Visualize the timeline of your SQL jobs using Google graph and email

  • Hi!

    Thanks for this good looking sql job timeline!

    I have a couple questions:

    - How get sql job steps visible to same chart? Example if I click some job then opens that job steps or something other solution.
    - And if there a job which have a trigger and that launch new job, how get those to same row?


    Mikko S.

  • Hmmm... interesting idea Mikko,

    Aa drilldown version of the graph.... 

    Unfortunalely google graph does not support a drilldown, but i could write a other version of this script, that would use the label column for the jobname, and show the jobsteps on the timeline. 

    Would that be usefull for you?

    About the "trigger" you mentioned, nope... there is no logical group that hold that in the MSDB execution history.



  • Yes, okey.. I have also that idea, showing job name in side and then jobsteps show in timeline but I wasn't yet tried that. 

    But that would be what I need, just easy readable job tracking chart.


    Mikko S.

  • Hi Mikko,
    If you replace the query under "Create the Job Runtime information table" by the query below, you will get a plot of step runtimes per job

    SELECT h.step_name as JobName
            , as CatName
            ,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) as SDT
            ,dateadd(    s,
                        ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 ,
                        CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120)
                    ) as EDT
    into    #JobRuntime
    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
    ON j.job_id = h.job_id
    where    CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) between @StartDT and @EndDT
    and        ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 > @MinRuntimeInSec -- Ignore trivial runtimes
    and        h.step_id > 0
    ORDER BY, h.run_date, h.run_time, step_id


  • Okay... 
    And here is version 4.0, which has a new option: the capability to show Category/Job or Job/Step and the option to show a single timeline or one timeline per day.



    This script returns a (graphical) timeline for all SQL jobs using google graph
    Version:     1.1
    Author:     Theo Ekelmans
    Date:     2015-06-24

    Version:     1.2
    Author:     Theo Ekelmans
    Date:     2015-07-28
    Change:     Updated using feedback from the SqlServerCentral Community

    Version:     2.0
    Author:     Theo Ekelmans
    Date:     2015-07-28
    Change:     Added an option to split multiple days into seperate graphs as requested by
             the SqlServerCentral Community

    Version:     2.1
    Author:     Theo Ekelmans
    Date:     2016-01-19
    Change:     Day of week added
    Version:     2.2
    Author:     Theo Ekelmans
    Date:     2016-02-22
    Change:     Option for DateRange bar added
    Version:     2.3
    Author:     Theo Ekelmans
    Date:     2016-05-20
    Change:     DateRange fixed to begin and end of day
    Version:     3.0
    Author:     Theo Ekelmans
    Date:     2017-05-03
    Change:     Added an option to show either show Category/Job or Job/Step
             Solved a few bugs that limited the number of days this report can span
             Note: 14 days will take about 40 seconds to render !!

    Version:     4.0
    Author:     Theo Ekelmans
    Date:     2017-05-12
    Change:     Added an option to show either one timeline, or one timeline per day

    set nocount on

    declare @dt datetime
    declare @StartDT datetime
    declare @EndDT datetime
    declare @SDT datetime
    declare @EDT datetime
    declare @MaxEDT datetime
    declare @MinRuntimeInSec int
    declare @SendMail int
    declare @ReturnRecocordset int
    declare @Emailprofilename varchar(50)
    declare @EmailRecipients varchar(50)
    declare @CategoryCount int
    declare @CategoryJobCount float
    declare @Teller int
    declare @HeightInPixels int
    declare @WidthInPixels int
    declare @RowHeightInPixels int
    declare @AddDateRangeBar int
    declare @Show varchar(50)
    declare @ShowDays varchar(50)
    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    -- Set variables
    set @Teller = 1
    set @StartDT = getdate() - 5
    set @EndDT = getdate()
    set @MinRuntimeInSec = 5 --Ignore jobs with runtime smaller then this
    set @WidthInPixels = 2560 -- The width of the graph per day (increase this value to show more detail)
    set @RowHeightInPixels = 35 -- Base for graph height calculation
    set @AddDateRangeBar = 1 -- Add the daterange bar for reference (ignored for single timeline)

    set @ReturnRecocordset = 0
    set @SendMail = 1
    set @Emailprofilename = '<MailProfileName>'
    set @EmailRecipients = '<email>'

    --Choose one of the 2 show days options below
    set @ShowDays = 'OneTimeline'
    --set @ShowDays = 'MultiDayTimeline'

    --Choose one of the 2 show options below
    set @Show = 'Category/Job'
    --set @Show = 'Job/Step'

