ssis and ssrs interview questions

  • SSRS:

    What type of reports you will prepare

    what is Drill Down report and how you will prepare

    what is Driithrough report and how you will prepare

    error handling in ssrs

    when client is accessing the report an error came access is denied or client not ableto open the report by using url or in the other way how you will resolve that



    sub report

    report deploymnet


    cascading parameter

    reportparameter and query parameter difference

    Difference between matrix report and tabler report

    SQL server Questions: functions, triggers,views and types of views

    stored procedures, normalization and relation ships

    SSIS :

    What transformation you have used in the recent project

    what tasks you have used in the recent project

    EXecute sql task

    for loop and foreach loop

    slowly changing dimention

    Lookup and fuzzilookup




    performance tuning

    error handling


    differnce between dataflowtask and controlflowtask

    execute process task

    execute package task

    sequence container

    i think the above questions covered all the points. please let me know if you need any other information. or contact me on my email

  • SSRS:

    What type of reports you will prepare

    what is Drill Down report and how you will prepare

    what is Driithrough report and how you will prepare

    error handling in ssrs

    when client is accessing the report an error came access is denied or client not ableto open the report by using url or in the other way how you will resolve that



    sub report

    report deploymnet


    cascading parameter

    reportparameter and query parameter difference

    Difference between matrix report and tabler report

    SQL server Questions: functions, triggers,views and types of views

    stored procedures, normalization and relation ships

    SSIS :

    What transformation you have used in the recent project

    what tasks you have used in the recent project

    EXecute sql task

    for loop and foreach loop

    slowly changing dimention

    Lookup and fuzzilookup




    performance tuning

    error handling


    differnce between dataflowtask and controlflowtask

    execute process task

    execute package task

    sequence container

    Naveen kumar.Y

  • GSquared (2/3/2009)

    I would like to point out that memorizing the answers to some probable interview questions is probably a good way to get job that you can't do and will be fired from. Don't interview for a job that you can't do. It hurts the company, which means it hurts all the other employees, if you get a job that way. It's dishonest.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Ideally I would agree that the best approach is not to memorize answers to possible interview questions. However, I have found that, unlike actually working, surviving an interview requires having facts memorized.

    I personally have a history of - on the job - being able to learn new tools and technologies, investigate problems, devise solutions, and get very good performance reviews. And failing in interviews for not having details readily memorized - things that have little benefit on the job because they can be investigated in less than 5 minutes. And it sure seems to me if you say "I don't know that" more than once, you're dead. The only way I have been able to get a new job is, thankfully, through the recommendation of people I have worked with in the past.

    It certainly seems to me that the most important qualities to perform on the job - the ability to learn and reason - are not valued in an interview. Am I the only one that feels that way?

  • SSRS:

    What type of reports you will prepare

    what is Drill Down report and how you will prepare

    what is Driithrough report and how you will prepare

    error handling in ssrs

    when client is accessing the report an error came access is denied or client not ableto open the report by using url or in the other way how you will resolve that



    sub report

    report deploymnet


    cascading parameter

    reportparameter and query parameter difference

    Difference between matrix report and tabler report

    SQL server Questions: functions, triggers,views and types of views

    stored procedures, normalization and relation ships

    SSIS :

    What transformation you have used in the recent project

    what tasks you have used in the recent project

    EXecute sql task

    for loop and foreach loop

    slowly changing dimention

    Lookup and fuzzilookup




    performance tuning

    error handling


    differnce between dataflowtask and controlflowtask

    execute process task

    execute package task

    sequence container


    Naveen kumar.y

  • armoredeagle (7/29/2010)

    Ideally I would agree that the best approach is not to memorize answers to possible interview questions. However, I have found that, unlike actually working, surviving an interview requires having facts memorized.

    I personally have a history of - on the job - being able to learn new tools and technologies, investigate problems, devise solutions, and get very good performance reviews. And failing in interviews for not having details readily memorized - things that have little benefit on the job because they can be investigated in less than 5 minutes. And it sure seems to me if you say "I don't know that" more than once, you're dead. The only way I have been able to get a new job is, thankfully, through the recommendation of people I have worked with in the past.

