Transaction Log curosity

  • tkoselke (7/20/2011)

    I doubt there would be much benefit right now as the two of us that are going to be using this don't really do much other than making sure it is working and making backups. Maybe down the road when we've got a better handle on what we can do with this it would be beneficial to have 2008.

    My thoughts were that we are going to have to take time to do all the work for just doing a SP upgrade would it be better or give us more problems going completely to 2008.

    Changing major version means doing full test of any application connecting to the server unless it's supported by the vendor... and even then you should do a full retest.

    Also changing version means you need to rebuy licenses which seems to be a waste of money for your particular case at the moment.

  • Thanks for all the info and help, i really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.

    I think we'll just proceed with SP4 upgrade and use the script site you gave me to see if that fixes our issues.

  • "..... take time to do all the work for just doing a SP upgrade ...."

    What work ? Service Packs are pretty straightforward. I would be hesitant if it was a brand new SP, but SP3 has been out forever, and SP4 a decent while.

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