Column aliases

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Column aliases

  • Thank you Steve, but i want to suggest yet two ways

    select test



    select mynum

    from dbo.myTable

    ) x(test);

    select 15test

    from dbo.myTable;


    Your queries #1 and #6 are identical ?!

    SELECT mynum AS test

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

  • I think the same thing

    AS Alias And AS 'Alias'

    also i can write AS [Alias], or write CTE

    so there are only three ways: "=", "AS" and column

    I Have Nine Lives You Have One Only

  • SELECT mynum AS test

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;


    SELECT mynum AS test

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

    Can anyone enlighten me how the first and the last differ?

  • 3 or 9 depends how you define different...

    column AS alias

    column AS 'alias'

    column AS [alias]

    column alias

    column 'alias'

    column [alias]

    alias = column

    'alias' = column

    [alias] = column

    And I didn't use double quotes.

    I only lost one point...

  • The right answer

    SELECT mynum AS test

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

    SELECT test = mynum

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

    SELECT 'test' = mynum

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

    SELECT mynum test

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

    SELECT mynum AS 'test'

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

    SELECT mynum 'test'

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

  • Hi Steve, the first and the sixth SELECT statement are the same: Should not be 5 is the correct answer?

    1st Query:

    SELECT mynum AS test

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

    6th Query:

    SELECT mynum AS test

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

    kind regards


  • Louis Hillebrand (9/2/2015)

    3 or 9 depends how you define different...

    column AS alias

    column AS 'alias'

    column AS [alias]

    column alias

    column 'alias'

    column [alias]

    alias = column

    'alias' = column

    [alias] = column

    And I didn't use double quotes.

    I only lost one point...

    [] and "" regard "Naming convention for names" and not aliasing a column name.

  • "String literals as column aliases" are a deprecated feature!

  • No difference. Steve made a mistake. Can happen with anyone.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I've read the post and he says: "(I've ignored [alias] and "alias" variations for brevity.)". So even when he's talking about six different ways he was also admitting there are variations. That's why my reply was 7 instead of 6.

  • I didn't really care so just guessed and got it right.

    Most developers will only ever use one method. That may depend on in-house standards but I'd recommend that used in the first example.

    I imagine the sixth (duplicate) one should have had square brackets.

    MCSA SQL Server 2012

  • I wish you all a good afternoon. It is difficult to decide on the correct answer... 🙂


    USE AdventureWorks2014; -- or AdventureWorks2008R2;


    SELECT TOP 10 BusinessEntityID [Employee Identification Number]

    FROM HumanResources.Employee;

    SELECT TOP 10 BusinessEntityID 'Employee Identification Number'

    FROM HumanResources.Employee;

    SELECT TOP 10 BusinessEntityID "Employee Identification Number"

    FROM HumanResources.Employee;


    SELECT TOP 10 BusinessEntityID AS [Employee Identification Number]

    FROM HumanResources.Employee;

    SELECT TOP 10 BusinessEntityID AS 'Employee Identification Number'

    FROM HumanResources.Employee;

    SELECT TOP 10 BusinessEntityID AS "Employee Identification Number"

    FROM HumanResources.Employee;


    SELECT TOP 10 [Employee Identification Number] = BusinessEntityID, NationalIDNumber as NatId

    FROM HumanResources.Employee;

    SELECT TOP 10 'Employee Identification Number' = BusinessEntityID, NationalIDNumber as NatId

    FROM HumanResources.Employee;

    SELECT TOP 10 "Employee Identification Number" = BusinessEntityID, NationalIDNumber as NatId

    FROM HumanResources.Employee;


    SELECT TOP 10 SalesOrderID, ShipDate,

    DaysSinceShipped = DATEDIFF(dd, ShipDate, GETDATE() )

    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader



  • handkot (9/1/2015)

    I think the same thing

    AS Alias And AS 'Alias'

    also i can write AS [Alias], or write CTE

    so there are only three ways: "=", "AS" and column




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