Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • TomThomson - Saturday, January 26, 2019 6:57 PM

    rodjkidd - Thursday, January 24, 2019 8:28 AM

    Is it too early to mention SQL Bits?
    Who from the Thread are attending?


    I would have attended, but looking after my Ann took priority again this year, so I needed to be not far away from her where she has for years had to live in the winter because Britain is, according to her doctors,  too cold (buying a place in Lanzarote for her to live in during winter has given her an extra 13.5 years of not being totally bed-ridden compared to the doctors' predictions 15 years ago if she was going to spend her winters in the UK). 
    But now things have gone wrong.  If I'd known what would happen, perhaps I could have come to SQL Bits  - she died in the main hospital in Arrecife on Sunday 13 January this year, and so she doesn't need me to look after her day by day any more. 
    So I've had her body brought home to be buried where she wanted.  Then, as she would never make a will, I have to sort out her estate in Britain and seperately sort out her estate in Spain (radically different laws) so that our childen don't have to cope with that bureaucracy ( and I shall write the neccessary English and Spanish wills to ensure they aren't stuck with that when I die).  But sorting out that bureaucracy is not urgent (I hope).
    And I have to sort out myself and accept that I've lost her, but I dont know if I can cope with that.

    So very sorry for your loss Tom.

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work - Monday, January 28, 2019 1:22 AM

    TomThomson - Saturday, January 26, 2019 6:57 PM

    rodjkidd - Thursday, January 24, 2019 8:28 AM

    Is it too early to mention SQL Bits?
    Who from the Thread are attending?


    I would have attended, but looking after my Ann took priority again this year, so I needed to be not far away from her where she has for years had to live in the winter because Britain is, according to her doctors,  too cold (buying a place in Lanzarote for her to live in during winter has given her an extra 13.5 years of not being totally bed-ridden compared to the doctors' predictions 15 years ago if she was going to spend her winters in the UK). 
    But now things have gone wrong.  If I'd known what would happen, perhaps I could have come to SQL Bits  - she died in the main hospital in Arrecife on Sunday 13 January this year, and so she doesn't need me to look after her day by day any more. 
    So I've had her body brought home to be buried where she wanted.  Then, as she would never make a will, I have to sort out her estate in Britain and seperately sort out her estate in Spain (radically different laws) so that our childen don't have to cope with that bureaucracy ( and I shall write the neccessary English and Spanish wills to ensure they aren't stuck with that when I die).  But sorting out that bureaucracy is not urgent (I hope).
    And I have to sort out myself and accept that I've lost her, but I dont know if I can cope with that.

    So very sorry for your loss Tom.


    Sorry to hear about Anne. My condolences.


  • TomThomson - Saturday, January 26, 2019 6:57 PM

    I would have attended, but looking after my Ann took priority again this year, so I needed to be not far away from her where she has for years had to live in the winter because Britain is, according to her doctors,  too cold (buying a place in Lanzarote for her to live in during winter has given her an extra 13.5 years of not being totally bed-ridden compared to the doctors' predictions 15 years ago if she was going to spend her winters in the UK). 
    But now things have gone wrong.  If I'd known what would happen, perhaps I could have come to SQL Bits  - she died in the main hospital in Arrecife on Sunday 13 January this year, and so she doesn't need me to look after her day by day any more. 
    So I've had her body brought home to be buried where she wanted.  Then, as she would never make a will, I have to sort out her estate in Britain and seperately sort out her estate in Spain (radically different laws) so that our childen don't have to cope with that bureaucracy ( and I shall write the neccessary English and Spanish wills to ensure they aren't stuck with that when I die).  But sorting out that bureaucracy is not urgent (I hope).
    And I have to sort out myself and accept that I've lost her, but I dont know if I can cope with that.

    Truly sorry for your loss. I can only imagine what you're going through.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • TomThomson - Saturday, January 26, 2019 6:57 PM

    rodjkidd - Thursday, January 24, 2019 8:28 AM

    Is it too early to mention SQL Bits?
    Who from the Thread are attending?


    I would have attended, but looking after my Ann took priority again this year, so I needed to be not far away from her where she has for years had to live in the winter because Britain is, according to her doctors,  too cold (buying a place in Lanzarote for her to live in during winter has given her an extra 13.5 years of not being totally bed-ridden compared to the doctors' predictions 15 years ago if she was going to spend her winters in the UK). 
    But now things have gone wrong.  If I'd known what would happen, perhaps I could have come to SQL Bits  - she died in the main hospital in Arrecife on Sunday 13 January this year, and so she doesn't need me to look after her day by day any more. 
    So I've had her body brought home to be buried where she wanted.  Then, as she would never make a will, I have to sort out her estate in Britain and seperately sort out her estate in Spain (radically different laws) so that our childen don't have to cope with that bureaucracy ( and I shall write the neccessary English and Spanish wills to ensure they aren't stuck with that when I die).  But sorting out that bureaucracy is not urgent (I hope).
    And I have to sort out myself and accept that I've lost her, but I dont know if I can cope with that.

    Man, that's rough. Sorry for your loss and I wish you the strength to learn to cope. I hope you have a lot of people around you who are there for you when you need someone.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
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  • TomThomson - Saturday, January 26, 2019 6:57 PM

    rodjkidd - Thursday, January 24, 2019 8:28 AM

    Is it too early to mention SQL Bits?
    Who from the Thread are attending?


