Technical Article

Welcome To the World of ANSI compliant Occult :)


Warning: This script has no DBA value, but is useful for DBAs who have inclination towards occultļ.

Yesterday I had to decide the name of my new website. Since I wanted the name to be numerological correct. I wrote a T-SQL script for the same.

For those of you who are not familiar with Numerology let me explain in brief what the script is for.
In numerology, each alphabet has number associated. Thus each word/name can be represented as a composite numeric value. As per occult, a composite number has a significance attached to it.
Thus depending upon the significance and the compatibility with your own number (calculated based on your DOB) we can conclude if the name is lucky for you or not.

/****TSQL for fun
Created By: Arijit Rahut (Jeet)
Parameter Required: @Word
This script generates the compound number of word/name.
The value table used is based on the Cherio's number system.

declare @Word Varchar(30)
declare @WLookUp varchar(1)
declare @Msg varchar(150)
declare @URL Varchar(150)

declare @cnt tinyint 
declare @ULimit tinyint
declare @Sum tinyint

SET @Word = '<enter the name>'

SET @cnt = 1
SET @ULimit  = Len(@Word)
SET @Sum = 0

While @Cnt <= @ULimit
SET @WLookUp = SUBSTRING(@Word, @Cnt, 1)
SET @Cnt = @Cnt + 1
		WHEN @WLookUp IN ('A','J','I','Q','Y') THEN (@Sum + 1)
		WHEN @WLookUp IN ('B','K','R') THEN (@Sum + 2)
		WHEN @WLookUp IN ('C','G','L','S') THEN (@Sum + 3)
		WHEN @WLookUp IN ('D','M','T') THEN (@Sum + 4)
		WHEN @WLookUp IN ('E','H','N','X') THEN (@Sum + 5)
		WHEN @WLookUp IN ('U','V','W') THEN (@Sum + 6)
		WHEN @WLookUp IN ('O','Z') THEN (@Sum + 7)
		WHEN @WLookUp IN ('F','P') THEN (@Sum + 8)
		ELSE (@Sum + 0)
PRINT 'Compound number is:' + str(@Sum)
Set @Msg  = 'Go To The URL To Decipher The Significance Of The Above Compound Number: '
		WHEN @Sum <= 19 THEN ''
		WHEN @Sum <= 31  THEN ''
		WHEN @Sum <= 52 THEN ''
		ELSE ''
Print @Msg + @Url


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