A Special Announcement from Andy, Brian, and Steve

  • Congratulations for this achievement, and wish you all the best of luck for the future.

    Glad to see that the editorial is still maintained by Steve.

    Best regards,

    André Cardoso

  • I share the same opinion as many of the others who have already commented - this is an excellent site, you've chosen a responsible new owner and we're all very thankful and happy members of the SSC community   Cheers for the great site, the clear & open letter and best of luck for your future endeavours. 

  • Happy Trails and all the best for the future for you three.  Thanks for a great site, great articles and commentary, and a great forum. 

    Guess I need to hop over to Red Gate's site for a clue to the future, which in our current business culture means changes.

    Again, all the best.



  • For my part I read this and my first reaction was a hollow, sinking feeling - I felt I was losing a "best friend" - someone who's always been around - 24/7 - I could log on anytime morning, noon and night and always find at least one "friend" online - this site has always been a great place for bonhomie and camaraderie as much as it has been for tapping some great minds for some remarkable solutions - it has been my home away from home for such a long time now that I took for granted that things will always be just so....

    Underneath all this bemoaning-my-sense-of-loss, I AM happy for you guys and I know this deal must've been struck after a lot of thought and not as a mere whim...I just have to get used to the idea and let the news sink in....so in your words...how is it going to be different for us...the members...is the transition going to be seamless...I know Steve is going to continue with his editorials and that is GREAT news indeed....for I really cannot imagine this site without his "daily voice"...but are there going to be any major changes that we should look for/anticipate ?!?!

    ps: I should've said this right in the beginning...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

    pps: my guess on "fourdeuce.com"...deuce (origin:in which a player must score two successive points to win the game or two successive games to win the set) - so you guys want to see if the second time around you'll be as good as you were with ssc.com (you say so yourself in your article)..as for "four"...I think originally there was a fourth name mentioned who initiated this site with you...or maybe you are going to have a fourth person join you for this second venture ?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Congratulations guys!

    I have recently started working with Red Gate and I like the "crew" over there (as well as their products) so I am glad to see this happen. Hope you 3 continued success in your future efforts and rest assured that all of us here will do our best to keep the legacy you created alive and well!

  • Good luck gentlemen. SQL Server Central has helped me and has been an inspiration. I like the free SQL Prompt program so maybe that's a sign of what is to come from Red-Gate.

    Thank you.


  • Absolute best wishes for the future guys. You've done extremely well with this place. It's become a go-to point for my own growth & knowledge.

    I have to say I'm sorry to see it passing on, but that's just uncertainty with the future. Red-Gate is a great company and with Steve still running things around here, this place should remain great or get even greater.


    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • I know only Steve. Had no interaction with Andy and Brian. They must be great guys two

    I am averse to browsing the internet from the beginning. This is one of three sites I visit on a daily basis, can you believe? The other two are hotmail and google.

    I work on SQL Server and I like this site very much. It has taught me a lot which books can never teach. Books are no doubt structured, but after the structured learning is over, you need the punch. That's where SqlServerCentral.com kicks in.

    I don't know what this Red Gate deal is all about, but if my favorite SqlServerCentral.com gets screwed up, I will definitely be angry for life with Andy, Brian and Steve. Money is not everything guys. 350,000 people are looking up to you. And you have no right (at least ethically,(now just don't say "who cares ethics") to jeopardize that.

    enough of ranting. Good luck guys!

    Jambu Krishnamurthy


  • The best of wishes to you guys - this site was.... nay IS .... and WILL BE my first port of call when on my SQL wanderings. Thanks for everything over the years. To RedGate, keep this site as good as your products.

  • This site is the THE BEST I ever found answers, for my sql questions. Thanks for all you did. Great job and congratulations for your future.

  • Great news for you guys and best of luck. Been so busy lately I was urprised I chose today to open the site and found this. Anyway I am sure RedGate won't upset the balance too much as that would cost them. My only concern is they may consider changing the article copyrighting so they own which would be to their bennefit. Hope they don't go that far but they may pay better if they do.

  • Just wanted to wish you guys the best of lucks. You've helped me solved everydays problems in a quick and easy way.

    once again thanks from a humble reader from Argentina.-




    Hugo S.-

    The Walt Disney Company LA.-

  • I cannot thank you enough for this site and your stewardship of it.  It has been my main port of call since focusing my skills on SQL Server.

    From the forums to the articles all the way down to the mysterious "is it beer split on pizza/happy elephant/or space aliens" rooky graphic, I have gained insight, inspiration and innumerable pieces of butt-saving advice.

    Best wishes to all of you! See ya around.

    Skål - jh

  • Congrats guys.  The funny thing about this is as I was reading this article, the song Goodbye my lover from James Blunt started playing and it sure seemed fitting (not that I love any of you that way)!  I wish you all the best in all your future projects. 

    The one thing I'd like to add is that this community is great because of all the peoples in it.  Sure Steve, Brian and Andy are a great part of it but they are not the whole community.  We are the community and because of all of us, this site is awesome and nothing can change that but us (not even Red Gate).  And I for one ain't going nowhere else soon, or ever for that matter.

    RGR'US (Resident genius and ubiquitus spook  -- ask sushila for the whole story!).

  • I just have to chime in and add my own words of congratulations and wish you guys all the best in whichever direction life takes you.  I'm sure SQLServerCentral will change somewhat but I am glad to hear you guys will still be around.  And we should also give you all a great deal of credit for doing your utmost to deal with a company that seems to have the best interests of the community at heart.  Shallower people who cared less about the community they helped to create would have just gone with the highest bidder, taken the money, and ran.

    This is THE premier SQL Server web site period.  There's nothing that even approaches the spirit of professionalism, helpfulness, and courtesy exhibited daily here anywhere else around.  Here's hoping that even under new leadership that these things continue and that those (aside from the 'Big 3'  ) who have selflessly helped make this a great place continue to do so.

    All the best to you guys!!  The accolades are well deserved. 

    Oh, and PS - the answer to FourDuece?  42, right?  Isn't that the answer to all life in the universe?    Where's my prize? 



    My hovercraft is full of eels.

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