A Special Announcement from Andy, Brian, and Steve

  • I'm sure that's a good moment to say:

    Thank you for having grow up this great SQL Server website. Since I discovered it, I've read a lot of your daily articles and that's a really good knowledge place.

    I just wonder how will run this. Is it going to loose it's 'freedom' ? Because now there's a big company taking control ...

  • Best of luck in your futures guys.  This newsletter has for a long time been the secret weapon in my knowledge base!  I'm disappointed that it might change, but that is I suppose the eternal constant.  good luck!


  • Congratulations guys.  I have used and promoted SSC for a number of years.  And I began using Red Gate’s products because of SSC.  Both are great assets to any SQL Server professional.  I hope Red Gate continues to grow SSC as well as the three of you have.  Best of luck on your future endeavors.

  • Great news guys!  Congrats!  May you guys find continued success in everything you do!

  • sswords - ah really do believe you've hit the nail on the head with your guess...This means that I won't get my prize...

    Hey Remi - good to see all the familiar people around (comme d'habitude) - still digesting the "big news" of the transfer of ownership...so these constants make me feel good in a world of variables...


    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Like many others, I frequent SSC daily and IMHO it is the best site for SQL I've seen since I started working with SQL Server (v4.2.1). I have found solutions here to questions I hadn't even figured out how to ask yet.

    Best wishes to all three of you. Let's all hope that Red-Gate/SSC continues the tradition already in place here and that the regulars continue to contribute. We all learn more together than in a vacuum.

    Buy the ticket, take the ride. -- Hunter S. Thompson

  • This site is one of the best. It has always been a great learning tool and help site for solving problems. Glad that it will still be around and great that you all are moving in directions that make you happy complete people. I hope Red-Gate keeps the site the true help site that I have come to expect without being a "buy our solution" only site.

    Good luck and best of everything!

  • Congratulations guys!

    I started my technical writing at SSC, and I am very grateful for your help and encouragement over the years. This has been a truly great site. My best wishes to you all. I am sure we will cross path in the future, and I look forward to meet you guys again at PASS.

  • As one of the earliest member of this site I can't say anything else but congratuations! I hope that what you created is maintained for life.

    Good luck!!

    * Noel

  • Congradulation!  I am sad but I am also happy for you guys.

    I just hope Red Gate will not charge a subscription fee and it will keep this website as the best SQL Server website.

    If they charge a subsrciption fee, I will ask you guys - Steve, Brian and Andy pay for it.

    (TOAD is the best tool for Oracle developer and it is free. Once Quest bought it, it is not free anymore.  Well, it still has a free version but you have to download every month, what a pain !  I will never buy anything from Quest. :angry

    So I hope Red Gate will not do something that stupid.



  • Are you guys 42 years old?

  • Must be there average age .

  • Lots of questions, here is some detail from a Red Gate angle.

    Even though Red Gate has grown a lot in the last few years, most people still have "engineer" somewhere in their job title, and we know how important it is to earn the respect of the community. Steve, Andy and Brian have done an awesome job, and we aren't going to do anything that could mess it up. The site will remain FREE and editorially independent. No subscription fee, no catches. Steve will have a lead-lined editors bunker in Denver, and will have more time freed up for the editing / writing side of the site. (If you don't believe me on the independence thing, we already run http://www.simple-talk.com, which is more of a technical journal, but is editorially independent from Red Gate so I'm not just making this up 🙂 )

    It's pretty obvious from the number of people who use ad blockers that having too many ads is annoying - so we will reduce the amount of advertising substantially. The best marketing for us is producing great software which SQL Server pro's want to talk about. If there is something they don't like, we want to know about this too.

    If you have any other questions for Red Gate then put them here, and I'll do my best to answer them. However, Steve's still running the site, and he'll have more resources to make improvements now, so if you have any suggestions then let him know.


    Dan Nunan

    Red Gate Software


  • First of all, congrats on the new move.  Though I've never met any of you I have had the opportunity to visit with Steve through e-mail on a number of occasions.  I hope this endeavour goes well for all of you.

    Now call me skeptical, but I am concerned about the future of this site.  SSC is my primary resource for SQL Server information, and I hope that Red Gate realizes what a good thing they have here.  If their motives are to keep the site pure (specifically, that it remains free for all and that it is not choked with advertising for their own products), then this venue will continue to be a success.  My gut reaction is to question the motive of a SQL Server software vendor buying an established SQL Server resource website.  However, the three guys seem to have a passion for this site and I don't believe that they would sell out to just anybody.  I, like the other 350,000 members, will wait anxiously to see what happens.

    Again, congratulations to Steve, Andy, and Brian.  I'm certain you will do well in this new direction you have taken.



    Tim Mitchell, Microsoft Data Platform MVP
    Data Warehouse and ETL Consultant
    TimMitchell.net | @Tim_Mitchell | Tyleris.com
    ETL Best Practices

  •  I think you'd be better off to start a new thread which specifically answers that question... if not another article altogether!!

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