Visualize the timeline of your SQL jobs using Google graph and email

  • Probably take this line out of the script 🙂

    line 131

    and in('Ordina_Backup_Full','Ordina_Backup_Diff','Ordina_Backup_Log')

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I stand corrected 🙂

    Thx for the heads-up, and yes that line should have been commented out, since it is intended to be an option.


    This script returns a (graphical) timeline for all SQL jobs using google graph


    Version: 1.1

    Author: Theo Ekelmans


    Date: 2015-06-24

    Version: 1.2

    Author: Theo Ekelmans


    Date: 2015-07-28

    Change: Updated using feedback from the SqlServerCentral Community

    Version: 2.0

    Author: Theo Ekelmans


    Date: 2015-07-28

    Change: Added an option to split multiple days into seperate graphs as requested by

    the SqlServerCentral Community

    Version: 2.1

    Author: Theo Ekelmans


    Date: 2016-01-19

    Change: Day of week added

    Version: 2.2

    Author: Theo Ekelmans


    Date: 2016-02-22

    Change: Option for DateRange bar added


    set nocount on

    declare @dt datetime

    declare @StartDT datetime

    declare @EndDT datetime

    declare @SDT datetime

    declare @EDT datetime

    declare @MaxEDT datetime

    declare @MinRuntimeInSec int

    declare @SendMail int

    declare @ReturnRecocordset int

    declare @Emailprofilename varchar(50)

    declare @EmailRecipients varchar(50)

    declare @CategoryCount int

    declare @CategoryJobCount float

    declare @Teller int

    declare @WidthInPixels int

    declare @HeightInPixels int

    declare @RowHeightInPixels int

    declare @AddDateRangeBar int


    -- Set variables


    set @Teller = 1

    set @StartDT = getdate() - 31

    set @EndDT = getdate()

    set @MinRuntimeInSec = 1 --Ignore jobs with runtime smaller then this

    set @WidthInPixels = 1280 -- The width of the graph

    set @RowHeightInPixels = 40 -- Base for graph height calculation

    set @AddDateRangeBar = 1 -- Add the daterange bar for reference

    set @ReturnRecocordset = 0

    set @SendMail = 1

    set @Emailprofilename = '<MailProfileName>'

    set @EmailRecipients = '<email>'


    -- Pre-run cleanup (just in case)


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #JobRuntime;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleGraph') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleGraph;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDiv') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDiv;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDraw') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDraw;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Dates') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Dates;


    -- Create the tables for HTML assembly


    create table ##GoogleGraph ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [HTML] [varchar](8000) NULL)

    create table ##GoogleDiv ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [HTML] [varchar](8000) NULL)

    create table ##GoogleDraw ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [HTML] [varchar](8000) NULL)

    create table #Dates ([StartDT] datetime NOT NULL,

    [EndDT] datetime NOT NULL)


    -- Break the range into days


    ;WITH w(DT) AS

    ( SELECT cast(cast(@StartDT as int) as datetime)


    SELECT dateadd(day, 1 ,w.DT)

    FROM w

    WHERE w.DT < @EndDT - 1


    INSERT INTO #Dates


    ,dateadd(day, 1 ,DT)

    FROM w



    -- Create the Job Runtime information table


    select as JobName

    , as CatName

    ,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) as SDT

    ,dateadd( s,

    ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 ,

    CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120)

    ) as EDT

    into #JobRuntime

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs job

    left JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory his

    ON his.job_id = job.job_id

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories cat

    ON job.category_id = cat.category_id

    where CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) between @StartDT and @EndDT

    and step_id = 0 -- step_id = 0 is the entire job, step_id > 0 is actual step number

    and ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 > @MinRuntimeInSec -- Ignore trivial runtimes

    --and in('Ordina_Backup_Full','Ordina_Backup_Diff','Ordina_Backup_Log')

    order by SDT

    if not exists (select 1 from #JobRuntime)

    goto NothingToDo


    -- Format for google graph - Header

    -- (Split into multiple inserts because the default text result setting is 256 chars)


