How to create dynamic function

  • I need to access different databases from a single function how can i do it with dynamic function.

    if it is not possible kindly suggest other alternatives.

  • You provided very little information. What exactly you want to do?


  • Hi

    thank u for ur reply.

    Actually we are using multiple database in our application for a single application .

    i need acess different database tables and return a value from a function .

    where i have to pass table name and database name as a parameter .

  • You can certainly reference other databases and tables within a function providing the permissions are in place.

    Remember though, UDF's within a SELECT statement have to run on every row returned within the SELECT statement which may affect your performance, or the performance of the databases you are referencing.

    That aside, you can create a single function passing the database and table name as parameters; within the function use something along the line of:

    IF @DatabaseName='x' and @TableName = 'Y'


    -- do you TSQL here



    :exclamation: "Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience." :exclamation:

  • Thank u Robin

    I cant use if else statement because there will be a dynamic database creation

    and i need acess the function using dynamic sql statement or alternative where

    i will use a single function for all databases.

  • Personally, I try and avoid dynamic SQL but understand it has it's place.

    Unfortunately, I believe you cannot execute dynamic SQL in a function (via sp_executesql).

    You could explore the creation of a .NET CLR to accomplish this but you'll be adding another layer of complexity.

    :exclamation: "Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience." :exclamation:

  • what will be the complexity in CLR functions ....what will be the alternative for this ....

  • That's a a very big question as it covers so many facets! Only you as the developer and your business colleagues can decide if CLR is suitable for your environment.

    A quick Google search turns up a starting point for your question:

    :exclamation: "Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience." :exclamation:

  • A UDF can be made dynamic. Please post the code of your UDF. So that we know what direction you're working in.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • This my code

    Create FUNCTION [dbo].[UFN_GET_URL]


    @databasename navarchar(20), -- dynamically will pass the database name

    @tablename navarchar(20), --dynamically will pass the tablename

    @SubMenuID int,

    @Flag tinyint


    RETURNS nvarchar(300)



    declare @Url nvarchar(300)

    if(@Flag=1) -- Get URl For View


    select @Url=(select Url

    From @databasename..@tablename s

    inner join UserGroupLine l on l.refMenuID=s.RefMenuID

    where RefSubMenuID=@SubMenuID and NewEdit=1 and (IsEdit=1 or IsView=1)


    if @Url is null


    set @Url=''



    return @Url


    can u send example function if possible.....

  • You can't do that in a function. Only way to have variable database and table names is dynamic SQL, and functions cannot have dynamic SQL. Consider a stored procedure instead?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • hi Vinu Vijayan,

    Thank u for ur reply can u send me a example function on how to use an dynamic sql query in function

  • You cannot use dynamic SQL in a function. (well there's a rather dangerous workaround, but it is strongly recommended against)

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • What you are trying to do points out a fatal flaw in the design. If you want to make things dynamic in terms of which database your application is connecting to, then do that in your application, e.g. by changing the database context of the connection based on the caller.

    If you really want to use database code to achieve the abstraction then you could create a multi-tenant database where the "tenant" is identified by a column in your tables, and that identifier would be passed into each of your functions and procedures.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Nope you can't do what you are trying to do in a Dynamic UDF I meant the passing of parameters and the returning of values...which is done dynamically.

    But, you can't use Dynamic SQL in a UDF. You can't use Exec() in a function.

    You'll have to use a Stored Procedure for that. Since you misunderstood me and may be I was the one who pointed you in the wrong direction...I did a little work to convert your UDF into a Stored Procedure.

    Hope this helps you.

    --Creating Procedure

    Create Procedure [dbo].[UFN_GET_URL]


    @databasename nvarchar(20), -- dynamically will pass the database name

    @tablename nvarchar(20), --dynamically will pass the tablename

    @SubMenuID int,

    @Flag tinyint




    declare @query varchar(max)

    declare @Url table(url nvarchar(max) )

    If(@Flag=1) -- Get URl For View


    Set @query = 'select Url From'+@databasename+'..'+@tablename+' s inner join UserGroupLine l

    on l.refMenuID=s.RefMenuID

    where RefSubMenuID=@SubMenuID and NewEdit=1 and (IsEdit=1 or IsView=1)'

    Print @query

    insert into @Url exec(@query)

    If ((Select * From @Url) is null)


    Insert Into @Url values('')



    Select * From @Url


    --Executing Procedure

    Exec [dbo].[UFN_GET_URL] 'Test', 'Test', 12, 1

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

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