help me in delete records

  • Hi all

    Let i  have a table named test and in that table 20 records are there

    When i execute this query

    delete test

    those 20 records should be insert to another table before deletion

    So when I got the reply that " 20 records have affected"

    those 20 records must be stored in another table

    Pl help me

  • Hi,

    also i understand you must insert in a store Table

    insert * from test into store_test

    truncate table test

    You must have two Tables one for deleting an one for stored


  • no this query gives error

    and i have only one table named test

    the records in test table must be inserted into new table at the time of deletion

    pl solve this if anyone can


  • Can you give us more details about the task at hand... seems to me like you need to use a trigger to achieve this operation.

  • Yes Mr Remi Gregoire 

    This is the trigger case

    so pl help me if u can

    pl help anyone who can do it

  • CREATE TRIGGER tr_AuditTableName_D ON [dbo].[Test] 




    Insert into dbo.TableAudit (col1, col2) Select Col1, Col2 from Deleted


  • CREATE TRIGGER trgInsertIntoNewTable

    ON test



    SELECT * INTO newtable FROM deleted


    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • ok - ok remi - you'll have to give me marks for at least trying to match your speed...know it's a lost cause but still...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • CREATE TRIGGER trgInsertIntoNewTable

    ON test2



    SELECT * INTO test3 FROM test2



    Sorry Sushila This trigger object is created but it gives the follwing error

    Invalid object name 'test3'

    So pl solve this if u can



  • No it's not a lost cause... I can be hung up somewhere else and that gives you enough time.  but this one was close (assumine you meant to time insert into/select instead of select into ).


    Did you get my last reply to our conversation yesterday?

  • My solution is the right way to go... select into should be avoided at all costs in production.

  • CREATE TRIGGER tr_AuditTableName_D_1 ON Test2 for




    Insert into test3(a, b) Select acctno, acctname from test2



    Sorry Remi Gregoire 

    ur code gives the follwing Error

    "The command(s) completed successfully."

    delete test2

    "Invalid object name 'test3'."


    So pl solve this if u can


  • also...the from part of it should be from Deleted..

    remi - i find that i'm making a lot of mistakes just so i can get there ahead of you - now that i know it's impossible i'm going to withdraw and just stick to "anything that is not sql"

    ps:yes - i did get the response!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Test3 must be created before you try to insert into it. This is a permanent audit table... Also they usually have a default field (auditDate default GetDate()).

  • smruti - are you sure you have a test3 table ?! you need to create it first!!!


    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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