Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Calculation as per Clock IN/OUT

    In my procedure the Shift details are automatically determined by the First IN or the First OUT encountered for the day, the nearest Shift is taken into consideration

    for eg, 'E5',...

  • RE: Write Query Dynamic Generated Column


    I agree with you, that approach is faster.. but I feel the approach I used is bit easy to understand.

    I personally feel that one should understand the solution and approach...

  • RE: Insert Value in Identity Column

    WayneS (7/7/2010)

    SQLEE (7/7/2010)

    How do I account for the value of an identity column when doing an insert to a table. A NOT NULL vaule won't work and throws an error....

  • RE: Write Query Dynamic Generated Column

    -- Create Tables and Insert Values

    Create Table tmpDis (ID int Identity(1,1), Disposition VARCHAR(50),CDATE Datetime )

    insert into tmpDis (Disposition,CDATE)

    Select 'Busy','7/1/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/1/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/1/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/1/2010'

    union all...

  • RE: BCP error -Unable to open BCP host data-file

    Thanks Sergiy for the reply..

    Sql Server resides in the machine where im executing xp_cmdshell

    in that case my local machine and server are the same..

    all other commands works fine with...

  • RE: BCP error -Unable to open BCP host data-file


    I am trying to execute

    exec Master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "Select _Id_ from PM.dbo._TST_" queryout "C:\_ID_Test.txt" -c -U SA -P AA112233** -S MYLAP\SQLEXPRESS'

    Gives an Output

    SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0

    Error = [Microsoft][SQL...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)