
Technical Article

RE: Check SQL Server Uptime

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Before SQL Servers stops completely it will log a message both in to SQL Server Error log and OS Eventlogs, Works the same way when you start the sql server. Check you Errorlog you will see " SQL Server is starting at priority class 'XYZ'( # CPUs detected)" and "SQL Server is terminating due to […]

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RE: Killing users before restore

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here's a script i've used for quite a while... ------------------------ USE master go ALTER DATABASE yourdatabase SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE RESTORE DATABASE yourdatabase FROM DISK = 'c:\path\filename' with replace ALTER DATABASE yourdatabase SET MULTI_USER go ------------------------ I generally run it from a batch file with something like: osql -E -d master -i db-restore.sql -o […]

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Technical Article

RE: The merge process could not initialize the Pub...

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Hi, quote: Hi, it seems that the client does not have the rights to read from the snapshot-folder. During the setup of the publisher you have to choose the initial snapshotfolder (Default setting is something like this \\ServerName\d$\Program Files\MSSQL\DATA\ReplData). SQL-Server always uses this system link to d$ to which a 'normal' user has no rights […]

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RE: How to Insert word documents into sql server?

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sample code in VB i found somewhere 'write to sql Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim mstream As ADODB.Stream Set cn = New ADODB.Connection cn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;data Source=<name of your SQL Server>; Initial Catalog=pubs;User Id=<Your Userid>;Password=<Your Password>" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "Select * from pub_info", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic Set mstream = […]

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Technical Article

RE: Query runs slow as Stored Procedure

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Use Query Analyzer to look at the execution plan for the statement when you pass in a variable and when you provide the value direct. If you have multiple indexes on a table, I've found that the optimizer can choose the wrong one when querying using a variable. If that's the case you can use […]

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Technical Article

RE: Automatic table replacement

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Thanks, thats very helpful. What kind of problems are likely to occur using the linked table system - what are the alternatives? For the second part to my question - would an access user be able to link to the DTS task an activate it?

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Technical Article

RE: dBase import - null dates problem

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If your importing you are checking DTSSource ;)] Why not use ActiveX for the column in question, ie Function Main() If DTSSource("x") = True Then DTSDestination("x") = null eElseIf DTSSource("x") = False Then DTSDestination("x") = null Else DTSDestination("x") = DTSSource("x") End If Main = DTSTransformStat_OK End Function

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