My Favorite SSCer

  • Inspired by Sushila's article, "Noel, In admiration..." I was just struck by an idea:

    Why don't we have a little competition, to nominate our favourite SSCer?

    What do you think? Any suggestions?

  • That might start a little war... not sure it's a good idea.

  • quote That might start a little war... not sure it's a good idea.

    Is that because you might not get picked Remi

    But being serious, I agree Remi, bit of a subjective question

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Well I'd vote for myself so I get at least one vote .

  • Who's Remi ?!?! <;-)

    Gogula - sorry - here's a third person with same opinion - "not a good idea!"

    psif someone held a gun to my head) I'd go with Sufian for all the high entertainment and (melo)drama that he's provided these past few weeks....

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Yup, when you start picking out favorites there is bound to be some hurt feelings. Some folks might also be discouraged because they'll feel like their contributions aren't being recognized (yes, we should all have a thicker skin that that but not everyone does). Best thing to do is if someone helps you in a forum thread, thank 'em there and leave it at that.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanx Bkelley .

  • quote Well I'd vote for myself so I get at least one vote

    That goes without saying but one vote is unlikely to win

    Bet thats the way you got 3500 posts as well

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I'm not the one to ask question and answer them (on purpuse anyways). So that's not how I got to 3.6k .

  • Folks acting like Sufian has been acting should probably be ignored. I've tried in two threads to help him understand the philosophy of the forums, one of helping each other and that doesn't seem to register. Sufian, in my opinion, has been trying to show he knows some neat behind-the-scenes things about SQL Server and that's great, but the approach he has taken is not. He also seems to think that we place some high importance on post count. While some forums do, I've never known SQL Server Central to be this way.

    Given that, I've done my bit to be a good Samaritan to him and that hasn't seemed to gotten through. As a result, if he posts a question or problem that he looks to genuinely need help with, I'll try and help him. If he's posting a "see what I know" post, I'll ignore it.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Are you refferring to his challenge???

  • Yup, how did you guess?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I will agree with the others, as I do not think this is a good idea as it could hurt someone’s feelings. Another thought is that if someone bailed me out of a big problem at work I WOULD cheat establishing a 1000 or so email addresses and then vote all of them for that person even if it was their first post.

    It would be nice if the posters acknowledged that the solution worked but that is a horse of a different color.


  • quote It would be nice if the posters acknowledged that the solution worked....

    Couldn't agree more My shoulder aches patting myself on the back

    quote ....but that is a horse of a different color.

    Better a horse than an a$$

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I just saw the title and the poster and I said to myself : Here we go again.

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