Away From SQL

  • I too love to spend time in my garage/wood shop.  I have accumulated a lot of woodworking tools and love to produce real world objects with my skills.  Much like i enjoy producing database objects in the fake world at work.

    I have made desks, shelves, storage units, scrapgbooking organizers, desk organizers, pencil holders, clocks, vases, chests (toy,blanket,etc), tables, wall hangings, magnetic boards, and many many other items.  Its nice to put the fingers onto something real and design, architect, implement, test and use.

    When i am not at the computer or the table saw, i enjoy jetskiing, motorcycling, water skiing, snow skiing, geocaching and travelling.

  • I enjoy hunting and trapping.  Going from an ultra cutting edge technology career to performing the basic skills of human nature keeps a good balance in my life.  Ofcourse my wife would say forget about your virtual balance and do something with me...and I oblige.


  • I enjoy Pistol marksmanship, if I’m lucky 2000 rounds a year, I don't have the time I used to.

    Yard work, allows time to think about the nasty riddle at work.

    Wood work when it's called for, not high grade stuff, Utility stuff, Book cases, Desk, Swing Set, outdoor furniture.

    Cheers to all.

  • Motorcycle, photography, scuba, ski and basketball.

    But my favorite is playing with my 5 years old son. Also watching Sponge Bob with him.

  • -Movies.

    * Very proud of my purchased collection of 300+ movies.  Looking for a good juke box for playing them though.

    -Video Games

    *City of Heroes. Never thought a MMORPG would be any good, but its pretty compariable to the rpg's of yore, but less twentysided dice.

    But any computer game is fine by me.


    * Scientific American, The Economist, the tactile feel of a curled up magazine beats the fight over refresh rates... and eye strain... easier reading in the tub as well.

    I like oil painting, horseback riding, chess, hockey in my offtime.

  • Outdoor Florida Stuff:

    Flyfishing, Offshore Fishing, Snorkeling, Kayaking, Hiking, Biking, Tennis

  • I guess I should add in reading (fiction mostly). This year, 100+ books

  • Ok so to relax I run Science Fiction conventions.  I'm a mamber of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society and we put on Science Fiction Conventions.  Since we are a literary society we tend to focus on the written side of SF and next November I'm the Chairman of Loscon our anual convention.  I also attend them all over the country.  I get to meet interesting people from places like Cal Tech and Nasa, it's a gas.  It can be an expensive hobby though so I also love cooking.  I've done a complete dinner for 30 making Chicken Kiev from scratch.  Love to see people eat what I cook.  I'm also a digital artist and I use 3DS Max, Bryce, and Poser to put together 3D artwork and I sell it at conventions.  But basically I guess I'm a fan boy.


    Kindest Regards,

    Scott Beckstead

    "We cannot defend freedom abroad by abandoning it here at home!"
    Edward R. Murrow

  • As my screen name implies, I love watching, reading, and collecting anything related to Husker Football. I'm not just a fan...I'm a fanatic and proud of it!

    I also enjoy watching other college and NFL football. In fact, after the Super Bowl is over, I experience a slight depression due to the fact that there will be no more football for a few months...not until the annual Spring game in April.

    In the warmer months I enjoy flower gardening and golfing. Both are quite relaxing and get me outside to enjoy some fresh air. There's nothing better than getting your hands dirty and watching something grow into a beautiful flower. The weeding isn't quite as much fun, but a necessary part of gardening.

    Wendy Schuman

  • 1) Trotting the globe - haven't been able to do this seriously for a long time but I spend hours, days and weeks planning my next trip down to the very last detail. Heading to Southern Spain next week (Yaaay!) for 2 whole weeks (luxury indeed!!!) and have already reasearched everything from directions from airport to hotel; recommended places to eat - best tapas bars; local wine; nearby day trips - Gibraltar, Morocco et al...

    2) Language classes - to be able to communicate in different languages is a skill I've never been able to hone simply because I don't get the opportunity to practice speaking them... - however, I get full marks for continuing to persevere...

    3) Richard Josey - "ultimate in artistic creation; cooking." after my own heart...nothing more relaxing than challenging yourself with ingredients in the refrigerator and throwing them together for some "fusion" cooking - am a health food freak - so tofu, whole grains & fresh vegetables play a major role in my kitchen (& for those that're gagging - don't knock it till you've tried it..I've even converted people who're convinced that the only food worth eating is one where you can gnaw the flesh straight off the bones...)

    4) I spend a lot of time indoors in my basement office - so have a bowflex to go with it - took me a while to get used to it but now try & "bowflex" at least 4-5 times a week - someday before I die all this will make me look like one of those svelte ladies in the commercials...

    5) Weekend mornings (Spring & Summer) are for looooooooong walks with the dog - weekend evenings (all year long) are for movies, wine, bread & cheese.

    6) When not doing anything from #s 1 - 5, spend a lot of time catching up on reading, puzzles, crosswords - and am only just about to get started with sudoku (behind times - ) - got to ward off that alzheimers for as long as possible...

    Darn - Life is so short and just getting shorter all the time....just not enough time to do all that you want to do...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • WOW. Where do you find the time to read 100 books?

    SuccessWare Software

  • He uses his SQL SERVER CENTRAL jedi mind powers.

  • I have to say that my favorite passtime is reading, using science fiction books especially star-wars.

    When I am feeling energetic and it is good weather outside I like playing badmitton, on bad days I stick with Chess indoors.

  • I read a lot of books a year as well. I guess that's a good thing, because since I started Graduate school (working on a MS and a MBA) that seems like all I get to do.

  • I ride a motorcycle most of the time although I do have a couple of cars - one of which has been up on blocks since February and is virtually disassembled taking over a three car garage and rapidly becoming the proverbial pit to pour money into...  I manage to walk in Torrey Pines three times a week before work... and when I get home from work, my son and I have something like nine computers between us... and that's not counting Tivo which is such a blessing for non-readers   (just kidding... I still read; but mostly in front of a tv).  Both sons have finally joined me on the west coast so there's always something to do.


    david russell

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