Technical Article

SQL Server DB Size Report


This script is similar in style to my previous script SQL Server Job Status Report, but this script generates an HTML report on the size of all databases on a specific SQL Server instance. The report consists of several sections: a summary report on the size of all databases; a summary report on the size of all data files; a report on the size of all disks; details reports on each database.

The script is designed to be included in a DTS package ActiveX Task component and makes use of a number of DTS Package Global Variables - these variables are listed in detail in the script header.

The server from which the script is executed requires ADO to be installed, and also Outlook if the email option is to be used - I personally run this script from a SQL Server instance on my desktop PC. The script also makes use of the File System Object to gather data about the server disks, if the user executing the script does not have permissions on any of the server disks, follow the instructions in the script header on how to disable this feature.

This script has been tested against SQL Server 2000 running on NT and Win2K.

'  Name: 		SQL Server DB Size Report
'  Script Language: 	VBScript
'  Author: 		Dave Leathem
'  Date: 			28th Nov 2003
'  Description:
'  This script will generate an HTML report on the size of all databases on a specified SQL
'  Server instance. This report can be emailed to specified addresses if required, or the
'  generated HTML file may be published to a web site or distributed with any other file
'  distribution mechanisms.
'  The report is divided into four sections: DB Summary Report, which contains a table of
'  current database sizes; Data File Summary Report, which contains a table of data file
'  information, including size, growth and free space left on the relevant drive; Disk Space
'  Summary Report, which contains a table of all available drives, free space, size and
'  which data files reside on that drive; and finally, DB Detail Reports, which contains
'  detailed reports on each database on the instance.
'  In the DB Summary Report, databases are highlighted when their size exceeds the limit
'  specified in the FILE_SIZE_LIMIT global variable. In the DB Detail Reports, the
'  database size and/or the file sizes are highlighted when they exceed this limit.
'  In the Data File Summary Report, files are highlighted when their growth value exceeds
'  the amount of remaining free space on the relevant drive.
'  Package Global Variables:
'  This script requires a number of Global Variables to be created in any package that it is
'  included as part of.
'  Varible Name		Req'd/Opt	Description
'  ------------------------------------	-------------------------	---------------------------------------------------------------------------
'  TARGET_SERVER	Required	Specifies the SQL Server instance for which the
'					size report will be compiled.
'  ADDRESSES		Optional		Contains a list of email addresses to which the
'					report will be sent. Addresses must be separated
'					by semi-colons, and the list must be terminated
'					with a semi-colon.
'  WIN_SECURITY	Required	Specifies whether to use Windows Integrated
'					Security when connecting to the specified SQL
'					Server instance. Valid values are "YES" and
'					"NO".
'  UID			Optional		Only required if Windows Integrated Security is
'					not being used. Specifies a valid SQL Server
'					user ID.
'  PWD			Optional		Only required if Windows Integrated Security is
'					not being used. Specifies the password for the
'					SQL Server user ID.
'  FILE_SIZE_LIMIT	Required	Specifies a warning size limit for the database
'					and data files.
'  EMAIL_REPORT	Required	Specifies if the job report is to be emailed. Valid
'					values are "YES" and "NO".
'  REPORT_PATH	Required	Specifies the file path where the job report will
'					be written to.
'  KEEP_REPORT_FILE	Required	Specifies if the Report file is to be retained when
'					the report is generated. Valid values are "YES"
'					and "NO".
'  DISABLE_DISK_SIZE	Required	Specifies if the job should calculate the size of
'					the server drives. This should be set to "NO" if
'					the user id running the job does not have the
'					Windows permissions to access all the drives.
'					Valid values are "YES" and "NO".
'  Revision History
'  Date		Version		Comment
'  ---------------------	------------------------	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'  04 Dec 2003	1.0		Initial version
'  20 Jan 2004	2.0		HTML report now displays files sizes graphically.

' Function:	Main
' Description:	Main processing function for ActiveX script. This function should be 
'		defined as the "Entry function" for the ActiveX Script Task.

