The Standard Edition Wish List

  • Reporting Services Web-Farm / scale-out.

    This is one key feature missing from Standard Edition that I find incomprehensible as to why it is not included at this level. Here's why:


    - I have a single server Reporting Services instance (Standard Edition).

    - I'd like to scale that out to two servers, perhaps for reasons of performance, availability/redundancy or both

    - I now not only need to convince my boss that we need to purchase another SQL license for the second SSRS server (2x current licensing costs for SSRS), but that we also need to move from Standard Edition up to Enterprise Edition (~4x cost of Standard Edition, depending on licensing models, et...)

    - So in effect, to get a two-server SSRS scale-out implementation up and running would require an 8x increase to current SQL licensing costs

    I've run into this scenario a number of times with various cutsomers, and needless to say it's very hard to make that turkey fly, and is an anomaly in the current SQL licensing & edition configuration that seems a little absurd.


  • Compression.

    With companies out there selling products for backup compression for less than $300 (e.g., Idera SQL Safe Lite), it seems to make business sense for MS to just include compression in their standard edition.

  • Partitioning, even if limited.

Viewing 3 posts - 31 through 32 (of 32 total)

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