
  • aah - found what I was searching for - the many faces of Steve...

    Be nice GPF2^...what's one to pick on while on really do rely on SSC for everything don't you...Hang in there...vacation's almost over..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Nah, Jones is Jones, Jobs is Jobs.  I did a quick search of the site for "insanely great":

    No Article Results Found

    No Script Results Found

    No Discussion Results Found

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • Search again and omit "insane"....think he has himself aligned with Alexander and not Nero...

    (edited..forgot to explain the omission...)

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • How's this for showing how self depricating Steve Jones.

    "Shriveled, decrepit and of little use except for sex, the Y chromosome is an apt metaphor for post-modern manhood in this eye-opening exploration of the biology of maleness. Jones, a geneticist and author of Darwin's Ghost, traces the development of maleness from its origins as a parasitic stratagem by which certain microbes forced others to replicate their genes for them, to the dawning age of cloning, which could, in theory, allow women to dispense with men's reproductive services altogether. Along the way he investigates the essentials of maleness, including baldness, the perverse, multi-faceted and never-ending competition for the favor of choosy females, and the many surgical, chemical and mechanical reinforcements men call on to stand firm in battle."

    I figure Shushy, has this in both hard cover and in paperback.

  • Seems there's no end to Steve's knowledge-base & talents..

    And GPF2^ nice to have your voice amidst us was so quiet here last week...were you on vacation or something ?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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