More, More, More

  • The site is brilliant in nearly every respect due in no small part to the editorial policy and the knowledge and goodwill of the individuals who contribute to it.

    I have to echo the comment that the searching leaves a lot to be desired which is a shame considering the wealth of useful information I know is available beneath. Google invariably gives a quicker link to the relevant SSC article / thread.

    Live content is fine for those time rich enough to access it, but that would't be me! The current site is fine. If the tagging and indexing can be improved, so much the better.



  • tlehner (5/14/2010)

    Steve, it might be helpful to have something akin to Spolsky's "Reading Lists" section on his page. There is a lot of great content on SSC, but maybe some lists of the classics/most read/highest rated articles and posts would be neat. Sections for "Top 10", "Accidental DBA", "Performance", "Backups", "T-SQL", "Reporting" etc...and not limited to the normal divisions of articles/editorials/blog posts and such.

    At any rate, keep up the good work!



    I second the "suggested readling list" concept. This is something that could maybe even be done as a wiki. Also - don't be afraid to include some of the original articles on that list where they're applicable.

    A few additional items that might also be of help (to me, at least) would include options to subscribe to threads as RSS feeds, send a copy of the article instead of just a link to the article in the notification (with the option to post a reply to it by just replying to the e-mail), and offering an option to set a minimum frequency for response notifications (every 4 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, daily digest, etc.). On some active threads they'll dump into my inbox like popcorn.

    Thanks for at least entertaining suggestions!

  • EdVassie (5/17/2010)

    The one thing I would really like to see on SqlServerCentral is some way to mark an answer as good quality.

    I've seen such a thing on many "forums" such as and it really doesn't work because there are a lot of people who just don't know if something is a good answer or not. Most folks won't waste their precious reputation points voting down a bad answer even if they do vote. Then you have the problem of a late comer to the post posting some absolutely brilliant code but it never gets voted up because it's an old post.

    The really bad part is that I've seen threads where some answer post has a huge approval rating but is dead wrong especially when it comes to performance. People who don't know the difference may not take the time to read the other posts that say the one post is dead wrong if they go just by a mark system. It also seems that these things can turn out to be a "ring knockers" club where a group of folks will vote for each other's post no matter what.

    Although the intent of such an individual post marking system is well founded, it just doesn't work IMHO.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Steve,

    Always enjoy the editorials, even if it is in catch-up mode such as today.


    -- Optimist with experience and still learning

  • I'd love to see a better search and better ordering of the results.

    I'd like to be able to search on SQL Server specific terms like 'log shipping' and not get results that are just about logs in general.

    I'd also like to specify the database versions in the search - so I don't read a SQL Server answer for a version I'm not using.

    And finally it might be nice to order results with the latest date first or the highest ranked first.

    I use the site a lot and I like it a lot. Thanks.

  • I would definitely like to see some more videos. Short snippets of 5 mins videos of e.g. how to tasks, would be useful.

    The forums could do with sorting out as they seem to be too many and a mixture which could be consolidated.

    Apart from that the site has been an unbelievable array of information for all the time I've been using it - going back to my days as a SQLServer DBA over 5 years ago.:-P

    Paul R Williams.

  • One *major* inconvenience, at least for me, is that the "URL" tags in posts are not automatically underlined. Who knows how many links I have not seen because the URLs are not underlined and the font isn't really that different from the normal font.

    See? I have to underline these links manually!

    A quick Google search

    Jakob Nielsen's Guidelines for Visualizing Links (Who is Jakob Nielsen[/url] anyway?)

    Comparison of linked text and unlinked text in a sentence:

    Can you see if there is a link in this text or not?

    How about this text?

  • I would also love to see the contents of the post to be included in the email. Other than that - I love the site and IMHO by far it is the best on the internet. Great work Steve and Crew!

    Joe 😎

  • crookj (5/19/2010)

    I would also love to see the contents of the post to be included in the email.

    That would definitely be a bonus since I often check my mail on my cellphone and not having to click on the link and waiting a while for the site to load up would be appreciated.

  • AndrewJacksonZA (5/19/2010)

    crookj (5/19/2010)

    I would also love to see the contents of the post to be included in the email.

    That would definitely be a bonus since I often check my mail on my cellphone and not having to click on the link and waiting a while for the site to load up would be appreciated.

    It would be nice, but consider that this site can sell ads based on the traffic, that would drop dramatically if users could avoid loading the forum page to see replies.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Gianluca Sartori (5/19/2010)

    AndrewJacksonZA (5/19/2010)

    crookj (5/19/2010)

    I would also love to see the contents of the post to be included in the email.

    That would definitely be a bonus since I often check my mail on my cellphone and not having to click on the link and waiting a while for the site to load up would be appreciated.

    It would be nice, but consider that this site can sell ads based on the traffic, that would drop dramatically if users could avoid loading the forum page to see replies.

    Very True but as a thought....

    They could always add the advertisements to the top or bottom of the emails....


  • crookj (5/19/2010)

    Gianluca Sartori (5/19/2010)

    AndrewJacksonZA (5/19/2010)

    crookj (5/19/2010)

    I would also love to see the contents of the post to be included in the email.

    That would definitely be a bonus since I often check my mail on my cellphone and not having to click on the link and waiting a while for the site to load up would be appreciated.

    It would be nice, but consider that this site can sell ads based on the traffic, that would drop dramatically if users could avoid loading the forum page to see replies.

    Very True but as a thought....

    They could always add the advertisements to the top or bottom of the emails....


    Please no... Ads on the site, yes, ads in my inbox no!


  • I don't think we'll add ads to the email notifications. They are in the newsletter, and we are likely looking to change those up to make them more effective, and hopefully not more intrusive.

    If we put an ad in the forum replies, which I might need to do if I send the text of the reply in there, I'll make sure it's text only at the bottom

  • One additional thought.

    Maybe an opt-in for full email with text option. That way subscribers may either choose the new method or stay with the current method.

    Once again - thanks for all the work in making this a fantastic site!


  • AndrewJacksonZA (5/19/2010)

    One *major* inconvenience, at least for me, is that the "URL" tags in posts are not automatically underlined. Who knows how many links I have not seen because the URLs are not underlined and the font isn't really that different from the normal font.

    See? I have to underline these links manually!

    A quick Google search

    Jakob Nielsen's Guidelines for Visualizing Links (Who is Jakob Nielsen[/url] anyway?)

    Comparison of linked text and unlinked text in a sentence:

    Can you see if there is a link in this text or not?

    How about this text?

    This is a point with which I agree. Being able to easily see a link would quite possibly help in several of the threads.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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