SQLServerCentral Article

Conducting a SQL Server Operational Audit


IT departments may have a DBA, but how do they know if they've implemented the operational processes for running an effective database administration function? And for that matter, what are the "effective" operational processes? Of course, since we generally know what good DBAs do, then all we need is a framework or checklist to rate the database administration operations area. Sounds easy, doesn't it? Then why aren't there any good templates available? A quick Internet search on SQL Server audits will produce a lot of results including best practices and worst practices, tips and tricks, performance audits, and security audits--unfortunately nothing on operational audits. Sure, Microsoft will champion their MOF assessment, but what I really want is a database specific checklist or framework that provides an objective assessment of the things a Database Administration function needs to do in order to effectively run database operations.

Defining the Audit Items

Not having found a suitable checklist I decided to create my own. First let me define the purpose of an operational audit: to rate an organization's database administration area against known best practices in an objective manner. My Internet search wasn't completely fruitless as I did turn up one item that I'll use in developing a checklist: a Powerpoint presentation from Microsoft TechEd 2003 entitled  "Building an Operations Guide" by Cathan Cook. In her presentation, Cook makes several suggestions--including using the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Operations guide as an outline for creating a run book. I read the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Operations guide when it first came out and even kept a copy on my bookshelf, where it remained for the past four years. At the time I read it, the usefulness of the guide did not occur to me until I viewed Cook's presentation. It was all written right there in the Operations guide. Each of the seven chapters lists key operational processes:

  • Change, Configuration, and Release Management
  • Security Administration
  • System Administration
  • Monitoring and Control
  • Capacity and Storage Management
  • Problem and Incident Management
  • Service Management

Re-reading the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Operations guide, it seems almost complete. However, there was one item, which although not a process, I felt should be included in an operational audit--SQL Server licensing. The reason I believe licensing should be included is that it is often misunderstood and sometimes you'll find SQL Servers that are either unlicensed or improperly licensed. However, it's not always bad. Sometimes

you'll find cases where SQL Servers are running with a higher end SQL license than what is supported by the hardware or user population, presenting an opportunity to save money. A good analogy for software licensing is that it's like taxes: you want to be honest and pay your fees, but at the same time you don't want to over pay.

Creating the Audit Report Format

Now that we have a framework let's discuss what is the best way to

present the

information contained in our audit. Cook's presentation mentions


your own operations guide or a run book, which isn't exactly what I had

in mind. Another Internet search turned up some excellent auditing

documents from GIAC--

specifically Graham Thompson's paper on

Auditing a SQL Server 2000 Server.

Looking at his document, I was so impressed with his overall

organization that I decided to adapt it to my own audit document

creating the

following sections:

  • Overview and Identification
  • Checklist
  • Summary

The overview section will contain a short description of the purpose of

the operational audit, a  description of the department or


(including IT infrastructure) and a list of all SQL Servers that will

be included in the audit. For the checklist I'll use a

concise one page table, per check. The table is

formatted as follows:

Reference Used to "cite your sources" by providing a description


URL for the operational check. Here you want to include a link to the

SQL Server 2000 Operations Guide chapter. Also note you can include

other references which fall under the operational category, for example

under Security

you could include a link to the operations manual and a

link to a good SQL Server security article.

Objective Describes the objective of the operational process.
Risk Documents the risk of not having the operational process.

Expected Results

Documents the expected outcome of the operational


Review Details Describes how data will be collected.
Review Results Documents the review results: Compliant, Partially

Compliant, or Non-Compliant.

Reviewer Notes Documents the reviewer's comments and provides more

detailed information on results.

Notice I'm not using the word "audit"; I'll explain why later. Finally,

the summary section includes a one page executive summary of the

findings. The executive summary can take the format of bulleted text or

alternatively, a dashboard like scorecard with red, yellow and green

checkmarks. The sample SQL Server Operational

Assessment contains

both formats.

Collecting the Data

The data for the audit will be collected by conducting interviews, reviewing

the existing documentation, and querying systems configuration. Some of

the key processes will only require interviewing and reviewing

documentation, while other key process data can be collected through

scripts or other automated processes. For example, you can't run a script to

collect data for Service Management to determine whether SLAs have been implemented or whether issues and bugs

are properly tracked. You'll need to talk to people to determine

whether these operational processes have been adopted. For the

operational process data which can be collected through scripts, try to

automate as much as possible. There are some good scripts on SQL Server

Central or commercial software or you may want to create your own scripts. I found Microsoft's

SQL Health and History Checker (SQLH2)

to be a

fast and free way to collect a lot of information on multiple SQL

Servers quickly; however its reliance on Reporting

Services for producing reports doesn't make it very lightweight.

In the end you'll probably end up with a series of scripts. Choose the

scripts and utilities that work best for you, and thoroughly test the

scripts in your own


Executing the Audit

On my first attempt to use the operational audit, I quickly discovered

people didn't like the word audit.  It seems to have a


connotation, especially in financial circles. So a quick global replace

of the word "audit" with "review" and the overall project is now an

"assessment" and instead of an "audit." I know this seems petty, but having dealt

with auditors myself (no offense, I know auditors are just doing their job) I

could see their point. As for collecting the data

for the assessment, keep in mind your goal is to audit and report

findings not to create a run book or fix issues that are found. You can

always plan for addressing issues as follow-on work. Also remember

that nobody likes to be criticized, so constructive criticism

should be delivered with tact and diplomacy. When I ran through the audit

with an external customer, I often reminded them that my own database

administration department wouldn't pass certain key operational

processes, and in general most database administration departments would not

pass all key operational processes however, it is

worth striving

towards. Ultimately, the more best practices adopted, the easier it will

be to support database operations.


This article demonstrates a framework for evaluating the

effectiveness of database operations using existing guides and best

practices. By using the provided framework you can extend your evaluation

to include nearly any additional item within the eight key operational

processes provided. The operational audit template will provide you with a

useful method for evaluating an organization's database operations.



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