    -- Pre-run cleanup (just in case)
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##JobRuntime;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleGraph') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleGraph;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDiv') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDiv;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDraw') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDraw;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Dates') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Dates;

    -- Create the tables for HTML assembly
    create table ##GoogleGraph ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
                         [HTML] [varchar](max) NULL)

    create table ##GoogleDiv ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
                         [HTML] [varchar](max) NULL)

    create table ##GoogleDraw ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
                         [HTML] [varchar](max) NULL)

    create table #Dates   ([StartDT] datetime NOT NULL,
                         [EndDT] datetime NOT NULL)

    -- Break the range into days
    ;WITH w(DT) AS
    (        SELECT    cast(cast(@StartDT as int) as datetime)
            UNION ALL
            SELECT    dateadd(day, 1 ,w.DT)
            FROM    w
            WHERE    w.DT < @EndDT - 1
    INSERT INTO #Dates
    SELECT    DT
            ,dateadd(day, 1 ,DT)
    FROM    w

    -- Create the Job Runtime information table
    if @Show = 'Category/Job'

        set @sql = '
        select as JobName
                , as CatName
                ,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120) as SDT
                ,dateadd(    s,
                            ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 ,
                            CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120)
                        ) as EDT
        into    ##JobRuntime
        FROM    msdb.dbo.sysjobs job
                    left JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory his
                        ON his.job_id = job.job_id
                    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories cat
                        ON job.category_id = cat.category_id
        where    CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120) between '''+convert(nvarchar(20), @StartDT, 120)+''' and '''+convert(nvarchar(20), @EndDT, 120)+'''
        and        step_id = 0 -- step_id = 0 is the entire job, step_id > 0 is actual step number
        and        ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 > '+cast(@MinRuntimeInSec as nvarchar(50))+' -- Ignore trivial runtimes
        --and in(''Ordina_Backup_Full'',''Ordina_Backup_Diff'',''Ordina_Backup_Log'')
        ORDER BY SDT

    if @Show = 'Job/Step'
        set @sql = '
        SELECT h.step_name as JobName
                , as CatName
                ,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120) as SDT
                ,dateadd(    s,
                            ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 ,
                            CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120)
                        ) as EDT
        into    ##JobRuntime
        FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
        ON j.job_id = h.job_id
        where    CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120) between '''+convert(nvarchar(52), @StartDT, 120)+''' and '''+convert(nvarchar(20), @EndDT, 120)+'''
        and        ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 > '+cast(@MinRuntimeInSec as nvarchar(50))+' -- Ignore trivial runtimes
        and        h.step_id > 0
        ORDER BY, h.run_date, h.run_time, step_id

    exec (@sql)

    if not exists (select 1 from ##JobRuntime)
        goto NothingToDo

    update    ##JobRuntime
    set        JobName = replace(JobName, '''', '`')
            ,CatName = replace(CatName, '''', '`')

    -- Format for google graph - Header
    -- (Split into multiple inserts because the default text result setting is 256 chars)
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '<html>
        <!--<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="1">--> '
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '
      <script type="text/javascript" src="{''modules'':[{''name'':''visualization'', ''version'':''1'',''packages'':[''timeline'']}]}"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">'
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '    google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);
        function drawChart() {'

    -- One timeline over all
    if @ShowDays = 'OneTimeline'

      -- Calculate new width
      set @WidthInPixels = @WidthInPixels * datediff(day, @StartDT, @EndDT)

      insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
      select '
         var container = document.getElementById(''JobTimeline'');
         var chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(container);
         var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();'
      insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
      select '        dataTable.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Position'' });
         dataTable.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Name'' });
         dataTable.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''Start'' });
         dataTable.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''End'' });
      -- Format for google graph - Data
      insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
      SELECT '        [ '
             +'''' + CatName + ''', '
             +'''' + replace(JobName,'''','') + ''', '
             +'new Date('
             +  cast(DATEPART(year , SDT) as varchar(4))
             +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, SDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
             +', '+cast(DATEPART(day,  SDT) as varchar(4))
             +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, SDT) as varchar(4))
             +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, SDT) as varchar(4))
             +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, SDT) as varchar(4))
             +'), '

