Jasper Smith's SSRS Scripter

  • The path included in the error message:


    Does that path (and the expected files) exist on the server on which you are trying to execute the CMD file generated by RSScripter?

  • Yes, if I put that path in explorer it goes to the rss file.

  • How about the path to RS.exe - is that right?


    select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(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

  • Forum Etiquette: How to post Reporting Services problems
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  • How to Post Performance Problems - by Gail Shaw
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  • It's nice to see RSScripter is still available, but is someone going to keep it up to date ? As the documentations states, it won't support anything new from SSRS 2008 R2 up, so shared datasets are not recognized by RSScripter. There is no tool better for SSRS report migrations around, so it's amazing no one is upgrading it. Is the source going to be available ?

  • jdean-1028471 (10/15/2013)

    It's nice to see RSScripter is still available, but is someone going to keep it up to date ? As the documentations states, it won't support anything new from SSRS 2008 R2 up, so shared datasets are not recognized by RSScripter. There is no tool better for SSRS report migrations around, so it's amazing no one is upgrading it. Is the source going to be available ?

    I don't think there is much chance of an update or getting our hands on the code, but it's not that hard and someone may come up with something to replace it 😉


    select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(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

  • Forum Etiquette: How to post Reporting Services problems
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  • Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - by Jeff Moden
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  • How to Post Performance Problems - by Gail Shaw
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  • Did you ever resolve your issues? Will it work on 2008 R2? both my environs are 2008 R2 and I need to migrate from Integrated mode back to Native mode.

  • I have been getting the following error when moving From SharePoint Integrated mode Back To Native mode with both machines on 2008 R2;

    Can anyone tell me why?

    I am trying to migrate reports with subscriptions and shared data sources and do not want to do it by hand 1 by 1.

    All the research I've found is not precise in telling me if I can or cannot do this. Apparently there isn't many people leaving integrated mode for native mode (yet).


    Reporting Services Scripter Load Log

    Starting Load at Wed 11/20/2013 16:54:49.45


    REPORTSERVER = http://mysqlserver/ReportServer



    TIMEOUT = 60

    RS = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\RS.EXE"

    Running script "sharepoint\Reports\sub1\sub2\Daily Orders.rdl.rss"

    Unhandled exception:

    URI formats are not supported.

    Finished Load at Wed 11/20/2013 16:54:53.97

    CMD Script:

    @echo off

    :: ** Script generated by Reporting Services Scripter **

    :: ** Created by Jasper Smith (jas@sqldbatips.com) **

    :: ** See http://www.sqldbatips.com for help/support **

    ::Script Variables

    SET LOGFILE="RS Scripter Load Log.txt"



    SET REPORTSERVER=http://mysqlserver/ReportServer

    SET RS="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\RS.EXE"


    ::Clear Log file

    IF EXIST %logfile% DEL %logfile%

    ::Write Log Header

    ECHO Reporting Services Scripter Load Log >>%LOGFILE%


    ECHO Starting Load at %DATE% %TIME% >>%LOGFILE%






    ECHO RS = %RS% >>%LOGFILE%


    ::Run Scripts

    ECHO Running script "%SCRIPTLOCATION%sharepoint\Reports\sub1\sub2\Daily Orders.rdl.rss" >>%LOGFILE%

    %RS% -i "%SCRIPTLOCATION%sharepoint\Reports\sub1\sub2\Daily Orders.rdl.rss" -s %REPORTSERVER% -l %TIMEOUT% -v BACKUPLOCATION="%BACKUPLOCATION%" >>%LOGFILE% 2>&1



    ECHO Finished Load at %DATE% %TIME% >>%LOGFILE%


    RSS Script:

    ' ** Script generated by Reporting Services Scripter **

    ' ** Created by Jasper Smith (jas@sqldbatips.com) **

    ' ** See http://www.sqldbatips.com for help/support **


    ' Report Service : http://mysqlserver/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx

    ' Item Name : Daily Orders

    ' Item Path : /sharepoint/Reports/sub1/sub2

    ' Item Type : Report

    ' Script Date : 11/20/2013 3:46:42 PM

    ' Generated By : Domain\user

    Public Sub Main()

    Dim name As String = "Daily%20Orders"

    Dim parent As String = "http://sharepointserver/reports/sub1/sub2"

    Dim location As String = "http://sharepointserver/reports/sub1/sub2/daily%20orders.rdl"

    Dim overwrite As Boolean = True

    Dim reportContents As Byte() = Nothing

    Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing

    Dim fullpath As String = parent + "/" + name

    'Common CatalogItem properties

    Dim descprop As New [Property]

    descprop.Name = "Description"

    descprop.Value = ""

    Dim hiddenprop As New [Property]

    hiddenprop.Name = "Hidden"

    hiddenprop.Value = "False"

    Dim props(1) As [Property]

    props(0) = descprop

    props(1) = hiddenprop

    'Read RDL definition from disk


    Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(location)

    reportContents = New [Byte](stream.Length-1) {}

    stream.Read(reportContents, 0, CInt(stream.Length))


    warnings = RS.CreateReport(name, parent, overwrite, reportContents, props)

    If Not (warnings Is Nothing) Then

    Dim warning As Warning

    For Each warning In warnings


    Next warning


    Console.WriteLine("Report: {0} published successfully with no warnings", name)

    End If

    'Set report DataSource references

    Dim dataSources(0) As DataSource

    Dim dsr0 As New DataSourceReference

    dsr0.Reference = "/Data Sources/DATA"

    Dim ds0 As New DataSource

    ds0.Item = CType(dsr0, DataSourceDefinitionOrReference)


    dataSources(0) = ds0

    RS.SetItemDataSources(fullpath, dataSources)

    Console.Writeline("Report DataSources set successfully")

    Catch e As IOException


    Catch e As SoapException

    Console.WriteLine("Error : " + e.Detail.Item("ErrorCode").InnerText + " (" + e.Detail.Item("Message").InnerText + ")")

    End Try

    End Sub

  • Does any if this perhaps apply:


    Specifically the section about URL addressing?

    Sorry typing on a phone!

  • Yes, it would appear the URL limitations of SharePoint Integration are the cause of the above error.

    I was hoping to jump around it since I can use the paths to navigate to the reports.

    Does anyone have a step-by-step instructional on how to move SSRS 2008 R2 reports from SharePoint Integrated mode to SSRS 2008 R2 native mode that will also bring over the subscriptions? I have quite a few reports, each with 30+ subscriptions, and each subscription is unique.

  • I haven't had to go from to the other. From MSDN it doesn't look like this possible:


    Anybody have any experience to the contrary?

  • I did just happen to notice this:


    Doesn't directly apply to moving from Integrated to Native mode, but I wonder if some of the information may be helpful concerning the general format of the Integrated URLs.

  • http://web.archive.org/web/20120830141644/http://www.sqldbatips.com/samples/code/RSScripter/RSScripter.zip

  • This link will ultimately take you to web.archive for the download, but also has links to the SSRS Scripter home page and instructions for use


    Original author: https://github.com/SQL-FineBuild/Common/wiki/ 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

  • RS Scripter doesn't work on 2012.

    However, here is another method via microsoft


  • avalpandya (7/15/2015)

    RS Scripter doesn't work on 2012.

    However, here is another method via microsoft

    What do you mean? I just migrated over 500 SSRS reports from 2008 R2 to 2012 SP2 using the RS Scripter script and they work just fine.

    Only thing we had to do was re-enter the password for the shared credentials on the Datasources, but the instructions inform you of that, and so does the output during the migration.

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