The Bulb Man

  • Oh, YEAH?

    Answer this:

    If a centipede a quart and a millipede a pint, what's a precipice?

    -- J.T.

    "I may not always know what I'm talking about, and you may not either."

  • re precipice..


    three dwarves and a shetland pony?

  • OK, maybe this answer is too simple, but why not just open the doors to the rooms with the lights without going inside the room. Go in each room with a switch, turn it on and go see which light came on. Go in and out of that room and the door will close and lock. Repeat until all doors are closed and locked.

  • I'd go into the rooms with the light bulbs and bust 'em up.  Now I can say that the switches don't turn anything on and I only had to go through 4 doors to do it!


  • OK, here are three more moldy oldies:

    1.  Are there three 2-digit primes that have the following properties:

    • The average of the sum of all three is a prime number
    • The average of the sum of any two is a prime number

    If yes, then what are the three 2-digit primes?  How did you figure them out?

    2.  Print this out and connect all of the SQL Server Central stars below using only 4 straight lines.  You cannot mutilate, rip, tear, curl/curve, cut or otherwise alter the paper.  Your pen/pencil must stay in contact with the paper the entire time.

    Do it again, but this time use only 3 straight lines.  The same restrictions apply.

    3.  GERALD + DONALD = ROBERT.  If D = 5, what are the rest?  Each letter is assigned the value of a different digit, 0 - 9.  No two different letters are assigned the same value (i.e., G != E != R != A != L != D).

  • Reminds me of another old joke, but I can't post it to a family-oriented website

  • Thinking outside the imaginary box

    -- J.T.

    "I may not always know what I'm talking about, and you may not either."

  • re JTS......someones's username is god.. i wonder if the password is the same...


  • Somebody asked me this in an interview once. I didn't get the job

  • Heh, no. The password is in aramaic. Good luck guessing it.


    -- J.T.

    "I may not always know what I'm talking about, and you may not either."

  • <Finally figuring out which end is up>


    Answer - 4 lines

    -- J.T.

    "I may not always know what I'm talking about, and you may not either."

  • I guess this idea will help.

    Step1: Wait for a while after on the first switch. Now off the first switch and on the second switch.

    Enter the first door and check whether the bulb is heat/cold/on/off.


    Step 2. Switch off second, switch on the third switch, go to fourth room.

    Now we are able to find the first switch belong to which room. We have not visited two

    rooms so far.


    Follow the same for the rest of the rooms.


  • We forgot the crime syndicate answer: "Let's just say I give you, oh, a thousand bucks to tell people I figured it out."

    -- J.T.

    "I may not always know what I'm talking about, and you may not either."

  • moving it to H drive aint going to help either.. you need it hosted somewhere... then put http://.... for the location of the file...

  • Yah, I figured that out about 60 seconds later....

    Better Nate than Lever.

    -- J.T.

    "I may not always know what I'm talking about, and you may not either."

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