Technical Article

Script to get total rows and space used


Script to Get Total Rows, space used and reserved (KB) of all tables

set nocount on

declare	@Owner		varchar(80)
declare	@Tabla		varchar(80)
declare	@NomTabla	varchar(80)

create table #tmpEspacio (
	Name		varchar(60)	not null,
	Rows		int		not null,
	Reserved	varchar(20)	not null,
	Data		varchar(20)	not null,
	Index_Size	varchar(20)	not null,
	Unused		varchar(20)	not null

declare	tmpCur insensitive cursor for
	select	rtrim(so.Name) as 'Tabla', rtrim(su.Name) as 'Owner'
	from	sysobjects so (nolock) inner join sysusers su (nolock)
			on so.uId = su.uId
	where	type = 'U'

open tmpCur

fetch next from tmpCur into @Tabla, @Owner

while @@Fetch_Status = 0 begin

	set @NomTabla = @Owner + '.[' + @Tabla + ']'

	insert	#tmpEspacio (Name, Rows, Reserved, Data, Index_Size, Unused)
	exec sp_spaceused @NomTabla

	fetch next from tmpCur into @Tabla, @Owner


close tmpCur

deallocate tmpCur

update	#tmpEspacio
set	Reserved = left(Reserved, len(Reserved) - 3), Data = left(Data, len(Data) - 3),
	Index_Size = left(Index_Size, len(Index_Size) - 3), Unused = left(Unused, len(Unused) - 3)

alter table #tmpEspacio
	alter column Reserved	int

alter table #tmpEspacio
	alter column Data	int

alter table #tmpEspacio
	alter column Index_Size	int

alter table #tmpEspacio
	alter column Unused	int

select	*
from	#tmpEspacio
order	by Reserved desc

drop table #tmpEspacio

set nocount off


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