
  • Believe it or not, I do have a few friends. Or maybe it's just people that owe me for doing something

    I don't think that the smartest is always promoted, but it helps. As does being a team player. I think that in this case, reading for an hour to make my freind happy shows some team spirit in addition to helping you out. Course I don't care. I agree with Jay. Makes it easier for me to shine in an interview.

    I got one job because of an intangible. Or at least I think it really helped. A fellow alum of UVA gave me a shot, partially because I was an alum. I was qualified, but I'm sure most others trying were as well. However that little bit helped.

  • RE - Your article on overpaid athletes.  I take exception on the 'training' item.  Only because I work for draconian bosses who refuse to provide any for us when we beg for it in order to improve our work.  Budgets for training are non-existent and were it not for 'freebies' offered by vendors, I could get no training at all other than what books I buy and read - or just old 'load it and go' doing 'ojt' training.  I agree salaries are inflated, but what I observe is that they are for the youngsters and newbies who have a piece of paper, but are NOT qualified with real-life experience.  Us old timers are told that we 'want too much' when we ask for a good salary for the 20+ years we have (besides WE don't have the papers saying we are guru's - we just wrote the code that the 'gurus' used when they got their little 'certifications'.  All in all, I am waiting for the day when the old dinosaurs (like me) die off and these newbies have to fix the 'broken stuff'.  It will be fun watching from our rocking chairs.......  M

  • Not to rain on your parade or anything, but I think you need to go back and re-take Economics 101. Your graph is all wrong. It should look like this:

    Correct supply and demand graph

    You would interpret as follows, as the price drops, people demand more of an item. As the price increases, suppliers want to sell more of an item. In terms of Owens, what we have is a limited supply of talented 240lbs lightening fast receivers that can play in the NFL.

    Using the correct graph, as you move the Supply line to your left because of the limited quantity of talented receivers than can be produced, you will see that the equilibrium point is also moved upwards. Because "good" receivers are in limited supply, they can demand a higher salary. If there were many comparable receivers that were readily available, the price that they could get would drop.

    Quantity can be replaced by "available time" to achieve the same result. The more someone will pay you per hour, the more hours you will want to work  (granted there is a point of diminishing returns but that is another subject). The fewer people there are that can do the same job, the higher the rate you can charge.

    So, although your economics is a bit sketchy, your point is absolutely correct. Owens can get obscene salaries because there are not many people that can do what he does as well as he does and there are people (like Dallas) that are crazy enough to pay it. More power to him.

    Since I am definitely not a Dallas fan, IMO he couldn't have gone to a better team. ;>

  • Supply and Demand curves aside ... what we've all forgotten is one of the most basic economic tenets; The "Marginal Propensity to Consume" ... aka The "Pig Principle" ... in other less academic words ... The more you have the more you want !

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • So is that the definition for ambition or greed ?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • No, its the definition of the need to continue to consume more because of inflation making what we have accumulated become worth less.

    But it comes as a big surprise that a woman not knowing of how to make something someone has worked really hard to obtain seem worthless, following it up with the expectation that they should go then get more.

  • I'm on vacation this week, so for all those who are not, my deepest sympathies.

  • ...and for all those that are on vacation and know this only because they log on to SSC in the evening instead of at the break of dawn...MY deepest sympathies...

    ps:Since everything is relative and someone is bound to ask...I'm talking est-usa!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • ....and your crack of dawn is my lunchtime...

  • Sushila, don't you think that Steve is more than a little tickled that GPF is on vacation, maybe in a beachfront hotel somewhere, and he has brought his laptop so he doesn't miss any SSC forum posts?

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • While Steve certainly has cause to be tickled GPF2^ needs some "check up from the neck up"...

    ps:Then again I know that a lot of us are serious SSC addicts and cannot survive w/out our daily dose..maybe it's a contagion..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • This site is a vacation, and since I'm on vacation why wouldn't I like to take all my friends with me.

    And no, no fancy hotel for me, i'm a simple folk, with simple needs, for me vacation is just doing what i want to do when i want to do it, epsecially if its jsut nothing exotic, or even just nothing. 

    Been spending some time with my horse, doing a little horse back riding, work on the worlds largest puzzle, play a little city of heroes, catch up on some courses and some .NET I've been doing.

    Sorry to burst the bubble.

  • Don't say horse. Got enough horses, too many horses, shoveling too much as it is.

  • Focus on the +ves...think of all the fertilization benefits...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • The problem is its Steve Jones is really Steve Jobs ( He filled in the sign up form wrong and was too embaarrassed to admit it), and since he owns 30% of the universe, things can only go down from there.

    What kind of horses do you have?

    And shushy you feeling well .. looking at the bright side of things?

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 34 total)

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