             +'new Date('
             +  cast(DATEPART(year, EDT) as varchar(4))
             +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, EDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
             +', '+cast(DATEPART(day,  EDT) as varchar(4))
             +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, EDT) as varchar(4))
             +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, EDT) as varchar(4))
             +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, EDT) as varchar(4))
             + ') ],' --+ char(10)
      from    ##JobRuntime
      where    SDT between @StartDT and @EndDT
      order by    CatName, SDT, JobName

      select    @CategoryCount = count(distinct CatName)
      from    ##JobRuntime
      where    SDT between @StartDT and @EndDT

      select    @CategoryJobCount = avg(cJobname * 1.0)
      from    (
             -- Count JobNames per CatName
             select CatName, count(JobName) as cJobname
             from    (
                      -- Get Cat CatName and JobName
                      select    distinct CatName, JobName
                      from    ##JobRuntime
                      where    SDT between @StartDT and @EndDT
                      ) as i
             group by CatName
             ) as o

      set @HeightInPixels = @RowHeightInPixels * (((@CategoryCount * 1.0) * @CategoryJobCount) + 2)

      insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
      select '        ]);

      var options =
         timeline:     { '

      if @Show = 'Category/Job'
      insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
      select '                    groupByRowLabel: true,'

      if @Show = 'Job/Step'
      insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
      select '                    groupByRowLabel: false,'

      insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
      select '                    colorByRowLabel: false,
                      singleColor: false,
                      rowLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },
                      barLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },'                                        

      insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
      select '
         "height": '+cast(@HeightInPixels as varchar(10))+',
         "width": '+cast(@WidthInPixels as varchar(10))+'

      insert into ##GoogleDiv (HTML)
      SELECT '  <div id="JobTimeline"></div>'

      insert into ##GoogleDraw (HTML)
      SELECT '  chart.draw(dataTable, options);'


    -- One timeline per day
    if @ShowDays = 'MultiDayTimeline'

      -- Loop all dates

      select StartDT, EndDT
      from     #Dates
      where [StartDT] >= (select min(SDT) from [##JobRuntime]) --Just in case there is no job run in the date range
      and     [EndDT] <= (select max(EDT) from [##JobRuntime]) --Just in case there is no job run in the date range
      order by StartDT

      OPEN cDates

      WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)

          insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
          select '
              //************************'+convert(varchar(10), @SDT, 120)+'******************************
              var container'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = document.getElementById(''JobTimeline'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+''');
              var chart'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = new google.visualization.Timeline(container'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+');
              var dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = new google.visualization.DataTable();'
          insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
          select '        dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Position'' });
              dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Name'' });
              dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''Start'' });
              dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''End'' });
              dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addRows([

         if @AddDateRangeBar = 1 -- Add the daterange bar for reference
             -- Insert placeholders for begin and end of day

             ---- De max value of a day is either the MaxDT of the longest job if it sticks out over the day boundry
             --set @MaxEDT = (    SELECT max(EDT)
                      --  from     ##JobRuntime
                      --  where SDT between @SDT and @EDT
                      --  )

             ---- Or if the the longest job is within the day boundry than it the end of the day
             --if @MaxEDT < @EDT
                 set @MaxEDT = @EDT

             insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
             SELECT '        [ '
                     +'''' + 'DateRange' + ''', '
                     +'''' + ' ' + ''', '
                     +'new Date('
                     +  cast(DATEPART(year , @SDT) as varchar(4))
                     +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, @SDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
                     +', '+cast(DATEPART(day,  @SDT) as varchar(4))
                     +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, @SDT) as varchar(4))
                     +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, @SDT) as varchar(4))
                     +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, @SDT) as varchar(4))
                     +'), '

                     +'new Date('
                     +  cast(DATEPART(year, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))
                     +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, @MaxEDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
                     +', '+cast(DATEPART(day,  @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))
                     +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))
                     +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))
                     +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))
                     + ') ],' --+ char(10)

          -- Format for google graph - Data
          insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
          SELECT '        [ '
                  +'''' + CatName + ''', '
                  +'''' + replace(JobName,'''','') + ''', '
                  +'new Date('
                  +  cast(DATEPART(year , SDT) as varchar(4))
                  +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, SDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
                  +', '+cast(DATEPART(day,  SDT) as varchar(4))
                  +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, SDT) as varchar(4))
                  +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, SDT) as varchar(4))
                  +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, SDT) as varchar(4))
                  +'), '

