Technical Article

Transaction Log VLF Alarm


This will send a alert email using native DB Mail when the VLF counts from any auto growth on transaction logs take place too much. Best practice is to have a auto growth set to a reasonable size growth like from 256-512mb a growth. We had to put his in place as a counter measue from an outage caused by too many VLF's and ther log reader agent had issues reading the transaction logs. One thing you need to do is create the table in a database that matches the references in the code for the insert and selects performed. This worked great and alerted until we foun the nice very large size this tran log needed to be for the maint taking place Sunday AM once fully completed. Create table code supplied at the bottom od the code. Hope you find this useful.

--Handed to me from Cindy Gross MS PSE\PFE 8/3/11 
--Edward Pochinski 1/22/2016 added the HTML\XML section for
--sending an html body style email with an embedded table
--added static table for reference purposes with a time stamp
--using the native SQL DB Mail
--Notice an insert takes place you need to have a table and edit this
--section of code for this to work correctly
--Run in a SQL Agent Job step and schedule
Set nocount on
Declare @datestamp datetime,@ServerName varchar(55)
Select @datestamp = (Left(CONVERT(varchar, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0), 19))
Print @datestamp
--500 alarm
--1000 Sev1 alarm
--variables to hold each 'iteration'  
declare @query varchar(100)  
declare @dbname sysname  
declare @vlfs int  
--table variable used to 'loop' over databases  
declare @databases table (dbname sysname)  
insert into @databases  
--only choose online databases  
select name from sys.databases where state = 0  
--table variable to hold results  
declare @vlfcounts table  
    (dbname sysname,  
    vlfcount int)  
 --table variable to capture DBCC loginfo output  
--changes in the output of DBCC loginfo from SQL2012 mean we determine the version 
declare @MajorVersion tinyint  
set @MajorVersion = LEFT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar(max)),CHARINDEX('.',CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar(max)))-1) 
if @MajorVersion < 11 -- pre-SQL2012 
    declare @dbccloginfo table  
        fileid tinyint,  
        file_size bigint,  
        start_offset bigint,  
        fseqno int,  
        [status] tinyint,  
        parity tinyint,  
        create_lsn numeric(25,0)  
    while exists(select top 1 dbname from @databases)  
        set @dbname = (select top 1 dbname from @databases)  
        set @query = 'dbcc loginfo (' + '''' + @dbname + ''') '  
        insert into @dbccloginfo
        exec (@query)  
        set @vlfs = @@rowcount  
        insert dmg_stat..vlf_counts  
        values(@dbname, @vlfs,@datestamp)  
        delete from @databases where dbname = @dbname  
    end --while 
    declare @dbccloginfo2012 table  
        RecoveryUnitId int, 
        fileid tinyint,  
        file_size bigint,  
        start_offset bigint,  
        fseqno int,  
        [status] tinyint,  
        parity tinyint,  
        create_lsn numeric(25,0)  
    while exists(select top 1 dbname from @databases)  
        set @dbname = (select top 1 dbname from @databases)  
        set @query = 'dbcc loginfo (' + '''' + @dbname + ''') '  
        insert into @dbccloginfo2012  
        exec (@query)  
        set @vlfs = @@rowcount  
        insert VLFtable_stat..vlf_counts  
        values(@dbname, @vlfs,@datestamp)  
        delete from @databases where dbname = @dbname  
    end --while 
--output the full list  
select dbname, vlfcount  
from VLFtable_stat..vlf_counts where vlfcount > 550
and @datestamp = Time_stamp
order by dbname
If @@rowcount <> 0


set nocount on
Declare @srvname varchar(55),@subject1 varchar(255)
Select @srvname = @@servername
SET @xml =CAST(( select dbname AS 'td','',vlfcount AS 'td','',Convert(varchar,Time_stamp,100) as 'td' 
from VLFtable_stat..vlf_counts where vlfcount > 550
and @datestamp = Time_stamp
order by dbname
SET @body ='<html><H1>The VLF Count is too high on '+ @srvname +'</H1><body bgcolor=white>
<table border="1" style="font-family:Georgia, Garamond, Serif;color:blue;font-style:italic;">
</tr>' SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'
Set @subject1 = 'VLF Count Alarm on ' + @srvname
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients =N';',
@body = @body,@body_format ='HTML',
@subject = @subject1 ,
@profile_name ='Replication'

--Table code
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[VLF_Counts](
	[DBNAME] [varchar](250) NULL,
	[vlfcount] [int] NULL,
	[Time_Stamp] [datetime] NULL


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