Function Main()

	Dim MailSubject, MailText, HTMLText, FileRepText, DiskRepText, DBDetailRep
	Dim ErrMsg, ErrLineNo, LineCount, ErrLine
	Dim DBId, FileSize, DBName, LocalPath, intDBSize, intFileSize, intGrowth
	Dim DBFileList(10,2), intArr, flgNew, DiskDetail(100), DiskLetter(100), intDisk, FileDetail, DiskSpace(100), DiskSize(100)
	Dim PercOne(100), PercSpace, PercUsed, PercExt
	' Declare ADO object variables
	Dim adoConn, rsDBSize, rsDiskSpace, rsDBDetail, rsDiskSize, sqlDiskSize, rsDBFiles

	' Declare FSO variables
	DIM oFSO, OutFile, ReadFile

	' Declare Outlook object variables
	Dim olApp, olMail, olNamespace

	' Create ADO objects
	set adoConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	set rsDBSize = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
	set rsDBFiles = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
	set rsDBDetail = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
	set rsDiskSpace = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
	set rsDiskSize = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
	sqlDiskSize = "DECLARE @oFSO INT, @oDrive INT, @drsize VARCHAR(255), @ret INT, @dletter VARCHAR(2) " & vbCrLf & _
		"SET @dletter = '<drive>'" & vbCrLf & _
		"EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OACreate 'scripting.FileSystemObject', @oFSO OUT" & vbCrLf & _
		"EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @oFSO, 'GetDrive', @oDrive OUT, @dletter" & vbCrLf & _
		"EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @oDrive, 'TotalSize', @drsize OUT" & vbCrLf & _
		"EXEC master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @oDrive" & vbCrLf & _
		"EXEC master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @oFSO" & vbCrLf & _
		"SELECT @dletter, @drsize"

	' Open ADO connection using windows security
	IF DTSGlobalVariables("WIN_SECURITY").Value = "YES" THEN
		adoConn.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;Server=" & DTSGlobalVariables("TARGET_SERVER").Value & ";Database=MSDB;Application Name=DB Size Report"
		adoConn.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;UID=" & DTSGlobalVariables("UID").Value & ";PWD=" & DTSGlobalVariables("PWD").Value & ";Server=" & DTSGlobalVariables("TARGET_SERVER").Value & ";Database=MSDB;Application Name=DB Size Report"

	' Create FSO objects
	Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set OutFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(DTSGlobalVariables("REPORT_PATH").Value,true)
	OutFile.WriteLine("<TITLE>DB Size Report for " & DTSGlobalVariables("TARGET_SERVER").Value & " on " & Date & " " & Time & "</TITLE>")
	OutFile.WriteLine("<FONT SIZE=5 COLOR=""DARKRED""><B><U>DB Size Report for " & DTSGlobalVariables("TARGET_SERVER").Value & " on " & Date & " " & Time & "</U></B></FONT>")

	'Create Outlook objects
	If DTSGlobalVariables("EMAIL_REPORT").Value = "YES" Then
		Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
		Set olNameSpace = olApp.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
		Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(0)
	End If

	' Open recordsets
	rsDBSize.Open "exec master.dbo.sp_databases", adoConn
	rsDiskSpace.Open "exec master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives", adoConn

	' Write Report Index
	OutFile.WriteLine("<A NAME=""ReportIndex"">")
	OutFile.WriteLine("<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=""DARKRED""><B><U>Report Index</U></B></FONT><BR><BR>")
	OutFile.WriteLine("<A HREF=""#disksumm"">Disk Space Summary Report<A><BR>")
	OutFile.WriteLine("<A HREF=""#diskfile"">Disk Space and Datafiles Reports<A><BR>")

