Technical Article

XSD Generator


This script will generate a stored procedure named procCreateXSD. Run this script to create the SP.
The purpose of this SP is to generate the XSD from selected tables we passed to the script. It accepts the Dataset name, URI, and the list of the tables to be included.
For example:
exec proccreateXSD 'NorthwindDataset', '', 'Customers,Orders,Products'

Be aware that this SP uses system tables that might be changed int the future version of SQL Server.

	   FROM   sysobjects 
	   WHERE  name = N'procCreateXSD' 
	   AND 	  type = 'P')
    DROP PROCEDURE dbo.procCreateXSD

    @datasetName as varchar(50),
    @uri as varchar(500), -- padded with a '/'
	@TableList as varchar(8000) -- comma separated table list with no additional space

set nocount on

select a.Name,
into #tableList
from sysobjects a 
where a.type='U' 
and charindex(','+rtrim(',', ','+@tablelist+',')>0

select * 
from (
    Select 1 as Tag,
        null as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	null as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:unique!10!name],
        null as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
    union all
    Select 2 as Tag,
        1 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	null as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:unique!10!name],
        null as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
    union all
    Select 3 as Tag,
        2 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	null as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:unique!10!name],
        null as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
    union all
    Select 4 as Tag,
        3 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	'unbounded' as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:unique!10!name],
        null as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
    union all
    Select 5 as Tag,
        4 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	'unbounded' as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        a.Name as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:unique!10!name],
        null as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
    from #tableList a 
    union all
    Select 6 as Tag,
        5 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	'unbounded' as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        a.Name as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:unique!10!name],
        null as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
    from #tableList a 
    union all
    Select 7 as Tag,
        6 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	'unbounded' as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        a.Name as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:unique!10!name],
        null as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
    from #tableList a 
    union all
    Select 8 as Tag,
        7 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	'unbounded' as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        a.Name as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        b.Name as [xs:element!8!name],
        case b.xtype
        when 127 then 'xs:long' 
        when 173 then 'xs:base64Binary' 
        when 104 then 'xs:boolean' 
        when 175 then 'xs:string' 
        when 61  then 'xs:dateTime' 
        when 106 then 'xs:decimal' 
        when 62  then 'xs:double' 
        when 34  then 'xs:base64Binary' 
        when 56  then 'xs:int' 
        when 60  then 'xs:decimal' 
        when 239 then 'xs:string' 
        when 99  then 'xs:string' 
        when 108 then 'xs:decimal' 
        when 231 then 'xs:string' 
        when 59  then 'xs:float' 
        when 58  then 'xs:dateTime' 
        when 52  then 'xs:short' 
        when 122 then 'xs:decimal' 
        when 98  then 'xs:string' 
        when 35  then 'xs:string' 
        when 189 then 'xs:base64Binary' 
        when 48  then 'xs:unsignedByte' 
        when 36  then 'xs:string' 
        when 165 then 'xs:base64Binary' 
        when 167 then 'xs:string' 
        else 'xs:string' end as [xs:element!8!type],
        case when b.isnullable=0 then null else '0' end as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        case b.xtype
        when 98 then 'System.Object, mscorlib, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' 
        when 36 then 'System.Guid, mscorlib, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' 
        else null end as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        case when b.colstat & 1 = 1
        then 'true' 
        else null end as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        case when b.colstat & 1 = 1
        then 'true' 
        else null end as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        b.colorder as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:unique!10!name],
        null as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
    from #tableList a, syscolumns b 
    union all
    select 10 as Tag,
        2 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	null as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        replace(b.Name,'_','') as [xs:unique!10!name],
        case when b.status & 2048<>0 then 'true' else null end as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
    	from #tableList a, sysindexes b 
        and (b.status & 6144)<>0
    union all
    select 11 as Tag,
        10 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	null as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        replace(b.Name,'_','') as [xs:unique!10!name],
        case when b.status & 2048<>0 then 'true' else null end as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	'.//mstns:'+a.Name as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
    	from #tableList a, sysindexes b 
        and (b.status & 6144)<>0
    union all
    select 12 as Tag,
        10 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	null as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        replace(b.Name,'_','') as [xs:unique!10!name],
        case when b.status & 2048<>0 then 'true' else null end as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        'mstns:'+d.Name as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        c.keyno as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        null as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
    	from #tableList a, sysindexes b, sysindexkeys c, syscolumns d 
        and (b.status & 6144)<>0
        and and c.indid=b.indid and and d.colid=c.colid
    union all
    select 20 as Tag,
        2 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	null as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:unique!10!name],
        null as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        replace(e.Name,'_','') as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        replace(d.Name,'_','') as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
        from sysreferences a, #tableList b, #tableList c, sysindexes d, sysobjects e
        where and 
        and and d.indid=a.rkeyindid and 
    union all
    select 21 as Tag,
        20 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	null as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:unique!10!name],
        null as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        replace(e.Name,'_','') as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        replace(d.Name,'_','') as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        './/mstns:' as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
        from sysreferences a, #tableList b, #tableList c, sysindexes d, sysobjects e
        where and 
        and and d.indid=a.rkeyindid and 
    union all
    select 22 as Tag,
        20 as Parent,
        @datasetName as [xs:schema!1!id],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!targetNamespace],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!elementFormDefault],
        'qualified' as [xs:schema!1!attributeFormDefault],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns],
        @uri+@datasetName+'.xsd' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:mstns],
        '' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:xs],
        'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata' as [xs:schema!1!xmlns:msdata],
        @datasetName as [xs:element!2!name],
        'true' as [xs:element!2!msdata:IsDataSet],
        null as [xs:complexType!3!!element],
    	null as [xs:choice!4!maxOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!5!name],
        null as [xs:complexType!6!!element],
        null as [xs:sequence!7!!element],
        null as [xs:element!8!name],
        null as [xs:element!8!type],
        null as [xs:element!8!minOccurs],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:DataType],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:ReadOnly],
        null as [xs:element!8!msdata:AutoIncrement],
        null as [xs:element!8!colorder!hide],
        null as [xs:unique!10!name],
        null as [xs:unique!10!msdata:PrimaryKey],
    	null as [xs:selector!11!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!xpath],
        null as [xs:field!12!colorder!hide],
        replace(e.Name,'_','') as [xs:keyref!20!name],
        replace(d.Name,'_','') as [xs:keyref!20!refer],
        null as [xs:selector!21!xpath],
        'mstns:'+g.Name as [xs:field!22!xpath],
        f.keyno as [xs:field!22!keyno!hide]
        from sysreferences a, #tableList b, #tableList c, sysindexes d, sysobjects e, sysforeignkeys f,syscolumns g
        where and 
        and and d.indid=a.rkeyindid and 
        and f.constid=a.constid and and g.colid=f.fkey
) x
order by Tag / 10,
for xml explicit



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