                  +'new Date('
                  +  cast(DATEPART(year, EDT) as varchar(4))
                  +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, EDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
                  +', '+cast(DATEPART(day,  EDT) as varchar(4))
                  +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, EDT) as varchar(4))
                  +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, EDT) as varchar(4))
                  +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, EDT) as varchar(4))
                  + ') ],' --+ char(10)
          from    ##JobRuntime
          where    SDT between @SDT and @EDT
          order by    CatName, SDT, JobName

          select    @CategoryCount = count(distinct CatName)
          from    ##JobRuntime
          where    SDT between @SDT and @EDT

          select    @CategoryJobCount = avg(cJobname * 1.0)
          from    (
                  -- Count JobNames per CatName
                  select CatName, count(JobName) as cJobname
                  from    (
                          -- Get Cat CatName and JobName
                          select    distinct CatName, JobName
                          from    ##JobRuntime
                          where    SDT between @SDT and @EDT
                          ) as i
                  group by CatName
                  ) as o

          set @HeightInPixels = @RowHeightInPixels * (((@CategoryCount * 1.0) * @CategoryJobCount) + 2)

          insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
          select '        ]);

          var options'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' =
              timeline:     { '

          if @Show = 'Category/Job'
          insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
          select '                    groupByRowLabel: true,'

          if @Show = 'Job/Step'
          insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
          select '                    groupByRowLabel: false,'

          insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
          select '                    colorByRowLabel: false,
                          singleColor: false,
                          rowLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },
                          barLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },'                                        

          insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
          select '
              "height": '+cast(@HeightInPixels as varchar(10))+',
              "width": '+cast(@WidthInPixels as varchar(10))+'

          insert into ##GoogleDiv (HTML)
          SELECT '  <hr>from '+datename(dw, @SDT)+' '+convert(varchar(20), @SDT, 120) +' until '+datename(dw, @EDT)+' '+convert(varchar(20), @EDT, 120)+'<hr> <div id="JobTimeline'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'"></div>'

          insert into ##GoogleDraw (HTML)
          SELECT '  chart'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.draw(dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+', options'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+');'

          set @Teller = @Teller + 1

          FETCH NEXT FROM cDates INTO @SDT, @EDT

      CLOSE cDates
      DEALLOCATE cDates

    -- Format for google graph - Footer
    -- The DRAWs
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleDraw

    -- Last part of the script + start of the body
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '
        +'<font face="Helvetica" size="3" >'
        +'Job timeline on: '+@@servername + ' (Node: ' +cast(SERVERPROPERTY('ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS') as varchar(128)) +')'
        +' from '+convert(varchar(20), @StartDT, 120)
        +' until '+convert(varchar(20), @EndDT, 120)
        +case when @MinRuntimeInSec = 0 then '' else ' (hiding jobs with runtime < '+cast(@MinRuntimeInSec as varchar(10))+' seconds)' end

    -- The DIVs
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleDiv

    -- And last but not least the ending tags
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '    </body>

    -- Output HTML page - copy output & paste to a .HTML file and open with google chrome
    if @ReturnRecocordset = 1
        select HTML from ##GoogleGraph order by ID

    -- Send Email -
    if @SendMail = 1

        execute msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail    
             @profile_name = @Emailprofilename
            ,@recipients = @EmailRecipients
            ,@subject = 'JobTimeline'
            ,@body = 'See attachment for JobTimeline, open with Google Chrome!'
            ,@body_format = 'HTML' -- or TEXT
            ,@importance = 'Normal' --Low Normal High
            ,@sensitivity = 'Normal' --Normal Personal Private Confidential
            ,@execute_query_database = 'master'
            ,@query_result_header = 0
            ,@query = 'set nocount on; SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleGraph order by ID'
            ,@query_result_no_padding = 1 -- prevent SQL adding padding spaces in the result
            --,@query_no_truncate= 1   -- mutually exclusive with @query_result_no_padding
            ,@attach_query_result_as_file = 1
            ,@query_attachment_filename= 'JobTimeline.HTML'

    goto Cleanup

    -- Just in case....

    print 'No job runtime info found....'

    -- Cleanup
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##JobRuntime;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleGraph') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleGraph;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDiv') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDiv;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDraw') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDraw;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Dates') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Dates;

  • Hi Theo

    This looks very interesting, however I am hitting a conversion error in the dynamic SQL...

    SELECT h.step_name as JobName
                , as CatName
                ,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) as SDT
                ,dateadd(    s,
                            ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 ,
                            CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120)
                        ) as EDT
        into    ##JobRuntime
        FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
        ON j.job_id = h.job_id
        where    CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) between '2018-01-30 09:41:37' and '2018-02-13 09:41:37'
        and        ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 > 0 -- Ignore trivial runtimes
        and        h.step_id > 0
        ORDER BY, h.run_date, h.run_time, step_id

    Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 2
    The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.

