Technical Article

Retrieve SQL Instance Connect Info


This script provides a quick and easy way to get some useful connection information from your SQL Server instances.  It is very helpful if you have a SQL cluster running multiple instances and want to quickly find out what node the instance is running on or the IP address or port for each of your instances. 

--This returns Server Name, Cluster Node, Default Drive Letter, IP address and Port
SELECT	SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') as 'Server\Instance', 
		SERVERPROPERTY('ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS') as 'Node', 
		(select left(af.filename,3)from sys.sysaltfiles af where like '%MSDB%' and af.fileid = 1) as 'Drive', 
		ec.local_net_address as 'IP Addr', 
		ec.local_tcp_port as 'SQL Port'
from sys.dm_exec_connections ec 
where ec.session_id = @@SPID


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