    It certainly seems to me that the most important qualities to perform on the job - the ability to learn and reason - are not valued in an interview. Am I the only one that feels that way?

    Why would you want to work for someone that is so narrow-minded that telling them you're not a human encyclopedia is a bad thing? If "I don't know, but I can find out" is an unacceptable answer, that's going to be an extremely stressful job to have anyway, or you're going to be forced to bs your way through it.

    As Gus said and Gail re-iterated, if you take a job on that you can't perform, you're being unfair to the other employees (and yourself, btw) and dishonest to your employer.

    How best to post your question[/url]
    How to post performance problems[/url]
    Tally Table:What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url]

    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • Report Designer: Supports the report creation phase of the report lifecycle. It is an add-on tool for any edition of Visual Studio .NET 2003, suitable for both programmers and non-programmers.

    Report Server: Provides services for execution and distribution of reports.

    Report Manager: A Web-based administration tool for managing the Report Server.

    SSRS questions

    1. Difference between Logical Page an Physical Page in SSRS.

    2. How to configure SSRS for Disaster recovery.

    3. Describe the role of Encrpytion key in Report Server Configuration manager.

    4. User want only to display only pdf as export option in report Manager .. Describe Steps to perform this .

    5. Name and Describe few console utilities for SSRS.

    6. Name few Endpoints exposed by SSRs 2008.

    7. How can you access the Code in You report. Describe the Static and intance based method with example.

    8. how to add custome Assemblies to Report.

    9. What is Linked Report.

    10. What are different types of roles provided by SSRS.

    11. Describe different Processing Modes offered by SSRS.

    12. When to Use Null Data driven Subscription?

    13. What Factors need to take into consideration while desigining a international report ( Localaization ).

    14. What are different option to deploy report from Dev to Prod.

    15. What are the new Controls / Features added in SSRS 2008 / SSRS 2008 R2

    16. How can you monitor the report Usage.

    17. How can you add a new report User to report manager.

    18. How can you create the dynamaic Datasource. Can a Shared Datasource be Dynamic?

    19. A report is Performing poorly . What steps you would take to troubleshoot the Issue.

    20. Write an Expression to perform a Division of two Integers fields and to avoid NAN error.

    21. have you ever used Rank, Dense Rank Ntile, CTE and Pivot..

    22. Is SSRs 2008 dependent on IIS? if not how it perform the operations.

    Any one can send the rly to these questions these questions are faced by me as a 2+experience in ssrs


    Report Designer: Supports the report creation phase of the report lifecycle. It is an add-on tool for any edition of Visual Studio .NET 2003, suitable for both programmers and non-programmers.

    Report Server: Provides services for execution and distribution of reports.

    Report Manager: A Web-based administration tool for managing the Report Server.

    SSRS questions

    1. Difference between Logical Page an Physical Page in SSRS.

    2. How to configure SSRS for Disaster recovery.

    3. Describe the role of Encrpytion key in Report Server Configuration manager.

    4. User want only to display only pdf as export option in report Manager .. Describe Steps to perform this .

    5. Name and Describe few console utilities for SSRS.

    6. Name few Endpoints exposed by SSRs 2008.

    7. How can you access the Code in You report. Describe the Static and intance based method with example.

    8. how to add custome Assemblies to Report.

    9. What is Linked Report.

    10. What are different types of roles provided by SSRS.

    11. Describe different Processing Modes offered by SSRS.

    12. When to Use Null Data driven Subscription?

    13. What Factors need to take into consideration while desigining a international report ( Localaization ).

    14. What are different option to deploy report from Dev to Prod.

    15. What are the new Controls / Features added in SSRS 2008 / SSRS 2008 R2

    16. How can you monitor the report Usage.

    17. How can you add a new report User to report manager.

    18. How can you create the dynamaic Datasource. Can a Shared Datasource be Dynamic?

    19. A report is Performing poorly . What steps you would take to troubleshoot the Issue.

    20. Write an Expression to perform a Division of two Integers fields and to avoid NAN error.

    21. have you ever used Rank, Dense Rank Ntile, CTE and Pivot..

