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Problem calling stored proc from ASB and VB

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I have the following stored procedure.  It extracts information from 2 tables, based on a provided date for a specified number of days.  It then does some simple calculations and inserts the result into a memory table.  The memory table is returned.  When I call this from Enterprise Manager or the Query Analyzer it returns […]

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RE: how to find sa password from registry in sql 2000/7.0/6.5 if i forget the sa password?

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For 6.5 run regedit - Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/microsoft/MSSQLserver/SQLEW/Registered servers and then double click on the required one.THe SA will be on the right of the screen vertically.Don't tell anyone this came from me - And I never use it because I never, ever forget my SA password as they are stuck on my screen with […]

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quote: Wrox went out of business in March. http://weblogs.asp.net/AKrowczyk/posts/3871.aspx J. Moseley Oops, I spoke too soon. Looks like Wiley Publishing picked them up. Found it for you at isbn.nu http://isbn.nu/0764543687 J. Moseley

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For some odd reason it seems the Wrox "SQL Server 2000 DTS" book is no longer available. I was looking for it a couple of weeks ago and couldn't find it new anywhere obvious, like amazon or barnesandnoble. Why would Wrox discontinue this book? Their website doesn't say anything about it. If you can find […]

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I agree with Shas3 -- sqldts.com is an excellent site. You might also want to look at the following article... http://www.asp101.com/articles/carvin/dts/default.asp Also, SQLServerCentral.com (this site) is the best resource. I've always gotten an answer here.

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