    This is occurring on the Where clause
    where    CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) between '2018-01-30 09:41:37' and '2018-02-13 09:41:37'

    I had to change this line to
    where    CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120) between CONVERT(DATETIME,'''+convert(nvarchar(20), @StartDT, 120)+''',121) and CONVERT(DATETIME,'''+convert(nvarchar(20), @EndDT, 120)+''',121)
    to encapsulate the where criteria in a  121 date format. I am in the UK, and believe this is the same problem as seen here

  • Hi Paul,
    I hate localization issues like this, and i was hoping by using ISO8601 and ODBC canonical formatting would work in most cases, but alas... i'm proved wrong by an island dweller 🙂

    I will give your code a try using the US en NL formats i'm used to, and post an update to the script.

    Thanks for the feedback


  • Excellent job Theo. However, when I execute 1st version I get a nice html page but executing version 4 gives only the range of dates with no details as follows:

    Job timeline on: SQL2K12 (Node: SQL2K12) from 2019-01-25 16:38:54 until 2019-01-28 16:38:54
    from Saturday 2019-01-26 00:00:00 until Sunday 2019-01-27 00:00:00
    from Sunday 2019-01-27 00:00:00 until Monday 2019-01-28 00:00:00

     I check by running "Select * from ##JobRuntime", I have a lot of records as follows:
    IndexOptimize - USER_DATABASES    IndexOptimize - USER_DATABASES    2019-01-28 15:20:57.000   2019-01-28 15:27:07.000
    Purge                                         MessageBox_UpdateStats_BizTalkMsgBoxDb   2019-01-28 15:30:00.000 2019-01-28 15:30:01.000
    Purge                    MessageBox_UpdateStats_BizTalkMsgBoxDb 2019-01-28 15:45:00.000 2019-01-28 15:45:01.000
    nd so on
    any idea? thanks

  • Ow?

    Strange, V4 works in most cases. can you mail me the script you have (to rule out script issues) the records in "Select * from ##JobRuntime", and the HTML output file to, and i will have a look for you 🙂

    grtz, Theo 🙂

  • Done Theo, I sent an email with 4 docs

    • Script for version 4 I downloaded yesterday
    • Output of the whole V4 script (JobTimeline-OutputV4.HTML)
    • Output of “Select * from ##JobRuntime »
    • Output of script version 1 (JobTimeline-GoodOutput.html)

  • I am trying to get this to work with Registered Servers, so I can query multiple at a time. When I run it I get a similar error as Eliasaal. The HTML shows data in it, but it won't render correctly in any browser. I will see the results for 1 server, and the rest show up like this.


    Job timeline on: SERVER101 (Node: SERVER101) from 2019-04-26 13:09:26 until 2019-05-01 13:09:26

    Job timeline on: SERVER102 (Node: SERVER102) from 2019-04-26 13:09:26 until 2019-05-01 13:09:26

    Job timeline on: SERVER107 (Node: SERVER107) from 2019-04-26 13:09:26 until 2019-05-01 13:09:26

    Job timeline on: SERVER105 (Node: SERVER105) from 2019-04-26 13:09:26 until 2019-05-01 13:09:26

    Job timeline on: SERVER06 (Node: SERVER106) from 2019-04-26 13:09:26 until 2019-05-01 13:09:26

  • Hi eliassal / elirueda,

    I think i have found it, try downloading version 4.1 :

    grtz, Theo

  • I downloaded the file, but the comments say its 3.1, not 4.1. is the link you gave correct?

  • Hi eliruda,

    Yes i am sure i uploaded 4.1 to my server, try ctrl-F5 because you are probably seeing the cached version.

    gr, t 🙂

  • But just in case.... here is the code as well


    This script returns a (graphical) timeline for all SQL jobs using google graph
    Version: 1.1
    Author: Theo Ekelmans
    Date: 2015-06-24

    Version: 1.2
    Author: Theo Ekelmans
    Date: 2015-07-28
    Change: Updated using feedback from the SqlServerCentral Community

    Version: 2.0
    Author: Theo Ekelmans
    Date: 2015-07-28
    Change: Added an option to split multiple days into seperate graphs as requested by
    the SqlServerCentral Community

    Version: 2.1
    Author: Theo Ekelmans
    Date: 2016-01-19
    Change: Day of week added

    Version: 2.2
    Author: Theo Ekelmans
    Date: 2016-02-22
    Change: Option for DateRange bar added

    Version: 2.3
    Author: Theo Ekelmans
    Date: 2016-05-20
    Change: DateRange fixed to begin and end of day

    Version: 3.0
    Author: Theo Ekelmans
    Date: 2017-05-03
    Change: Added an option to show either show Category/Job or Job/Step
    Solved a few bugs that limited the number of days this report can span
    Note: 14 days will take about 40 seconds to render !!

