Giving pain to DBA

  • Sufian,

    So what you're saying is you solved the problem by directly updating the system tables, something that is not recommended and not supported. Most of us are wary to give out advice of this sort for one reason: if you destroy your production database and then call up Microsoft for help, you may have a hard time convincing them to support you when you went against their instructions.

    Therefore, the short answer is there is no Microsoft-supported way that you've found to eliminate the primary log file while the database is operational, which is what folks were concentrating on.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I think you're right. I don't understand most of the things you say. I'll just as you say "be furm or be quite" and not "see your questions or replies".

    Good Luck with your arrogance...

  • It has been two days since the idiot gentleman last posted a taunt.

    It appears that he finally realized that he is an amateur in a professional forum, proving the old adage "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing." It is scary when a novice first realizes he can access the system tables directly.  I'm glad my organization doesn't have to rely on his 'expertise.' 

    BKelly is probably correct. If Mr. Sufian had been able to post the images we almost certainly would have seen records in the system tables.  Since he was unable to post the pictures and apparently unable to post his code, we may never know. 

    I for one am glad to see him leave but I can't help wondering what he actually did and what the magical line of code was.


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