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RE: Review: EditPlus

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Personally, I like TextPad. As far as I know, it does evrything that Steve's article says EditPlus does. I couldn't find a tool for commenting a block of code, but with very little effort, I made a macro that did it for me for VBScript. There's a lot of different syntax files available, and they're […]

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RE: How do I decide, why index here and not there?

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Actually, sounds like you need an OLAP solution since the data is for reporting only and will be read-only after the initial load. Check out MS OLAP services or the forum on this site for Analysis Services. -- If you don't want to go that route, I'd post the schema and a little clearer explanation […]

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RE: BCP error

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hi folks, I check the SP3 log file, and found some errors, so the last operator that installed the sp3 on those server, failed in some point, and he didn't warm me. Last night we reinstalled SP3,and now is working fine. thanks to all


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RE: SQL in ADO.NET vs Stored Procedure

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Another vote for Stored Procedures. There are times when the SQL is dynamic enough to be done "better" from another tier, but when the parameters and output are known and consistent, Procedures are always my choice. My personal preference (I think this is also what you hinted, jpipes) is to keep the source procedure code […]

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RE: memory and concurrent users

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Previous versions used to say (I think) 17KB per user. I think the formula is simply 12KB + (3 * Network Packet Size). I know it looks like that is taken to the third power, but believe that is a footnote mark. Meaning, generally, 24 KB per user. That means 12 MB total for 500 […]

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RE: SQL Newie needs help

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Hi Jigman, quote: where do I enter these statements? In Query Analyzer? Yes, in Query Analyzer (QA)! quote: I need somewhere that has a basic tutorial on starting with SQL Server. I think the online books are a little too in-depth for a beginnner. is your mail account configured to receive a ~1.2 MB zipped […]

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RE: Return First Record of each group

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You might try a correlated sub query like this: select * from Northwind.dbo.[Order Details] a where ProductId = (select top 1 productid from Northwind.dbo.[Order Details] where a.OrderId = OrderId order by OrderID, ProductID) This example shows you the first product for each order Gregory Larsen, DBA If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out […]

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