    22. Is SSRs 2008 dependent on IIS? if not how it perform the operations.

  • veera.1255 (8/18/2010)

    Report Designer: Supports the report creation phase of the report lifecycle. It is an add-on tool for any edition of Visual Studio .NET 2003, suitable for both programmers and non-programmers.

    Report Server: Provides services for execution and distribution of reports.

    Report Manager: A Web-based administration tool for managing the Report Server.

    SSRS questions


    Any one can send the rly to these questions these questions are faced by me as a 2+experience in ssrs

    This is an SSIS forum, so you're in the wrong place. Why should anyone give you the answers anyway? If you don't know, learn. If you can't learn, you shouldn't get the job. Anyone can be a parrot, but I wouldn't want a parrot as a colleague.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Phil Parkin (8/18/2010)

    veera.1255 (8/18/2010)

    Report Designer: Supports the report creation phase of the report lifecycle. It is an add-on tool for any edition of Visual Studio .NET 2003, suitable for both programmers and non-programmers.

    Report Server: Provides services for execution and distribution of reports.

    Report Manager: A Web-based administration tool for managing the Report Server.

    SSRS questions


    Any one can send the rly to these questions these questions are faced by me as a 2+experience in ssrs

    This is an SSIS forum, so you're in the wrong place. Why should anyone give you the answers anyway? If you don't know, learn. If you can't learn, you shouldn't get the job. Anyone can be a parrot, but I wouldn't want a parrot as a colleague.

    Phil...newbie asking for help...don't be mean..

    Raunak J

  • Raunak Jhawar (8/18/2010)

    Phil...newbie asking for help...don't be mean..

    No one's been mean, just realistic. Memorising answers to interview questions is not going to fool a good interviewer. If it fools a bad interviewer, then someone's got a job they're not capable of doing. I personally wouldn't want as a colleague someone who's memorised their way through an interview.

    interview advice: Be honest, don't exagerate your abilities, don't be afraid to say 'I don't know' (but have a plan for finding out, eg google, product documentation, etc).

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Raunak Jhawar (8/18/2010)

    Phil Parkin (8/18/2010)

    veera.1255 (8/18/2010)

    Any one can send the rly to these questions these questions are faced by me as a 2+experience in ssrs

    This is an SSIS forum, so you're in the wrong place. Why should anyone give you the answers anyway? If you don't know, learn. If you can't learn, you shouldn't get the job. Anyone can be a parrot, but I wouldn't want a parrot as a colleague.

    Phil...newbie asking for help...don't be mean..

    That is not asking for help. That is being too lazy to find out the answers yourself. Too lazy to pick up a book about the subject, to follow a webinar or an actual training. That is choosing the easy way out and hoping that the answers fall in your lap. Real knowledge comes with experience and training and yes, that takes time.

    (and with real knowledge I mean knowledge stored in your long-term memory, not knowledge in your short-term memory by memorizing answers).

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • I just got done with a long run of interviews for a Sr. Systems DBA and an SQL Server T-SQL Developer. There were about 8 candidates for each job. I should probably write and article about it... it was absolutely brutal. I've never seen so many people who knew so little about what their trade was. That includes the head hunters who thought they were good candidates.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff Moden (8/18/2010)

    I just got done with a long run of interviews for a Sr. Systems DBA and an SQL Server T-SQL Developer. There were about 8 candidates for each job. I should probably write and article about it... it was absolutely brutal. I've never seen so many people who knew so little about what their trade was. That includes the head hunters who thought they were good candidates.

    Sounds to me that a mock interview with you would be a good place to start in developing a Professional Development Plan for enhancing an individuals knowledge and abilities.

    Would love to know what kinds of questions you asked these people. I'd probably be surprised at how much I don't know and still need to learn.

  • the forums in themselves are a haven for learning...provided one understands how to exploit them in your favour...

    Happy learning

    Raunak J

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 163 total)

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