Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)

  • RE: The Command Shell

    So, if I understand correctly, the only use of turning off xp_cmdshell is to remind database administrators that is company policy not to use xp_cmdshell.

    I also read on MSDN that...

  • RE: Question about server alias

    You could create a DNS alias (e.g. CNAME record) for each database which point to the correct server. E.g. for the Finance database on server DB1 create the DNS record...

  • RE: Those Who Can, Do

    TravisDBA (12/21/2012)

    Now you tell me if this is not about making money for Microsoft? 😀

    I won't be surprised if they barely break even on this. Seriously.

  • RE: Different domains causing poor query performance?

    If you are using SQL accounts then slowdowns are unlikely to be caused by different domains.

    You should follow standard performance troubleshooting procedure. Run a trace using the profiler. Use the...

  • RE: Different domains causing poor query performance?

    Okay, I have a few questions for a getting a better view of the situation (not sure actually if they could be relevant):

    - Is the user account running the client...

  • RE: Different domains causing poor query performance?

    SQL Server won't perform poorly just because its server computer is a member of the different domain than the client computer.

    Authentication and hostname resolving might take a bit longer because...

  • RE: Copy DB Tables from PRod to DEV

    Sigerson (11/27/2012)

    Jeff Moden (11/14/2012)

    Did you make sure the linked server is "read only"?

    How can you tell whether a Linked Server is read only. I looked for a 'read-only' flag...

  • RE: Need help auditing

    One way to find unused objects is to look at index usage statistics. However, beware that some indexes are used less frequently e.g. monthly reports.

  • RE: Is there any way to cancel redo logs in mirror server ?

    Do I understand correctly, the same delay will happen when failing over when using clustering or log shipping?

  • RE: Backup is taking much time

    Hi Ksr,

    First thing to do is explain your disk setup, so we can understand more about your system. You have already explained that the normally backups are written to a...

  • RE: Difference between != and <>


    Let me get this clear, so I'll understand you correctly. You can predict which kind of errors and design flaws someone makes in code, by someones preference to...

  • RE: Difference between != and <>

    A trivial, but interesting question.

    Those operators are semantically equivalent in Microsoft SQL Server.

    <> is the standardized not equal operator. Most other SQL products implements this operator. IMHO it is...

  • RE: Return datediff as X Years Y Months internationally

    In my opinion an expression like "x years y months" isn't a date but more like the .Net type TimeSpan. So I wouldn't advice you to convert it to dates.


  • RE: Print The Calender 2

    Another way to print a calendar using PIVOT:

    CREATE FUNCTION CalenderUsingPivot


    @BeginDate date

    , @EndDate date


    RETURNS @Calendar TABLE


    Week tinyint

    , Monday tinyint

    , Tuesday tinyint

    , Wednesday tinyint

    , Thursday tinyint

    , Friday tinyint

    , Saturday tinyint

    , Sunday tinyint





  • RE: BCP in UNIX files

    On Unix/Linux systems there is command called unix2dos which can convert LF text files to CRLF text files. Otherwise the same is possible with sed, awk, perl, etc.

    Also most...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)