Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • jcrawf02 (5/27/2010)

    Jack Corbett (5/27/2010)

    jcrawf02 (5/27/2010)

    Paul White NZ (5/27/2010)

    Dave Ballantyne (5/27/2010)

    I find intellisense and its most annoying when putting together test code , ie where im quite happy for a column called 'A','B' or 'ID'. Can never remember to hit 'ESC' rather than space or column. Though ,even then ,i find it of limited use in production quality code.

    I find getting into the habit of typing SELECT * FROM dbo.Table T helps. Going back and typing "T." over the star brings up the column names.

    Always using an alias is a good habit to get into IMO.

    But you're using your snippet of ssf for SELECT * FROM, right? And tab to expand the columns? My laziness bone won't let me do more than that.

    Tab to expand the columns, but i don't use the snippets and need to start. I'm too lazy to learn what the snippets are or to create my own.:w00t:

    Totally need to, it's lazy^n

    I've even added in some simple stupid ones like ob for Order By, gb for Group By, etc, just to save keystrokes and help the prompting part work smoother. Also modified a couple to add spaces on the end, which then activates the next prompt.

    And then there are the fun ones like neo or yell, which I actually find quite useful some days...

    I have a blog post about neo and yell, thought those were hilarious.

    I definitely need to do some snippets. How's exporting/importing those from one machine to another work? I have a laptop and desktop with SQLPrompt and I'd hate to have them on one and not another.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • The Dixie Flatline (5/27/2010)

    GilaMonster (5/26/2010)

    Is it me, or is this week particularly bad in the 'bad questions' dept?

    Gail, are you saying the posted questions are getting worse?


    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Luke L (5/27/2010)

    Paul White NZ (5/27/2010)

    Steve Jones - Editor (5/27/2010)

    Having great typing skills and lots of snippets as well might alleviate the need as well.

    Well I'm a reasonable (code) typist, but to my shame I must admit I have never used a snippet! Will have to check into that since everyone keeps talking about it 🙂

    If SQLPrompt were, say, around the NZ$100 mark I'd probably cave in too. I don't dare download the free trial for the same reasons Mr Ninja gave back there.

    (If you ever want to run some sort of SSC competition with a copy of SQLPrompt as a prize, consider me in.)

    They did that a few years back, I think it was when SQL PRompt 2.0 came out. Gave the top 50 or 100 posters a license, but hey who couldn't use an upgrade? 😉

    I am one of those individuals. I used it for a bit but then stopped. That particular version of SQL Prompt made QA a real pig for me when working with the PeopleSoft databases; Finance has 62,459 tables and 30,395 views, HR has 27,448 tables and 19,941 views. When working on these I had to turn off SQL Prompt or I couldn't do anything.

    Maybe the newer version works better, but I don't have the money to purchase it and I don't think the district will spring for it after having to cut 13 Million from next years budget with more cuts on the horizon.

  • I just created a cmd file that runs when I login, copies from the team folder so I have the latest versions (shared within our team), saves to the appropriate location (attached). You could use similar to import to your snippets folders.

    Wish they could do the same with aliases, haven't figured that one out yet, although I imagine it's similar, find the folder, copy in.

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • More free consulting?

    Anyone keen and free?

    I don't mind deadlock questions (though they're often a fair bit of work), but this looks like a general 'look at the trace and give general comments'

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Note to self: avoid PeopleSoft.

  • Paul White NZ (5/27/2010)

    Note to self: avoid PeopleSoft.

    You have four too many letters on the end there.

    How best to post your question[/url]
    How to post performance problems[/url]
    Tally Table:What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url]

    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • I'd say avoid all large, generic ERP programs. I think they all suck. I worked for JD Edwards and Peoplesoft, both of which were POS products in my mind.

  • Paul White NZ (5/27/2010)

    Note to self: avoid PeopleSoft.

    And most of the tables are empty as we are only using 6 of the modules available in PeopleSoft. Still, slowed down SQLPrompt enough that I decided not to use it.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (5/27/2010)

    I'd say avoid all large, generic ERP programs. I think they all suck. I worked for JD Edwards and Peoplesoft, both of which were POS products in my mind.

    From what I have found from our PeopleSoft support team, it got worse after they were bought by Oracle.

  • GilaMonster (5/27/2010)

    More free consulting?

    Anyone keen and free?

    I don't mind deadlock questions (though they're often a fair bit of work), but this looks like a general 'look at the trace and give general comments'

    Analyze a 15MB trace file, for free? I don't think so, I have my own job to do once I finish lunch.

  • Lynn Pettis (5/27/2010)

    Steve Jones - Editor (5/27/2010)

    I'd say avoid all large, generic ERP programs. I think they all suck. I worked for JD Edwards and Peoplesoft, both of which were POS products in my mind.

    From what I have found from our PeopleSoft support team, it got worse after they were bought by Oracle.

    I can attest to that. Did you ever try to explain to an employee that a tax was just applied to the system but was effective say in February and now you have to retro-pay that amount to get caught up and that's the reason your paycheck is $100 less this pay period? In this economy? Think all your employees are going to be rational once they hear that? Talk about putting your life into Oracle's hands....

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • Lynn Pettis (5/27/2010)

    GilaMonster (5/27/2010)

    More free consulting?

    Anyone keen and free?

    I don't mind deadlock questions (though they're often a fair bit of work), but this looks like a general 'look at the trace and give general comments'

    Analyze a 15MB trace file, for free? I don't think so, I have my own job to do once I finish lunch.

    Perhaps the hippo can do it? If, of course, the hippo has some free time available from guarding the tent... and fresh fruit is offered... and a nice place to swim... and some shade...

    -- Kit

  • tosscrosby (5/27/2010)

    Lynn Pettis (5/27/2010)

    Steve Jones - Editor (5/27/2010)

    I'd say avoid all large, generic ERP programs. I think they all suck. I worked for JD Edwards and Peoplesoft, both of which were POS products in my mind.

    From what I have found from our PeopleSoft support team, it got worse after they were bought by Oracle.

    I can attest to that. Did you ever try to explain to an employee that a tax was just applied to the system but was effective say in February and now you have to retro-pay that amount to get caught up and that's the reason your paycheck is $100 less this pay period? In this economy? Think all your employees are going to be rational once they hear that? Talk about putting your life into Oracle's hands....

    Luckily, I provide support to the PeopleSoft support team (they take care of maintenacne packs and upgrades), and the funtional leads in the departments have to answer all the questions related to the updates, not the PeopleSoft support team (or me).

  • Please, anyone, if I am wrong here let me know.

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