Dump SQL Permissions

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/cmiller/dumps

  • I have some C# code that dumps table defs and permissions using DMO.

    If you want it let me know.




  • Excellent!! Works very nicely Do you have any code that will dump(to a file) all user permission, writes, etc so that once I create another database on differenet server (test environment) I can reload the file and it would automatically load all users and ther permissions, passwords, etc??


    Thanks and again, excellent work!



  • Well, I've been looking for a reason and an opportunity to familiarize myself a little on DMO.  This seems like a useful tool that I can employ on a current project, so I think this is the opportunity.


    Larry Ansley
    Atlanta, GA

  • This is one sweet little tool.  Very nice

  • I'm definitely gonna take a look at this, but I'm wondering...

    Can this tool (or another other tool/script/sproc) show a "last logged in" date?

    Always trying to determine if a particular user is "active" or not.


  • Very, very nice utility. Kudos!

  • This is awsome, thanks for the valuable tool!

  • Sweet tool!



  • Cool Tool
    My friend translate this to Japanese.
    I want to publish Japanese Edition in our community PASSJ ?
    Can I do it ?

    out community: PASSJ

    PASSJ is Professional Association for SQL Server Japan.

    I'm a PASSJ dicector, and security-board leader.

    I already introduce DumpSQLSec in my BLog by Japanese.

     DumpSQLSec (Tools for output Security Setting to Excel)

  • Here is a script that does what you are looking for:


  • Sure -- I'm glad you've found it useful

  • Maybe you can post it in the free downloads section.

  • Unfortunately I don't -- but that's not a bad idea for another tool. Perhaps someone else has created one. I've been sitting on DumpSQLSec for three years and I bet quite a few DBAs have some cool SQL-DMO code out there. Let's start posting it.

    On seperate note, creating a SQL-DMO applicaton is a great way for DBAs to brush up on their programming skills. I plan on creating a .NET SQL-DMO application sometime this year in order to start learning .NET and of the course there's the added benefit of having yet another useful tool.

  • I have some code written in C# that dumps all users, table defs, and permissions to local files on disk.

    The code installs as a service and would only need a tweak to read the server name from a file or a registry setting. I'll post the code on here if anyone is interested and they can amend it and use it as they see fit.




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