    I would have attended, but looking after my Ann took priority again this year, so I needed to be not far away from her where she has for years had to live in the winter because Britain is, according to her doctors,  too cold (buying a place in Lanzarote for her to live in during winter has given her an extra 13.5 years of not being totally bed-ridden compared to the doctors' predictions 15 years ago if she was going to spend her winters in the UK). 
    But now things have gone wrong.  If I'd known what would happen, perhaps I could have come to SQL Bits  - she died in the main hospital in Arrecife on Sunday 13 January this year, and so she doesn't need me to look after her day by day any more. 
    So I've had her body brought home to be buried where she wanted.  Then, as she would never make a will, I have to sort out her estate in Britain and seperately sort out her estate in Spain (radically different laws) so that our childen don't have to cope with that bureaucracy ( and I shall write the neccessary English and Spanish wills to ensure they aren't stuck with that when I die).  But sorting out that bureaucracy is not urgent (I hope).
    And I have to sort out myself and accept that I've lost her, but I dont know if I can cope with that.

    I'm very sorry to hear about your loss, Tom.  I hope you find the strength to deal with it, but I know what you mean...I don't know if I could.

  • TomThomson - Saturday, January 26, 2019 6:57 PM

    rodjkidd - Thursday, January 24, 2019 8:28 AM

    Is it too early to mention SQL Bits?
    Who from the Thread are attending?


    I would have attended, but looking after my Ann took priority again this year, so I needed to be not far away from her where she has for years had to live in the winter because Britain is, according to her doctors,  too cold (buying a place in Lanzarote for her to live in during winter has given her an extra 13.5 years of not being totally bed-ridden compared to the doctors' predictions 15 years ago if she was going to spend her winters in the UK). 
    But now things have gone wrong.  If I'd known what would happen, perhaps I could have come to SQL Bits  - she died in the main hospital in Arrecife on Sunday 13 January this year, and so she doesn't need me to look after her day by day any more. 
    So I've had her body brought home to be buried where she wanted.  Then, as she would never make a will, I have to sort out her estate in Britain and seperately sort out her estate in Spain (radically different laws) so that our childen don't have to cope with that bureaucracy ( and I shall write the neccessary English and Spanish wills to ensure they aren't stuck with that when I die).  But sorting out that bureaucracy is not urgent (I hope).
    And I have to sort out myself and accept that I've lost her, but I dont know if I can cope with that.

    So sorry to hear about your loss Tom. Strength and healing my friend!!


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  • TomThomson - Saturday, January 26, 2019 6:57 PM

    And I have to sort out myself and accept that I've lost her, but I dont know if I can cope with that.

    My condolences, Tom. Sorry for your loss and hope you have lots of wonderful memories.

  • TomThomson - Saturday, January 26, 2019 6:57 PM

    I would have attended, but looking after my Ann took priority again this year, so I needed to be not far away from her where she has for years had to live in the winter because Britain is, according to her doctors,  too cold (buying a place in Lanzarote for her to live in during winter has given her an extra 13.5 years of not being totally bed-ridden compared to the doctors' predictions 15 years ago if she was going to spend her winters in the UK). 
    But now things have gone wrong.  If I'd known what would happen, perhaps I could have come to SQL Bits  - she died in the main hospital in Arrecife on Sunday 13 January this year, and so she doesn't need me to look after her day by day any more. 
    So I've had her body brought home to be buried where she wanted.  Then, as she would never make a will, I have to sort out her estate in Britain and seperately sort out her estate in Spain (radically different laws) so that our childen don't have to cope with that bureaucracy ( and I shall write the neccessary English and Spanish wills to ensure they aren't stuck with that when I die).  But sorting out that bureaucracy is not urgent (I hope).
    And I have to sort out myself and accept that I've lost her, but I dont know if I can cope with that.

    Really sorry to hear Tom. Sorting yourself out, and family, is by far top priority and I hope that you do have the support and friendships you need. I'm sure you already know (just by the posts here) that you have the support and wishes of us here at SSC.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thanks for posting this, Jason.  I always appreciate reading about such things.

  • Ed Wagner - Thursday, January 31, 2019 12:11 PM

    Thanks for posting this, Jason.  I always appreciate reading about such things.

    As ammo to tell the higher-ups "don't do this!"

  • - Thursday, January 31, 2019 12:36 PM

    As ammo to tell the higher-ups "don't do this!"

    Exactly.  You hit the nail on the head. πŸ˜‰

  • Ed Wagner - Thursday, January 31, 2019 12:49 PM

    Exactly.  You hit the nail on the head. πŸ˜‰

    Seriously? They lost five minutes on a few databases. I would be hard pressed to say the same about the servers I used to manage. I'm sure many of us would be. I know a lots of people are down on "the cloud" and yet put their data into hosted providers. What the heck is that but someone else's data center. Same thing.

    Going into this stuff eyes wide open? Sure. Actively resisting just because? Nope.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Grant Fritchey - Thursday, January 31, 2019 1:30 PM

    Seriously? They lost five minutes on a few databases. I would be hard pressed to say the same about the servers I used to manage. I'm sure many of us would be. I know a lots of people are down on "the cloud" and yet put their data into hosted providers. What the heck is that but someone else's data center. Same thing.

    Going into this stuff eyes wide open? Sure. Actively resisting just because? Nope.

    To be fair, how big of an impact this would have, obviously would depend on your system.
    The systems I manage?  5 minutes lost?  Did anyone notice, probably only because they got a warning from their front end...
    Heck, a couple of the applications that use my servers for databases would keep chugging along doing their thing during the outage and writing the data when it's back up.

    Now, if you're talking some busy online retailer or the like, 5 minutes could be a couple hundred grand in lost revenue and becomes a big thing, but not, I would think, a RGE for the DBA (after all, the DBA wasn't the one that dropped the DBs)

    And, really, for me, this wouldn't be a "nope, not going cloud, nope, nope nope" thing, it was a one-off (so far.)

  • I request permission to commence trolling. Please reply ASAP.

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