Forcing a null

  • Once again, I think I may be close to my solution.

    When I ran what dan gave me everything worked ok, but I still had too many dates from my calendar table. So I figured if can create a table that has less dates I may have what I need. So here's what I came up with

    declare @t table(weekend smalldatetime not null)

    insert into @t (weekend)

    select weekend from calendar

    where weekend BETWEEN '2003-01-10 00:00:00' AND '2003-02-07 00:00:00'

    SELECT (dbo.Reps.[Last] + ', ' + dbo.Reps.[First]) as repname, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.Made1st, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.Kept1st, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.PGs, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.MS,

    dbo.RepWeeklyApp.Made2nd, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.Kept2nd, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.Closed2nd, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.LastEditDate,



    dbo.RepWeeklyApp ON @t.weekend = dbo.RepWeeklyApp.WeekEnd

    AND(bo.RepWeeklyApp.RepID = 'CB909B54-7C0F-4908-B059-52B4027326AC')

    My problem here is the query analyser says that I haven't declared @t??

  • At long last I have finally found my solution!

    Thanx to all that helped out. I really learned a lot! A special thanx to Dan who's little tip helped in a big way. While it's not EXACTLY what I was looking for I can use the results in crystal to get what i'm looking for.

    Check the code

    SELECT dbo.calendar.weekend, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.RepID

    FROM dbo.calendar LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.RepWeeklyApp ON dbo.calendar.weekend = dbo.RepWeeklyApp.WeekEnd

    and (dbo.RepWeeklyApp.RepID = 'CB909B54-7C0F-4908-B059-52B4027326AC'OR dbo.RepWeeklyApp.RepID IS NULL)

    where (dbo.calendar.weekend BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME,

    '2003-01-10 00:00:00', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '2003-02-07 00:00:00', 102))

    Thanx again!

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