	' Write Disk Space Summary Report
	OutFile.WriteLine("<A NAME=""disksumm"">")
	OutFile.WriteLine("<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=""DARKRED""><B><U>Disk Space Summary Report</U></B></FONT><BR><BR>")
	OutFile.WriteLine("<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=100%>")
	OutFile.WriteLine("<TR BGCOLOR=""NAVY""><TD><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>Drive</TD>")
	OutFile.WriteLine("<TD WIDTH=100><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>Total Size</TD>")
	OutFile.WriteLine("<TD WIDTH=100><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>Free Space</TD>")
	OutFile.WriteLine("<TD WIDTH=50%><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>% Disk Space Used</TD></TR>")
	intDisk = 1
	While Not rsDiskSpace.EOF
		OutFile.WriteLine("<TR><TD><A HREF=""#" & rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(0) & "Drive"">" & rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(0) & "</A></TD>")
		' Write Disk Detail Heading
		DiskLetter(intDisk) = rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(0)
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = "<A NAME=""#" & rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(0) & "Drive"">" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=""100%"">" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TR><TD WIDTH=100 BGCOLOR=""navy""><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>Drive</B></FONT></TD>"
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD>" & rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(0) & "</TD></TR>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "</TABLE>" & vbCrLf
		' Write Disk Detail Summary
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=""100%""><TR>" & vbCrLf
		If DTSGlobalVariables("DISABLE_DISK_SIZE").Value = "NO" Then
			rsDiskSize.Open Replace(sqlDiskSize,"<drive>",rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(0) & ":"), adoConn
			OutFile.WriteLine("<TD ALIGN=""RIGHT"">" & CStr(Round((rsDiskSize.Fields.Item(1) / 1024) / 1024, 0)) & " MB</TD>")
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=100 BGCOLOR=""navy""><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>Total Size</TD>" & vbCrLf
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=""14%"">" & CStr(Round((rsDiskSize.Fields.Item(1) / 1024) / 1024, 0)) & " MB</TD>" & vbCrLf
			PercOne(intDisk) = Round((rsDiskSize.Fields.Item(1) / 1024) / 1024, 2) / 100
			DiskSpace(intDisk) = Round((rsDiskSize.Fields.Item(1) / 1024) / 1024, 0) - rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(1)
			OutFile.WriteLine("<TD><I>[Function Disabled]</TD>")
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=100 BGCOLOR=""navy""><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>Total Size</TD>" & vbCrLf
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=""14%""><I>[Function disabled]</TD>" & vbCrLf
		End If
		OutFile.WriteLine("<TD ALIGN=""RIGHT"">" & rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(1) & " MB</TD>")
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=100 BGCOLOR=""navy""><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>Free Space</TD>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=""14%"">" & rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(1) & " MB</TD>" & vbCrLf
		If DTSGlobalVariables("DISABLE_DISK_SIZE").Value = "NO" Then
			PercSpace =Round(rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(1) / PercOne(intDisk), 0)
			PercUsed = 100 - PercSpace
			OutFile.WriteLine("<TABLE WIDTH=""100%"" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0>")
			OutFile.WriteLine("<TR><TD WIDTH=""" & PercUsed & "%"" BGCOLOR=""red""><FONT COLOR=""red"">X</FONT></TD>")
			OutFile.WriteLine("<TD WIDTH=""" & PercSpace & "%"" BGCOLOR=""green""></TD></TR>")
