Technical Article

Trim Backup Files


This script runs within a DTS package. It searches the backup directory stored as a global variable in the script and trims all backup files older than some number of days. the script includes logging to the C: drive so you can trace the effects of the script.

You need to create the global variables in the DTS package for DaystoKeep, BackupPath, and DBname.

'  Trim Old Backups
' This script will remove (delete) old backup files that are older
' than a certain date. The number of days that are being kept
' is stored in a global variable "DaysToKeep". This script is designed
' to run once a day, find the most recent backup that is closest to 
' but older than the value in DaysToKeep and remove all files older 
' than this file. 
' The script searches all folders below the backup path given in 
' the global variable "BackupPath" and processes each one separately.
Function Main()
'	On Error Resume Next

	Dim strDestPath, strNewFile, strSourcePath, strDBName
	Dim objobjFSO, objFolder, objFileHandle
	Dim strBaseDate, strOldFileHandle, strFromFile, strToFile
	Dim objFolderItem
	Dim ObjFileItem
	Dim objFiles
	Dim objTxtFile
	Dim dude
	Dim iDays

	' Get source and destination paths
	strSourcePath = DTSGlobalVariables("BackupPath").value
	strDays = DTSGlobalVariables("DaystoKeep").value
	iDays = 0 - strDays

	' Initialize Variables
	strDBName = DTSGlobalVariables("DBname").value
	strNewFile = "\" & strDBName & ".bak"
	strBaseDate = DateAdd( "d" , iDays , Date)

	' Create FileSystem Object and then get the Files collection
	Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	' Test file
	Set objTxtFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(  "c:\DTS_TrimBUFiles.txt", TRUE)
	objTxtFile.writeline( "DTS Trim Backup Files" )
	objTxtFile.writeline( " " )
	objTxtFile.writeline( "BaseDate:" & strBaseDate )
	objTxtFile.writeline( "Date:" & Date )
	objTxtFile.writeline( "iDays:" & iDays )
	objTxtFile.writeline( "strDays:" & strDays )
	objTxtFile.writeline( " " )

	Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strSourcePath)

	' Loop through each folder
	For Each objFolderItem in objFolder.Subfolders

		objTxtFile.writeline( "|")

		Set objFiles = objFolderItem.Files

		For Each objFileItem in objFiles
			objTxtFile.writeline( "|- " & objFileItem.Name & " : "  & objFileItem.dateCreated)
			if objFileItem.Datecreated < strBaseDate Then
				objTxtFile.writeline( "     delete  ")

				' Remove the last backup
				objFSO.DeleteFile objFileItem
			end if

		objTxtFile.writeline( "  " )


	' Clean up
	Set objFSO = Nothing


	Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function


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