report optimization

  • Please save the execution plan as .sqlpaln file and attach it.

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  • And please also post the query.

    Please understand we're not asking for this information to make your life difficult. We're asking because it's very hard to give useful advice around performance issues without having all the information.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • i cant make any attachments .....the comp wont allow me , i actually checked the query in the MSSMS it fast ... it hardly takes like a second to exec , i think the report has got something to do with performance , i know that there is some aggregate functions being used in the report,

    what if i create a new DSV and do those aggregations in there and use the DSV with the report ,

    do you think it should help solving the issue ?




  • select accountbranchnumber,accountnumber,accounttype,currentbalance,


    division from MM_EOMRetail


    accountbranchnumber = 230 and accounttype = 'd'

    order by division, groupname,accountbranchnumber,postdatedimkey




  • I recommend doing the aggregation in the query, if possible. I'm sure some of the problem is the aggregation.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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