Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Encrypting Data

    Isn't part of the problem really a single point of failure? If the database certificate becomes corrupted or lost you are SOL.

    Can the live database be encrypted using one certificate...

  • RE: Row-By-Row Processing Without Cursor

    Sorry, I just realized that user defined functions can't make any changes to data, so insert, update and delete statements can't be called from within a function.

  • RE: Row-By-Row Processing Without Cursor

    Another approach would be to use functions instead of a procedure in the trigger. For example:

    create table Books (

    BookCode varchar(5),

    BookDesc varchar(100))


    -- The function processes a new BookCode during insertion

    create function...

  • RE: "primary key" in Table Variable

    You might want to check the various Set options on your production and dev boxes. Thinks like ArithAbort and NoCount.

  • RE: Ambition

    Ambition, hmmm... don't you think this is a better description of Ambition?

  • RE: Why isnt ISNULL working?

    I don't think Mark's query returns the password if the TEST02 user actually exists. Perhaps this will work.

    select top 1 password as Result

    from (

    select 1 as SortOrder, last, password

    from [dbo].


  • RE: Why Do We Do It?

    I find it interesting how many replies have "simple" solutions that totally rely on technology (VPN, remove hard drives, terminal services, etc). All of these solutions will fail precisely for...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)