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=100 BGCOLOR=""navy""><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>% Used</TD>" & vbCrLf
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=""14%"">" & CStr(PercUsed) & "%</TD>" & vbCrLf
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=100 BGCOLOR=""navy""><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>% Free</TD>" & vbCrLf
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=""14%"">" & CStr(PercSpace) & " %</TD>" & vbCrLf
			OutFile.WriteLine("<TD><I>Function Disabled</TD>")
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=100 BGCOLOR=""navy""><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>% Used</TD>" & vbCrLf
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=""14%""><I>[Function disabled]</TD>" & vbCrLf
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=100 BGCOLOR=""navy""><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>% Free</TD>" & vbCrLf
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=""14%""><I>[Function disabled]</TD>" & vbCrLf
		End If
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "</TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TABLE WIDTH=""100%"" BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=1>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TR BGCOLOR=""navy"">" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>Database File</TD>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=100><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>Database</TD>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=55><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>Size</TD>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=55><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>Ext.</TD>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=""50%""><FONT COLOR=""white""><B>% Disk Space Used</TD>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "</TR><TR>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD><I>[Free Space]</I> </TD>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD></TD>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD ALIGN=""RIGHT""><FONT SIZE=2>" & rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(1) & " MB</TD>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD></TD>" & vbCrLf
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD>" & vbCrLf
		If DTSGlobalVariables("DISABLE_DISK_SIZE").Value = "NO" Then
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TABLE WIDTH=""100%"" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0>" & vbCrLf
			If PercSpace > 50 Then
				DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TR><TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercSpace) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""green"" TITLE=""" & CStr(PercSpace) & "%""><FONT COLOR=""green"">X</TD>" & vbCrLf
				DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(100 - PercSpace) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""white""></TD>" & vbCrLf
				DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TR><TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercSpace) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""green"" TITLE=""" & CStr(PercSpace) & "%""></TD>" & vbCrLf
				DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(100 - PercSpace) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""white""><FONT COLOR=""white"">X</TD>" & vbCrLf
			End If
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "</TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
			DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "<I>[Function disabled]" & vbCrLf
		End If
		DiskDetail(intDisk) = DiskDetail(intDisk) & "</TD></TR>" & vbCrLf
		intDisk = intDisk + 1
	OutFile.WriteLine("<A HREF=""#ReportIndex""><FONT SIZE=1>Back To Report Index</FONT></A>")
	DiskDetail(intDisk) = "XXXXX"

