Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Getting rid of DBO and SA access

    Thank you guys for your replies.

    the application that I'm working on is using classic asp. what I'm doing is that I created a user login in sql server for this...

  • RE: case sensitive sorting

    I can see the difference now. Thank you very much ALZDBA. that was really helpful.


  • RE: case sensitive sorting

    the problem before was that sql server ignores case. when you make everything upper case, evrything is at the same level. it sorts normally.

  • RE: case sensitive sorting

    select upper(col_name) as myColName from table order by MyColName

    this should do it. If you have any questions, please let me know.



  • RE: case sensitive sorting

    Yeah I used upper and lower and it works perfect.

    Thank you guys

  • RE: Reading from a text file

    Thank you for replying.


    Yes, I did end up with continuation lines for every line, because the file that I'm reading from is huge.

    Yes I can use the xp_CmdShell.

    I used exactly...

  • RE: Reading from a text file



    I have used your method and it worked perfect. I massaged the data, but I'm having some trouble writing that created table into a text file with putting back the...

  • RE: Reading from a text file

    Thank you very much guys. That was really helpful. I really appreciate all your help.

  • RE: BCP login and password exposure

    Yes trusted connection worked too. I just added -T to the statement and I ommited login ID and PWD.

    Thanks to everybody


  • RE: BCP login and password exposure

    Thank you guys for your replies. I really appreaciate it.

    it is automated. I run it from a stored procedure.


    ex: bcp "select rights  from appl where order by rights" queryout \\'+@servername+'\file.txt...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)