Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

  • RE: Return a Table from a Stored Procedure


    You would generally return the results in a RecordSet.

    Set RS=Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recprdset")

    RS.ActiveConnection="Some connection to a database"

    Sql = "Select Id, Name From Users Where Name like '%Smi%'

    Set RS=RS.Open SQL

    If Not RS.Eof...

  • RE: Top n, Mid n, is there a native way?

    Hi Ken,

    Thanks for that. Initial testing looks good (on a simple "Flat" table), I am going to try to adapt it so it works with a more complex multi table grouped...

  • RE: When To Use Cursors

    A statement like "There is no excuse for ever using a cursor" is a very bold one.

    I have a reasonably complex (50 tables) but not large (400Mb) database running behind a busy web...

  • RE: multiple inner joins. same primary key

    You know, I am not an expert, but I can foresee some major problems for you in the future.

    You have three tables. The products table is using the same column...

  • RE: @Local_Variable 8k Limit


    If someone can tell me where the IF..THEN..ELSE clauses should be, and can prove that by putting them there I get better server performance I'd be glad to give it...

  • RE: @Local_Variable 8k Limit

    Hi Phil,

    Single quotes are taken care of in the application, but they are a pain and I need to re-visit how they are handled.

    The inputting and udating of information is in...

  • RE: @Local_Variable 8k Limit

    Hi Phil,

    See, I knew the answer had to be simple... I went through the helpfiles but missed that one little gem.

    Thanks, I shall give it a try later and see...

  • RE: Do I need DATEPART or similar


    I think you'll find that the WHERE clause is referencing only the month and year portions of the date in the src_terrier table

    WHERE   (DATEPART(mm,src_terrier.datadate) = DATEPART(mm,@dt_src_date) AND DATEPART(yyyy,src_terrier.datadate) =...

  • RE: Some kind of permissions on stored procedure?


    My first thought is that you have all the necessary permissions in the temp table, but your other users don't. As a first port of call, that's what I'd check.

    All Best


  • RE: Where to build business logic in DB or web service & how ?

    To get back to where this question came from....

    I'm not heavily schooled in Databases etc, however, I have a good number of years experience working with them, and attempting to...

  • RE: Comparing columns containing null values

    I think I have read somewhere in the help that while you can compare by using "is null", there is in fact no definite value for Null.

    In example 1...

  • RE: Need a query to update all the stored procedures in a table

    This might well be possible, but I'd rather go through each Store Procedure and ctrl-v the text in than experiment with code that is going to re-write 240 Stored Procedures...

  • RE: Searching for all the words

    Why not Use PatIndex And test for the existence of the pattern anywhere in the string?

    Select CategoryId, Description

    from Categories


    Patindex('%wee%', Description) <> 0

    And Patindex('%es%', Description) <> 0

    Use this...

  • RE: Username of client app - SQL authentication

    The way I see it, you have an application that is logging into the server using a single account (Admin Account), which means all users of the application use the...

  • RE: Can someone help me get started


    I tend to do this a lot, and while it is time consuming, it generally works quite well.

    Step 1: Create a couple of functions to check your incoming data is...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)