	' Disk Space and Datafile Reports
	OutFile.WriteLine("<A NAME=""diskfile"">")
	OutFile.WriteLine("<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=""DARKRED""><B><U>Disk Space Summary Report</U></B></FONT><BR><BR>")
	intDisk = 1
	While DiskDetail(intDisk) <> "XXXXX"
		OutFile.Write DiskDetail(intDisk)
		FileDetail = ""
		While Not rsDBSize.EOF
			rsDBDetail.Open "EXEC master.dbo.sp_helpdb @dbname='" & rsDBSize.Fields.Item(0) & "'", adoConn
			DBName = rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(0)
			Set rsDBFiles = rsDBDetail.NextRecordset
			While Not rsDBFiles.EOF
				If UCase(Left(rsDBFiles.Fields.Item(2),1)) = UCase(DiskLetter(intDisk)) Then
					intFileSize = CDbl(Replace(rsDBFiles.Fields.Item(4)," KB","")) / 1024
					If Right(rsDBFiles.Fields.Item(6),1) = "%" Then
						intGrowth = (CDbl(Replace(rsDBFiles.Fields.Item(4)," KB","")) / 100) * CDbl(Replace(rsDBFiles.Fields.Item(6),"%",""))
						intGrowth = CDbl(Replace(rsDBFiles.Fields.Item(6)," KB",""))
					End If
					intGrowth =  intGrowth / 1024
					FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TR>" & vbCrLf
					FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TD><A NAME=""#" & RTrim(rsDBFiles.Fields.Item(0)) & """>" & rsDBFiles.Fields.Item(0) & "</TD>" & vbCrLf
					FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TD><A HREF=""#" & DBName & """>" & DBName & "</A></TD>" & vbCrLf
					FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TD ALIGN=""RIGHT""><FONT SIZE=2>" & CStr(Round(intFileSize,0)) & " MB</TD>" & vbCrLf
					FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TD ALIGN=""RIGHT""><FONT SIZE=2>" & CStr(Round(intGrowth,2)) & " MB</TD>" & vbCrLf
					DiskSpace(intDisk) = DiskSpace(intDisk) - Round(intFileSize,0)
					FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TD>" & vbCrLf
					If DTSGlobalVariables("DISABLE_DISK_SIZE").Value = "NO" Then
						PercUsed =Round(intFileSize / PercOne(intDisk), 0)
						PercExt = Round(intGrowth / PercOne(intDisk),0)
						If (PercUsed + PercExt) > 100 Then PercExt = 100 - PercUsed
						PercSpace = 100 - (PercUsed + PercExt)
						FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TABLE WIDTH=""100%"" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0>" & vbCrLf
						If PercSpace < 50 Then
							FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TR><TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercUsed) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""red"" TITLE=""" & CStr(PercUsed) & "%""><FONT COLOR=""red"">X</TD>" & vbCrLf
							FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercExt) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""blue"" TITLE=""" & CStr(PercExt) & "%""></TD>" & vbCrLf
							FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercSpace) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""white""></TD>" & vbCrLf
							FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TR><TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercUsed) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""red"" TITLE=""" & CStr(PercUsed) & "%""></TD>" & vbCrLf
							FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercExt) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""blue"" TITLE=""" & CStr(PercExt) & "%""></TD>" & vbCrLf
							FileDetail = FileDetail & "<TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercSpace) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""white""><FONT COLOR=""white"">X</TD>" & vbCrLf
						End If
						FileDetail = FileDetail & "</TR></TABLE>" & vbCrLf
						FileDetail = FileDetail & "<I>[Function disabled]" & vbCrLf
					End If
					FileDetail = FileDetail & "</TD></TR>" & vbCrLf
				End If
			If rsDBFiles.State = 1 Then rsDBFiles.Close
			If rsDBDetail.State = 1 Then rsDBDetail.Close
		OutFile.WriteLine("<TD><I>[Non-DB File Size]</TD>")
		OutFile.WriteLine("<TD ALIGN=""RIGHT""><FONT SIZE=2>" & CStr(DiskSpace(intDisk)) & " MB</TD>")
		If DTSGlobalVariables("DISABLE_DISK_SIZE").Value = "NO" Then
			PercUsed =Round(DiskSpace(intDisk) / PercOne(intDisk), 0)
			PercSpace = 100 - PercUsed
			OutFile.WriteLine("<TABLE WIDTH=""100%"" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0>")
			If PercSpace < 20 Then
				OutFile.WriteLine("<TR><TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercUsed) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""red"" TITLE=""" & CStr(PercUsed) & "%""><FONT COLOR=""red"">X</TD>")
				OutFile.WriteLine("<TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercSpace) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""white""></TD>")
				OutFile.WriteLine("<TR><TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercUsed) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""red"" TITLE=""" & CStr(PercUsed) & "%""></TD>")
				OutFile.WriteLine("<TD WIDTH=""" & CStr(PercSpace) & "%"" BGCOLOR=""white""><FONT COLOR=""white"">X</TD>")
			End If
			OutFile.WriteLine("<I>[Function disabled]")
		End If
		OutFile.Write FileDetail
		OutFile.WriteLine("<A HREF=""#ReportIndex""><FONT SIZE=1>Back To Report Index</FONT></A>")
		intDisk = intDisk + 1