    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select '<html>


    <!--<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="1">--> '

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select '

    <script type="text/javascript" src="{''modules'':[{''name'':''visualization'', ''version'':''1'',''packages'':[''timeline'']}]}"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">'

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select ' google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);

    function drawChart() {'

    -- Loop all dates


    select StartDT, EndDT

    from #Dates

    where [StartDT] >= (select min(SDT) from [#JobRuntime]) --Just in case there is no job run in the date range

    and [EndDT] <= (select max(EDT) from [#JobRuntime]) --Just in case there is no job run in the date range

    order by StartDT

    OPEN cDates


    WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)


    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select ' //************************'+convert(varchar(10), @SDT, 120)+'******************************

    var container'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = document.getElementById(''JobTimeline'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+''');

    var chart'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = new google.visualization.Timeline(container'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+');

    var dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = new google.visualization.DataTable();'

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select ' dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Position'' });

    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Name'' });

    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''Start'' });

    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''End'' });

    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addRows([


    if @AddDateRangeBar = 1 -- Add the daterange bar for reference



    -- Insert placeholders for begin and end of day


    -- De max value of a day is either the MaxDT of the longest job if it sticks out over the day boundry

    set @MaxEDT = ( SELECT max(EDT)

    from #JobRuntime

    where SDT between @SDT and @EDT


    -- Or if the the longest job is within the day boundry than it the end of the day

    if @MaxEDT < @EDT

    set @MaxEDT = @EDT

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    SELECT ' [ '

    +'''' + 'DateRange' + ''', '

    +'''' + ' ' + ''', '

    +'new Date('

    + cast(DATEPART(year , @SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, @SDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, @SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, @SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, @SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, @SDT) as varchar(4))

    +'), '

    +'new Date('

    + cast(DATEPART(year, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, @MaxEDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))

    + ') ],' --+ char(10)



    -- Format for google graph - Data


    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    SELECT ' [ '

    +'''' + CatName + ''', '

    +'''' + JobName + ''', '

    +'new Date('

    + cast(DATEPART(year , SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, SDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, SDT) as varchar(4))

    +'), '

    +'new Date('

    + cast(DATEPART(year, EDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, EDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, EDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, EDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, EDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, EDT) as varchar(4))

    + ') ],' --+ char(10)

    from #JobRuntime

    where SDT between @SDT and @EDT

    order by CatName, JobName

    select @CategoryCount = count(distinct CatName)

    from #JobRuntime

    where SDT between @SDT and @EDT

    select @CategoryJobCount = avg(cJobname * 1.0)

    from (

    -- Count JobNames per CatName

    select CatName, count(JobName) as cJobname

    from (

    -- Get Cat CatName and JobName

    select distinct CatName, JobName

    from #JobRuntime

    where SDT between @SDT and @EDT

    ) as i

    group by CatName

    ) as o

    set @HeightInPixels = @RowHeightInPixels * (((@CategoryCount * 1.0) * @CategoryJobCount) + 2)

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select ' ]);

    var options'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' =


    timeline: {

    groupByRowLabel: true,

    colorByRowLabel: false,

    singleColor: false,

    rowLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },

    barLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },


    "height": '+cast(@HeightInPixels as varchar(10))+',

    "width": '+cast(@WidthInPixels as varchar(10))+'



    insert into ##GoogleDiv (HTML)

    SELECT ' <hr>from '+datename(dw, @SDT)+' '+convert(varchar(20), @SDT, 120) +' until '+datename(dw, @EDT)+' '+convert(varchar(20), @EDT, 120)+'<hr> <div id="JobTimeline'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'"></div>'

    insert into ##GoogleDraw (HTML)