    Version: 3.1
    Author: Theo Ekelmans
    Date: 2019-02-01
    Change: Fixed a minor NULL bug for a French Admin (Thanks for the help Salam :)

    "height": '+cast(isnull(@HeightInPixels, 250) as varchar(10))+',
    "width": '+cast(isnull(@WidthInPixels, 1800) as varchar(10))+'

    Version: 4.0
    Author: Theo Ekelmans
    Date: 2017-05-12
    Change: Added an option to show either one timeline, or one timeline per day

    Version: 4.1
    Author: Theo Ekelmans
    Date: 2019-05-01
    Change: split a few strings into smaller ones

    set nocount on

    declare @dt datetime
    declare @StartDT datetime
    declare @EndDT datetime
    declare @SDT datetime
    declare @EDT datetime
    declare @MaxEDT datetime
    declare @MinRuntimeInSec int
    declare @SendMail int
    declare @ReturnRecocordset int
    declare @Emailprofilename varchar(50)
    declare @EmailRecipients varchar(50)
    declare @CategoryCount int
    declare @CategoryJobCount float
    declare @Teller int
    declare @HeightInPixels int
    declare @WidthInPixels int
    declare @RowHeightInPixels int
    declare @AddDateRangeBar int
    declare @Show varchar(50)
    declare @ShowDays varchar(50)
    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    -- Set variables
    set @Teller = 1
    set @StartDT = getdate() - 5
    set @EndDT = getdate()
    set @MinRuntimeInSec = 5 --Ignore jobs with runtime smaller then this
    set @WidthInPixels = 2560 -- The width of the graph per day (increase this value to show more detail)
    set @RowHeightInPixels = 35 -- Base for graph height calculation
    set @AddDateRangeBar = 1 -- Add the daterange bar for reference (ignored for single timeline)

    set @ReturnRecocordset = 0
    set @SendMail = 1
    set @Emailprofilename = '<MailProfileName>'
    set @EmailRecipients = '<email>'

    --Choose one of the 2 show days options below
    --set @ShowDays = 'OneTimeline'
    set @ShowDays = 'MultiDayTimeline'

    --Choose one of the 2 show options below
    set @Show = 'Category/Job'
    --set @Show = 'Job/Step'

    -- Pre-run cleanup (just in case)
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##JobRuntime;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleGraph') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleGraph;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDiv') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDiv;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDraw') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDraw;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Dates') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Dates;

    -- Create the tables for HTML assembly
    create table ##GoogleGraph ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [HTML] [varchar](max) NULL)

    create table ##GoogleDiv ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [HTML] [varchar](max) NULL)

    create table ##GoogleDraw ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [HTML] [varchar](max) NULL)

    create table #Dates ([StartDT] datetime NOT NULL,
    [EndDT] datetime NOT NULL)

    -- Break the range into days
    ;WITH w(DT) AS
    ( SELECT cast(cast(@StartDT as int) as datetime)
    SELECT dateadd(day, 1 ,w.DT)
    FROM w
    WHERE w.DT < @EndDT - 1
    INSERT INTO #Dates
    ,dateadd(day, 1 ,DT)
    FROM w

    -- Create the Job Runtime information table
    if @Show = 'Category/Job'

    set @sql = '
    select as JobName
    , as CatName
    ,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120) as SDT
    ,dateadd( s,
    ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 ,
    CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120)
    ) as EDT
    into ##JobRuntime
    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs job
    left JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory his
    ON his.job_id = job.job_id
    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories cat
    ON job.category_id = cat.category_id
    where CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120) between '''+convert(nvarchar(20), @StartDT, 120)+''' and '''+convert(nvarchar(20), @EndDT, 120)+'''
    and step_id = 0 -- step_id = 0 is the entire job, step_id > 0 is actual step number
    and ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 > '+cast(@MinRuntimeInSec as nvarchar(50))+' -- Ignore trivial runtimes
    --and in(''Ordina_Backup_Full'',''Ordina_Backup_Diff'',''Ordina_Backup_Log'')

    if @Show = 'Job/Step'
    set @sql = '
    SELECT h.step_name as JobName
    , as CatName
    ,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120) as SDT
    ,dateadd( s,
    ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 ,
    CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120)
    ) as EDT
    into ##JobRuntime
    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j
    ON j.job_id = h.job_id
    where CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + '' '' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, '':''), 3, 0, '':''), 120) between '''+convert(nvarchar(52), @StartDT, 120)+''' and '''+convert(nvarchar(20), @EndDT, 120)+'''
    and ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 > '+cast(@MinRuntimeInSec as nvarchar(50))+' -- Ignore trivial runtimes
    and h.step_id > 0
    ORDER BY, h.run_date, h.run_time, step_id

    exec (@sql)

    if not exists (select 1 from ##JobRuntime)
    goto NothingToDo

    update ##JobRuntime
    set JobName = replace(JobName, '''', '`')
    ,CatName = replace(CatName, '''', '`')