	' Write DB Detail Reports
	DBDetailRep = ""
	FielRepText = ""
	For intArr = 1 To 10
		DBFileList(intArr,1) = ""
		DBFileList(intArr,2) = ""
	While Not rsDBSize.EOF
		rsDBDetail.Open "EXEC master.dbo.sp_helpdb @dbname='" & rsDBSize.Fields.Item(0) & "'", adoConn
		intDBSize = CDbl(Replace(rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(1)," MB", ""))
		' Write DB Detail Section
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=100%>" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TR><TD WIDTH=150 BGCOLOR=""NAVY""><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>Database Name</TD><TD><B><A NAME=""#" & rsDBSize.Fields.Item(0) & """>" & rsDBSize.Fields.Item(0) & "</TD></TR>" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "</TABLE>" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=100%>" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TR><TD WIDTH=120 BGCOLOR=""NAVY""><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>DB Size</TD>"
		If intDBSize > CDbl(DTSGlobalVariables("FILE_SIZE_LIMIT").Value) Then
			DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD WIDTH=22% BGCOLOR=""RED"">" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(1) & "</TD>"
			DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD WIDTH=22%>" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(1) & "</TD>"
		End If
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD WIDTH=120 BGCOLOR=""NAVY""><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>Owner</TD>"
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD WIDTH=22%>" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(2) & "</TD>"
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD WIDTH=120 BGCOLOR=""NAVY""><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>Created</TD>"
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD WIDTH=22%>" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(4) & "</TD></TR>" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "</TABLE>" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=100%>" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TR><TD WIDTH=120 BGCOLOR=""NAVY""><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>Status</TD>"
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD>" & Replace(rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(5),",","<BR>") & "</TD></TR>" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "</TABLE>" & vbCrLf
		Set rsDBDetail = rsDBDetail.NextRecordset
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=100%>" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TR BGCOLOR=""NAVY""><TD><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>File Name</TD>" 		
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>File Size</TD>" 		
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>File Path</TD>" 		
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>File Group</TD>" 
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>Max Size</TD>" 
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>Growth</TD>" 
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD><FONT COLOR=""WHITE""><B>Usage</TD></TR>" & vbCrLf
		While Not rsDBDetail.EOF
			intFileSize = CDbl(Replace(rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(4)," KB","")) / 1024
			DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TR><TD><A HREF=""#" & RTrim(rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(0)) & """>" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(0) & "</A></TD>"
			If intFileSize > CDbl(DTSGlobalVariables("FILE_SIZE_LIMIT").Value) Then
				DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD ALIGN=""RIGHT"" BGCOLOR=""RED"">" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(4) & "</TD>"
				DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD ALIGN=""RIGHT"">" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(4) & "</TD>"
			End If
			DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD>" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(2) & "</TD>"
			DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD>" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(3) & "</TD>"
			DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD>" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(5) & "</TD>"
			DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD>" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(6) & "</TD>"
			DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<TD>" & rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(7) & "</TD></TR>" & vbCrLf
			' Write File Detail Section
			While (rsDiskSpace.Fields.Item(0) <> UCase(Left(rsDBDetail.Fields.Item(2),1))) and (Not rsDiskSpace.EOF)
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "</TABLE>" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<A HREF=""#ReportIndex""><FONT SIZE=1>Back To Report Index</FONT></A>" & vbCrLf
		DBDetailRep = DBDetailRep & "<BR><BR><HR>" & vbCrLf
	OutFile.WriteLine("<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=""DARKRED""><B><U>DB Detail Reports</U></B></FONT><BR><BR>")


	MailSubject = "DB Size Report for " & DTSGlobalVariables("TARGET_SERVER").Value

	' Close report file

	Set ReadFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(DTSGlobalVariables("REPORT_PATH").Value, 1)

	'Determine if report is to be emailed
	If DTSGlobalVariables("EMAIL_REPORT").Value = "YES" Then
		' Set email properties
		AddrList = DTSGlobalVariables("ADDRESSES").Value
		Addr = ""
		For iChar = 1 To Len(AddrList) - 1
			If Mid(AddrList, iChar, 1) = ";" Then
				olMail.Recipients.Add Addr
				Addr = ""
				Addr = Addr & Mid(AddrList, iChar, 1)
			End If
		olMail.Recipients.Add Addr
		olMail.Subject = MailSubject
		olMail.HTMLBody = ReadFile.ReadAll
	End If

	' Clean Up
	If DTSGlobalVariables("KEEP_REPORT_FILE").Value = "NO" Then
		oFSO.DeleteFile DTSGlobalVariables("REPORT_PATH").Value, True
	End If
	Set oFSO = Nothing
	Set olMail = Nothing
	Set olApp = Nothing

	Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success


End Function


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