Technical Article

PowerShell to SlipStream SQL 2008


In order to install SQL Server 2008 as a clustered service on a cluster of Windows 2008R2, or Windows 2012, the SQL 2008 RTM must be upgraded by way of SlipStreaming to include the SPx upgrade files.

My PowerShell script automates the creation of the new SlipStreamed installation under a local folder, combining a SQL Server RTM ISO with a specified SPx upgrade file.

WHO:   Fahim Ahmad DBA Manager 
WHEN:  2013-04-15
WHY:   Create a SQL 2008 SP3 SlipStream folder on the local computer.
       NOTE: The script below focuses on the x64 installation only, 
             if you need a different version, please replace x64 with what you need.
WHERE: (DBAFahim a t g m a i l . c o m)

# BEGIN USER INPUT //////////////////////////////////////////////
$SQLSourcePath= "\\SQLCLUST01\AppFiles\Installs\SQLServer\SQL Server 2008"
$SQLIsoName= "SQLStd2008_All.ISO"

$SQLPatchVersion = "SP3"

$SlipStreamBuildPath= "c:\temp\SQLServer2008" # the contents of this folder will be entirely erased.
# USER OPTION, uncomment a choice if you want to launch installer.
# END USER INPUT ////////////////////////////////////////////////
Set-ExecutionPolicry UNRESTRICTED
    # Required for backwards compatibility for installing SQL 2008 on Windows 2012
    $Feature_fl = Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "RSAT-Clustering-AutomationServer"}
    If ($Feature_fl.Installed -ne "True") 
        Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-Clustering-AutomationServer| Out-Null

    #    Check directory::SlipStreamBuildPath, empty, remove then re-create it from scratch
    IF(Test-Path "$SlipStreamBuildPath")
        Remove-Item "$SlipStreamBuildPath\*" -Force -Recurse
    $SQLSlipStreamPatchPath = $SlipStreamBuildPath+"\"+$SQLPatchVersion
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$SQLSlipStreamPatchPath"

    IF(Test-Path "$SQLSourcePath\$SQLIsoName")
            #   Mount SQL Server install ISO
        $DrivesBefore = (Get-Volume).DriveLetter
            Mount-DiskImage -StorageType ISO -ImagePath "$SQLSourcePath\$SQLIsoName" -PassThru
        $DrivesAfter = (Get-Volume).DriveLetter

        $ISOMountPath = (compare $DrivesBefore $DrivesAfter -Passthru) + ":\"
        Write-Host "SQL ISO Mounted at: [$ISOMountPath]" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Throw  "SQL Iso file does not exist: [$SQLSourcePath\$SQLIsoName]"

	    #	Extract contents of SQL SP installer into SP folder.
    & "$SQLSourcePath\$SQLPatchName" /x:$SQLSlipStreamPatchPath

        #    Copy/Extract ISO files to BuildPath
    robocopy $ISOMountPath $SlipStreamBuildPath\ /E /COPYALL /NP

    Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath "$SQLSourcePath\$SQLIsoName"

	    #	overwrite recent Setup.exe, and dll's
    robocopy $SQLSlipStreamPatchPath $SlipStreamBuildPath "setup.exe" /IS
    robocopy $SQLSlipStreamPatchPath $SlipStreamBuildPath "setup.rll" /IS
    robocopy $SQLSlipStreamPatchPath\x64 $SlipStreamBuildPath\x64  /XF Microsoft.SQL.Chainer.PackageData.dll /IS

	    #	Append the DefaultSetup.ini to look into new SP folder.
    $DefaultSetupFile = "$SlipStreamBuildPath\x64\DefaultSetup.ini"
    Set-ItemProperty -Path $DefaultSetupFile -Name IsReadOnly -Value $false
    "PCUSOURCE=""$SQLSlipStreamPatchPath""" | Out-File -FilePath $DefaultSetupFile -Append

    if( ($SQLInstallAction -eq"InstallFailoverCluster") -OR ($SQLInstallAction -eq"AddNode") )
        & "$SlipStreamBuildPath\SETUP.EXE" /Action=$SQLInstallAction 
    Write-Host "SQL Slipstream complete.  Insall path = [$SlipStreamBuildPath]" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Catch [System.Exception]
   Write-Host $_.Exception.ToString() -Backgroundcolor RED


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