    -- Format for google graph - Header
    -- (Split into multiple inserts because the default text result setting is 256 chars)
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '<html>
    <!--<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="1">--> '
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{''modules'':[{''name'':''visualization'', ''version'':''1'',''packages'':[''timeline'']}]}"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">'
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);
    function drawChart() {'

    -- One timeline over all
    if @ShowDays = 'OneTimeline'

    -- Calculate new width
    set @WidthInPixels = @WidthInPixels * datediff(day, @StartDT, @EndDT)

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '
    var container = document.getElementById(''JobTimeline'');
    var chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(container);
    var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();'

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' dataTable.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Position'' });
    dataTable.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Name'' });

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' dataTable.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''Start'' });
    dataTable.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''End'' });
    -- Format for google graph - Data
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    SELECT ' [ '
    +'''' + CatName + ''', '
    +'''' + replace(JobName,'''','') + ''', '
    +'new Date('
    + cast(DATEPART(year , SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, SDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, SDT) as varchar(4))
    +'), '

    +'new Date('
    + cast(DATEPART(year, EDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, EDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, EDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, EDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, EDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, EDT) as varchar(4))
    + ') ],' --+ char(10)
    from ##JobRuntime
    where SDT between @StartDT and @EndDT
    order by CatName, SDT, JobName

    select @CategoryCount = count(distinct CatName)
    from ##JobRuntime
    where SDT between @StartDT and @EndDT

    select @CategoryJobCount = avg(cJobname * 1.0)
    from (
    -- Count JobNames per CatName
    select CatName, count(JobName) as cJobname
    from (
    -- Get Cat CatName and JobName
    select distinct CatName, JobName
    from ##JobRuntime
    where SDT between @StartDT and @EndDT
    ) as i
    group by CatName
    ) as o

    set @HeightInPixels = @RowHeightInPixels * (((@CategoryCount * 1.0) * @CategoryJobCount) + 2)

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' ]);

    var options =
    timeline: { '

    if @Show = 'Category/Job'
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' groupByRowLabel: true,'

    if @Show = 'Job/Step'
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' groupByRowLabel: false,'

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' colorByRowLabel: false,
    singleColor: false,
    rowLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },
    barLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },'

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '
    "height": '+cast(isnull(@HeightInPixels, 250) as varchar(10))+',
    "width": '+cast(isnull(@WidthInPixels, 1800) as varchar(10))+'

    insert into ##GoogleDiv (HTML)
    SELECT '

    insert into ##GoogleDraw (HTML)
    SELECT ' chart.draw(dataTable, options);'


    -- One timeline per day
    if @ShowDays = 'MultiDayTimeline'

    -- Loop all dates

    select StartDT, EndDT
    from #Dates
    where [StartDT] >= (select min(SDT) from [##JobRuntime]) --Just in case there is no job run in the date range
    and [EndDT] <= (select max(EDT) from [##JobRuntime]) --Just in case there is no job run in the date range
    order by StartDT

    OPEN cDates

    WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '
    //************************'+convert(varchar(10), @SDT, 120)+'******************************
    var container'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = document.getElementById(''JobTimeline'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+''');'
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '
    var chart'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = new google.visualization.Timeline(container'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+');
    var dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = new google.visualization.DataTable();'
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Position'' });
    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Name'' });
    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''Start'' });'
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '
    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''End'' });
    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addRows([
    if @AddDateRangeBar = 1 -- Add the daterange bar for reference
    -- Insert placeholders for begin and end of day

    ---- De max value of a day is either the MaxDT of the longest job if it sticks out over the day boundry
    --set @MaxEDT = ( SELECT max(EDT)
    -- from ##JobRuntime
    -- where SDT between @SDT and @EDT
    -- )

    ---- Or if the the longest job is within the day boundry than it the end of the day
    --if @MaxEDT < @EDT
    set @MaxEDT = @EDT

