Seen This?

  • What's in a name s. ?! I don't want to cross 'swords' with you (ha!) so peace & keep your name all hush-hush!

    btw: I've been meaning to tell you - I always find that quote from Monty funny...every single time I read it...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  •      Gotta love that Brit sense of humor.  It's just about ruined me for anything else.  Last weekend my satellite BBC station had a Fawlty Towers marathon.  I was in heaven!

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • OMG s.(swords)...I lived in Holland for a couple of years and was a total Fawlty Towers addict (BBC) - splly. Manuel with his imbecile expressions and "que ?????"....

    okay - I'm going to stop now for I can see a whole new thread being spawned - so endless this stuff....

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • "Re: "Who on earth would put that on a credit application or purchase?" - obviously a married man with a mistress...there can't be a more "desperate" cause for a credit application...he'd immediately get it approved on sympathy (read: empathy) votes alone...from all the "male application processors" ie....

    ps: apologies about making the gender divide again, but I couldn't resist throwing that in...<:-) "

    The female application processors would also approve and change the billing address to send the bills to his wife.


  • "The female application processors would also approve and change the billing address to send the bills to his wife"

    And she would make sure the mistress's name somehow managed to make it on the details of the bill!!!

  • vive la femme! <:-)

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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