Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 83 total)

  • RE: Full-Text Indexing wonit work

    That is the problem. I have tried and I just get the same error.

  • RE: Finding transposed data

    yes , I just tested it and it works.

  • RE: Finding transposed data

    This is what the code is turn out to be:




    FROM CBDTransposeData t1,


  • RE: Finding transposed data

    I think that will work except for a small issue with a conversion. In my actual table, the ID column is a CHAR(9)

    it actually holds SSN without the dashes. I...

  • RE: Finding transposed data

    That's not quite what I am after but close. The problem with this is if I have the following record:

    Custid id

    1000 ...

  • RE: Help with a GROUPBY

    Mark, you nailed it right on the head. Thanks a lot.

  • RE: Help with a GROUPBY

    This sounds really close. But let me get a fuller record set for you.

    CustomerID TestID

    1 ...

  • RE: Money Type conversion issue

    Thinks for the reply but I solved the issue by using ROUND() instead of CAST.

  • RE: Tips on Best Practices for TSQL

    This is the full statement:

    SELECT d.customer_id, d.deal_id, d.delivery_date, d.bookvalue, d.payoff, d.equity, d.inventory_id, d.delivery_id,

    d.payoff_date, d.dealer_id, d.modelyear, d.make, d.model,, d.vehnew, d.vehclass,t.salesman_employee_id,

    t.fi_manager_employee_id, t.cdr_id, t.sales_manager_employee_id, t.secondsales_employee_id, t.department_id,

    t.sales_mgr2_employee_id, d.snapshot_id, dl.deal_type, dl.lender_id,...

  • RE: Tips on Best Practices for TSQL

    What about doing multiples JOINS to the same table:

    Such as

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.employee s1 WITH (NOLOCK) ON (s1.employee_id = t.salesman_employee_id)

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.employee s2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON (s2.employee_id...

  • RE: Error: 7105, Severity: 22, State: 6

    Do you know if Microsoft has any KB on this issue. I just know that is what is going to be asked.

  • RE: Error: 7105, Severity: 22, State: 6

    Would using NOLOCKS be a underlying cause for this?

  • RE: Error: 7105, Severity: 22, State: 6

    I found the table that is indicated in the objecid and it contains Text datatype. I know that this is a blob field and have read somewhere this could be...

  • RE: Error: 7105, Severity: 22, State: 6

    Also how would I find which table is being effected? I can't run DBCC CheckDB because this DB is 689GB and it would bring it to its knees.

  • RE: Error: 7105, Severity: 22, State: 6

    OK, it poped again today:

    Page (1:69724084), slot 5 for text, ntext, or image node does not exist..

    I ran the following command but can't dechiper the contents:

    DBCC TRACEON (3604);

    DBCC PAGE ('ProMaxOnline',1,69724084,1)


Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 83 total)