highlight certain properties of given user and take certain actions based on the values. And the result is this power shell script.

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2019-07-15 (first published: )

1,166 reads


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