Poll #3

  • Assuming most of us computer geeks LOVE Sci-Fi (a safe assumption ), I'd cast my vote for "The Matrix".  The draw for me was not the action/fire power and great effects (yeah, they were good - but I'm a female computer geek...); rather it was complexity of the situation - AI had taken a life of its own and dominated it's creator.  Did we deserve it?  After all it would have been us computer geeks that helped make it happen.

    However, my first response to your poll would have been "Office Space".  Just so close to what life in our corner of the world is like!

  • Wow. Lot's of good ones here. I don't think I can pick a single favourite. Maybe a dozen or so. I didn't see the following movies mentioned.




    Primer - you gotta be a geek to appreciate this one

  • Hi,

    I like Matrix too. I have this movie saveral times bcz it brings all our deams into reality. Will it possible ? Still a big question among us.

    Well "The 6th Day" is also wonderful that i like most. A cloning + computer generation comes here true.

    Waiting for new commings !!!



    Bhoopendra Shakya

    New Delhi, India

    Kindest Regards,

    Bhoopendra Shakya

  • For me:

    1. War Games

    2. Office Space

    But my favorite hacker was Seth Green's character from The Italian Job.


  • Its funny that this is coming up now i was just thinking about this last night as i watched Disclosure on TBS. 

    while a bit dated now, the movie is pretty set on as far as a computer geek movie. I approached this as a computer geek movie, kind of a national geographic documentary rather than a favorite film.

    think about it:

    • a techie who doesnt see his eventual railroading because of his lack of political savvy.
    • a spotlight on a fantastical unatainable technology that will solve everyones problems (in this film its the Virt reality data access environ).  something so cool and nifty that no accounting department will sign off on it.
    • Sexual harrassment:  however its usually the techie getting blasted for harrassing someone else with their desktop porn, still , it always there.
    • a business owner that is willing lie to your face in order to get his merger\IPO\buyout\expansion to go through with truly no concern for anyone but themselves. (just imagine donald sutherland as your boss come IPO time)
    • coworkers who resent your direction and status in the department because you are that good or admittedly very lucky while they have been doing the same jobs for 20 years in the same positions.

    Just buy something that anyone who would play dungeons and dragons would want

    LOTR, Star wars, etc..




  • "Just buy something that anyone who would play dungeons and dragons would want "

    Let me get my twenty sider out....

    Yeah i remember that movie disclosure... 4x cd vs 8x. Funny when you look back at it. Great tension in that film .. don't settle with TBS get the DVD ... plus a nice little demi soft pron in there aint bad either...

    But Wargames tops them all, analog modems with defining war dialing / phone phreeking... matt and ally playing adam and eve in the computer garden very alegorical... and my previous galaga reference was intentional btw. 

    I'm surprised sushy hasnt chimed in... the cubilcle hinding one must be knee deep in a book or a chi tea I guess.

    Though technically not a movie the cartoon Reboot  ( they did have 2 hour one ) is knee deep in computer geekism... they eat at 'nibbles' the little people are ones and zeros...

  • I definately think Sneakers is the best, if you want something that is actually true-to-life techie wise.  War Games next, but the tech is a little cheesy -- but they did get the nerd/asperger thing right.  Matrix, ok, but the second one is a little more intriguing in terms of tech (I mean the Architecht scene).  Sorry!  I happened to like it.  I wonder, tho, if the machines need people for their capacity as 'living batteries' why not something simpler like a 3D Shrew matrix?  high metabolism, easy to stack, little or no martial arts ability.

    Oh yeah almost forgot -- a great movie about advanced technology (not strictly computers):  The Quiet Earth.

  • "nerd / asperger " ??? ... What do you mean by that?  I hate pseudo psychology.

    And as for Wargames being cheesy tech.

    Dude, that was cutting edge stuff in the day, assuming you ever sullied yourself to do some research.

    It was back when a trip to Radioshack let you build most things everyone buys already built from Bestbuy. 

    Again it was back when you wanted a radio in a pen you could make one.

    It gets my back up when people speak of others in a perjurative way. 

    Don't be sorry, just smarten up.

  • I have to go with Desk Set and The Net.

    In Desk Set, Hepburn thinks she is getting replaced by a computer in a research library at a company. Which is true today, because we certainly don't have to call someone to find out the names of the reindeer.

    In The Net, Bullock discovers what happens when a product becomes too widespread and the company begins to use a built-in backdoor to manipulate the world...Sounds like this could be possible. An example: Sony's Root Kit incident.


  • wow!  seems i stepped on a toe there.  by 'cheesy tech' i was thinking of the voice box for the computer -- just a silly hollywood touch.  as for the techie/aspberger, I was referring to the tech kids Matt introduces his GF to -- the large one seemed to be aspberg-y in that there was no eye contact, etc.  anyway, aspberger types can (and do) excel in things like computer programming.  That's an actual fact, you know...  BTW, I also appreciated the nod to Turing as the scientist on the island.

    And I didn't say WarGames suck, did I?  I just think Sneakers is the purer of the two in terms of sheer tech stuff.

  • alright - chiming in! Rudy's mention of "a clockwork orange" really brought back memories - read & reread the book to tatters - ditto with "on the beach" & "the invisible man" (H.G.Wells)...

    Don't think anyone's mentioned it and I didn't particularly care for it...but Robin Williams' "The final cut"!!!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • That voice box for the computer wasnt a holly wood touch I had a friend who had one of them attached to a clock yes back in 82 -84...

    RE "That's an actual fact, you know...  " ...really now...?

    From what I read:


    which include things for youths like

    "Has difficulty making friends ...  and ... May memorize information and facts easily, especially information related to a topic of interest "

    A bright youth who knows more than many people in his or her age bracket... there's no reason at all why he or she might have trouble in socialising in school... i cant think of any... (that for the autistic readers is sarcasm)... jealous ..envy ... plain stupid kids cruelity... possibly a bit of 'i'm smarter than you .. watch me make you look stupid in front of others in class'  ... then 3:30 and its drop the books time out by the basket ball court...

    ... I didn't realise social awkwardness was a mental defect ...

    I take issue with the coined condition... I've met autistic... now that's a condition.

    Asperger as the mayo clinic reads just like an attack on a person's personality.  Not everyone wants to be friends with everyone nor dress in the finer things of GQ, and the fact they dont get everyone elses humour does not make them defective. Just not as many people are as funny at they think they are.

  • well apologies about the voice box thing - didn't know about that.  As for the aspberger's thing, I don't think it is indicitive of mental deficiency, and I don't think the literature does either.  If you have any interest in this sort of thing, here's an interesting webpage/quiz:


  • It's hard to beat Desk Set for "cheesy tech".  Huge wall of lights for the processor, big spinning tape drives (with no tape on the reels if you look closely), and goofy sound effects.  Tracy can't debug it without Hepburn's hair pin.

  • I have to vote for Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy !!!

    All though very chessy, it was a great representation of the actual book.

    besides thanks for all the fish.

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