    SELECT ' chart'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.draw(dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+', options'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+');'

    set @Teller = @Teller + 1



    CLOSE cDates



    -- Format for google graph - Footer


    -- The DRAWs

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleDraw

    -- Last part of the script + start of the body

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select '





    +'<font face="Helvetica" size="3" >'

    +'Job timeline on: '+@@servername + ' (Node: ' +cast(SERVERPROPERTY('ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS') as varchar(128)) +')'

    +' from '+convert(varchar(20), @StartDT, 120)

    +' until '+convert(varchar(20), @EndDT, 120)

    +case when @MinRuntimeInSec = 0 then '' else ' (hiding jobs with runtime < '+cast(@MinRuntimeInSec as varchar(10))+' seconds)' end


    -- The DIVs

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleDiv

    -- And last but not least the ending tags

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select ' </body>



    -- Output HTML page - copy output & paste to a .HTML file and open with google chrome


    if @ReturnRecocordset = 1

    select HTML from ##GoogleGraph order by ID


    -- Send Email -


    if @SendMail = 1

    execute msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = @Emailprofilename

    ,@recipients = @EmailRecipients

    ,@subject = 'JobTimeline'

    ,@body = 'See attachment for JobTimeline, open with Google Chrome!'

    ,@body_format = 'HTML' -- or TEXT

    ,@importance = 'Normal' --Low Normal High

    ,@sensitivity = 'Normal' --Normal Personal Private Confidential

    ,@execute_query_database = 'master'

    ,@query_result_header = 0

    ,@query = 'set nocount on; SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleGraph'

    ,@query_result_no_padding = 1 -- prevent SQL adding padding spaces in the result

    --,@query_no_truncate= 1 -- mutually exclusive with @query_result_no_padding

    ,@attach_query_result_as_file = 1

    ,@query_attachment_filename= 'JobTimeline.HTML'

    goto Cleanup


    -- Just in case....



    print 'No job runtime info found....'


    -- Cleanup



    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #JobRuntime;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleGraph') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleGraph;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDiv') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDiv;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDraw') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDraw;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Dates') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Dates;

  • Great stuff!

  • It would be interesting to check if the same can be done with PowerBI Desktop.

  • That's looks really neat and I definitely will give it a shot!

  • Promising. I'll have a look at it.

    Could it be that there is a size limit?

  • This looks really cool. Does it work with Azure? I can't test at work but definitely will when i get home.

  • Hi Jo.

    I have seen that really large data sets dont get rendered right. Probably some limit in google visualisation?

  • It works if you have mail set up.... no other requirements 🙂

  • Mail is disabled on most all the hosts I hit. But, I was able to write some procs that generate/print html to the output tab. Then I just invoke a macro to grab the output and display it as a webpage (using Quick Macros). I can't wait to implement some of the fancier google graphs!

  • Ow?

    How did you pull that one off?

  • Theo Ekelmans (10/30/2016)


    How did you pull that one off?

    Actually I already had the macro written for working with html samples I find. It just does four simple steps:

    1. Select all (ctrl+a) Optionally include this line for selected snippets or for the full output pane.

    2. Copy to clipboard (ctrl+c)

    3. Save clipboard to temp file

    4. Open temp file in browser

    SSMS allows saving output to a file but it is bothersome to specify a file name and manually load it into a browser. I use quickmacros for hundreds of macros so it easily pays for itself in time saved.

    An additional problem that every DBA should already have handled is a PrintMax function that can print output line by line to avoid truncation in the messages pane.

    I don't know why Microsoft builds in limitations such as 255 chars of data output displayed. It can be raised to 8192 per data item for text output. This "per data item" query text options setting is not a problem if you have your own PrintMax function and control output.

    Hope that answers your question.

  • Check... thx for the clarification 🙂

  • I am just starting out with this script, but would there be an easy way to have this run on a centralized server but ping multiple servers?

  • Sure,

    Assuming you have a central server, just add linked servers, and add the servername to the queries in the script. :)0

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