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    SELECT ' [ '
    +'''' + 'DateRange' + ''', '
    +'''' + ' ' + ''', '
    +'new Date('
    + cast(DATEPART(year , @SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, @SDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, @SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, @SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, @SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, @SDT) as varchar(4))
    +'), '

    +'new Date('
    + cast(DATEPART(year, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, @MaxEDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))
    + ') ],' --+ char(10)

    -- Format for google graph - Data
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    SELECT ' [ '
    +'''' + CatName + ''', '
    +'''' + replace(JobName,'''','') + ''', '
    +'new Date('
    + cast(DATEPART(year , SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, SDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, SDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, SDT) as varchar(4))
    +'), '

    +'new Date('
    + cast(DATEPART(year, EDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, EDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, EDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, EDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, EDT) as varchar(4))
    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, EDT) as varchar(4))
    + ') ],' --+ char(10)
    from ##JobRuntime
    where SDT between @SDT and @EDT
    order by CatName, SDT, JobName

    select @CategoryCount = count(distinct CatName)
    from ##JobRuntime
    where SDT between @SDT and @EDT

    select @CategoryJobCount = avg(cJobname * 1.0)
    from (
    -- Count JobNames per CatName
    select CatName, count(JobName) as cJobname
    from (
    -- Get Cat CatName and JobName
    select distinct CatName, JobName
    from ##JobRuntime
    where SDT between @SDT and @EDT
    ) as i
    group by CatName
    ) as o

    set @HeightInPixels = @RowHeightInPixels * (((@CategoryCount * 1.0) * @CategoryJobCount) + 2)

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' ]);

    var options'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' =
    timeline: { '

    if @Show = 'Category/Job'
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' groupByRowLabel: true,'

    if @Show = 'Job/Step'
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' groupByRowLabel: false,'

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' colorByRowLabel: false,
    singleColor: false,
    rowLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },
    barLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },'

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '
    "height": '+cast(isnull(@HeightInPixels, 250) as varchar(10))+',
    "width": '+cast(isnull(@WidthInPixels, 1800) as varchar(10))+'

    insert into ##GoogleDiv (HTML)
    SELECT ' <hr>from '+datename(dw, @SDT)+' '+convert(varchar(20), @SDT, 120) +' until '+datename(dw, @EDT)+' '+convert(varchar(20), @EDT, 120)+'<hr>

    insert into ##GoogleDraw (HTML)
    SELECT ' chart'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.draw(dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+', options'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+');'

    set @Teller = @Teller + 1


    CLOSE cDates

    -- Format for google graph - Footer
    -- The DRAWs
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleDraw

    -- Last part of the script + start of the body
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select '
    +'<font face="Helvetica" size="3" >'
    +'Job timeline on: '+@@servername + ' (Node: ' +cast(SERVERPROPERTY('ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS') as varchar(128)) +')'
    +' from '+convert(varchar(20), @StartDT, 120)
    +' until '+convert(varchar(20), @EndDT, 120)
    +case when @MinRuntimeInSec = 0 then '' else ' (hiding jobs with runtime < '+cast(@MinRuntimeInSec as varchar(10))+' seconds)' end

    -- The DIVs
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleDiv

    -- And last but not least the ending tags
    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)
    select ' </body>

    -- Output HTML page - copy output & paste to a .HTML file and open with google chrome
    if @ReturnRecocordset = 1
    select HTML from ##GoogleGraph order by ID

    -- Send Email -
    if @SendMail = 1

    execute msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
    @profile_name = @Emailprofilename
    ,@recipients = @EmailRecipients
    ,@subject = 'JobTimeline'
    ,@body = 'See attachment for JobTimeline, open with Google Chrome!'
    ,@body_format = 'HTML' -- or TEXT
    ,@importance = 'Normal' --Low Normal High
    ,@sensitivity = 'Normal' --Normal Personal Private Confidential
    ,@execute_query_database = 'master'
    ,@query_result_header = 0
    ,@query = 'set nocount on; SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleGraph order by ID'
    ,@query_result_no_padding = 1 -- prevent SQL adding padding spaces in the result
    --,@query_no_truncate= 1 -- mutually exclusive with @query_result_no_padding
    ,@attach_query_result_as_file = 1
    ,@query_attachment_filename= 'JobTimeline.HTML'

    goto Cleanup

    -- Just in case....

    print 'No job runtime info found....'

    -- Cleanup
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##JobRuntime;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleGraph') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleGraph;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDiv') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDiv;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDraw') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDraw;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Dates') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Dates;

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