Technical Article

Set logging properties for group of DTS packages


This script will set the Logging properties for a group of DTS packages.

To run this script stand-alone, you'll need to set 6 variables. sSvr, sDb, sUid, sPwd, iSec and sPkgMatch. If you use this script in a DTS package, you can assign the values from Global Variables.

The sPkgMatch variable is used as a filter criteria on the package name when selecting records from msdb..sysdtspackages. If nothing is specified for this variable, all packages will be selected.

EXAMPLE: sPkgName = "Devel", will change all packages with a name that starts with 'Devel'.

Once it has the list of package names, it opens the package using the LoadFromSQLServer method, sets the Logging properties and saves the package.

NOTE: As the package is being modified programmatically, you will lose any text annotations and layout previously applied. Unfortunately there is no way to modify the package outside the DTS Designer and maintain these items.

Questions and comments welcome.


Option Explicit

Function Main()
	On Error Resume Next

	Dim oWsh ' Windows Scripting host object
	Dim oConn ' ADO connection object
	Dim oRS ' ADO recordset
	Dim sSQL ' SQL string to execute
	Dim sSvr ' server name
	Dim sUID ' user id
	Dim sPwd ' password
	Dim iSec ' security mode
	Dim oPkg ' DTS Package object
	Dim sPkgName ' DTS Package name
	Dim sPkgMatch ' String to match in package name
	Dim iPkgCnt ' count of packages in list
	Dim iPkgOk ' count of successfully changed packages
	Dim iErr ' error count
	Dim sMsg ' Message String

	sSvr = "<your server name>"
	sDb = "msdb"
	sUid = "<your user id>" ' leave as empty string if using trusted connection
	sPwd = "<your password>" ' leave as empty string if using trusted connection
	iSec = 256 ' 0=SQL Security, 256=Trusted Connection
	sPkgMatch = "<your pattern to match package names>"

	' create windows script object so we can log message to event log
	Set oWSh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	' setup ADO connection and recordset objects
	Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	Set oRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

	' build ADO connection string
	sConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1"
	' check if using Integrated security or not
	If iSec = 256 Then
		' use integrated security, no username and password required
		sConn = sConn & ";Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False"
		' use SQL security, so must provide username and password
		sConn = sConn & ";Persist Security Info=True"
		sConn = sConn & ";User ID=" & sUID
		sConn = sConn & ";Password=" & sPwd
	End If
	sConn = sConn & ";Initial Catalog=" & sDb
	sConn = sConn & ";Data Source=" & sSvr

	' open ADO connection 
	oConn.Open sConn
	If Err.Number = 0 Then
		' build SQL Statement to load list of packages
		sSQL = "SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages WHERE name "
		sSQL = sSQL & "LIKE '" & sPkgMatch & "%'"
		' open recordset
		oRS.Open sSQL, oConn

		If Err.Number = 0 AND oRS.EOF = False Then
			iPkgCnt = 0
			iPkgOk = 0
			While oRS.EOF = False
				iPkgCnt = iPkgCnt + 1
				' assign value in recordset to variable
				sPkgName = oRS.Fields(0).Value
				Set oPkg = CreateObject("DTS.Package")
				oPkg.LoadFromSQLServer sSvr, sUID, sPwd, sSec, "", "", "", sPkgName
				If Err.Number = 0 Then
					oPkg.LogToSQLServer = True
					oPkg.LogServerFlags = sSec
					oPkg.LogServerName = sSvr
					oPkg.LogServerUserName = sUID
					oPkg.LogServerPassword = sPwd
					oPkg.SaveToSQLServer sSvr, sUID, sPwd, sSec
					If Err.Number = 0 Then
						iPkgOk = iPkgOk + 1
						sMsg = "Logging for DTS Package " & sPkgName & vbCrLf
						sMsg = sMsg & " has been successfully repointed to the "
						sMsg = sMsg & sSvr  & " server."
						oWsh.LogEvent 4, sMsg
						iErr = iErr + 1
						sMsg = "ERROR while trying to save DTS Package " & sPkgName & vbCrLf
						sMsg = sMsg & " after repointing logging to the "
						sMsg = sMsg & sSvr  & " server." & vbCrLf
						sMsg = sMsg & "Received following error:" & vbCrLf
						sMsg = sMsg & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
						oWsh.LogEvent 2, sMsg
					End If
					iErr = iErr + 1
					sMsg = "ERROR while trying to load DTS Package " & sPkgName & vbCrLf
					sMsg = sMsg & " to repoint logging to the "
					sMsg = sMsg & sSvr  & " server." & vbCrLf
					sMsg = sMsg & "Received following error:" & vbCrLf
					sMsg = sMsg & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
					oWsh.LogEvent 2, sMsg
				End If
				Set oPkg = Nothing
			iErr = iErr + 1
			sMsg = "ERROR while trying to retrieve list of Packages using "
			sMsg = sMsg & " SQL statement " & vbCrLf & sSQL & vbCrLf
			sMsg = sMsg & "Received following error:" & vbCrLf
			sMsg = sMsg & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
			oWsh.LogEvent 2, sMsg
		End If
		iErr = iErr + 1
		sMsg = "ERROR while trying to establish database connection "
		sMsg = sMsg & " using following connection string " & vbCrLf & sConn & vbCrLf
		sMsg = sMsg & "Received following error:" & vbCrLf
		sMsg = sMsg & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
		oWsh.LogEvent 2, sMsg
	End If

	If iErr = 0 Then
		sMsg = "Repointing of DTS Package logging completed." & vbCrLf
		If iPkgCnt > 0 Then
			sMsg = sMsg & "Successfully changed " & iPkgOk 
			sMsg = sMsg & " out of " & iPkgCnt & " packages." & vbCrLf
		End If
		sMsg = sMsg & "Check Windows Application Event log for detailed messages."
		oWsh.LogEvent 4, sMsg
		Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
		sMsg = "NOTE: " & CStr(iErr) & " errors occurred while trying to "
		sMsg = sMsg & "repoint DTS Package logging." & vbCrLf
		If iPkgCnt > 0 Then
			sMsg = sMsg & "Successfully changed " & iPkgOk 
			sMsg = sMsg & " out of " & iPkgCnt & " packages." & vbCrLf
			sMsg = sMsg & "No packages were changed!!" & vbCrLf
		End If
		sMsg = sMsg & "Check Windows Application Event log for detailed messages."
		oWsh.LogEvent 1, sMsg
		Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure
	End If

End Function


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