Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 61 total)

  • RE: Need help with looping

    Here is the data you requested.  The table has about 20000 rows.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ServiceTagReport] (

     [ID] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [Service_Tag] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [Name] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL...

  • RE: Trying to update one table from another on-the-fly

    Thanks Dave. 

    I'll give it a try.  Tha sounds exactly what I am looking for, a trigger.  Didn't get the syntax right.  I'll let you know the outcome.  It's work related...

  • RE: SQL2000 slow response

    Thanks, folks.  Prasad Bhogadi nailed it.  I overlooked a coulpe of blocks.  I reran SP_WHO and discovered that I had a BizTalk application blocking itself.  Am working on finding out...

  • RE: SQL2000 slow response

    SANs are a couple of years old - FC4700 I believe.  About 10,000 disk speed, connected via fiber.  Drives are 73 gig each in RAID 5 configuration with 5 drives per...

  • RE: SQL2000 slow response

    SP_WHO showed no blocks.  Most users were either waiting or inserting.  We have bounced the server which seemed to clear it up for a while, but now it's back again.


  • RE: Looking for a simple script

    Steve - Thanks for the quick reply.  That gives me exactly what I need.


    Great site, by the way.


  • RE: Text File is truncated


    How many characters per line are there?  If you are opening the text file, what program are you using?  What is the maximum number of characters? (I mean is there...

  • RE: shrinking db

    You might want to go to the database and right click and select properties.  From there, select OPTIONS and change the recovery model to SIMPLE.  Then run the dbcc shrinkdb. ...

  • RE: Inconsistent DTS error

    A place to start, you didn't mention, but I would verify that both the OS and SQl have all service packs and current updates applied, and latest version of MDAC.


  • RE: How to clean the StackDump log file SQL00001.dmp under mssql7/log folder ?


    I believe that this SQL00001.dmp file is a backup of a database.  Check your jobs and see if there is a generic job that will backup a database to that...

  • RE: New Job Tasks?

    Also, you might want to check the SQL logs and server logs - look for anything 'out of the ordinary'.  I would check out the performance of the servers for...

  • RE: Removing certain records of a SQL Server table


    I agree with Indu and Phil.  I, too, am fairly new to SQL.  To be on the safe side, I always use a SELECT statement first to verify that the data...

  • RE: Service wont restart after a reboot

    Don't forget to verify ALL patches are applied (both Windows 2000 and SQL).  Also check MDAC.





  • RE: logins after db restoration

    I sometimes use the following, provided the users are already a part of the Security\login:

    (change the LoginName to the user who needs to be changed)

    EXECUTE  sp_change_users_login  'Auto_Fix', 'LoginName'

  • RE: Know database current users

    Also, if using Enterprise Manager, left-click on Management and refresh the settings.  This is not automatically done when you enter the Process Info area and can give you a false...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 61 total)