Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 44 total)

  • RE: Me.Bookmark=rs.Bookmark

    In Access, a combo box with this statement is attempting to navigate to a particular record by synchronizing the form with the underlying recordset.  There is an Access combo box...

  • RE: HOT TIP on posting!!!!!!!

    The SHIFT-return thing also works in many word processors including Microsoft Word.

  • RE: Backup and Restore on different systems.

    In my experience, the file you're restoring FROM has to be on the same server as the database you're restoring.  SQL restore only "sees" what is on its own box.

  • RE: Best way to create a DSN connection at runtime?

    Thanks, Steve, but could you give a bit more detail?  Where am I setting this DSN-less connection?  And how?  As I said before, we don't want to manually redirect hundreds...

  • RE: Command line utility to create ODBC system data source to SQL

    To run the code described in the previous posts, does the user have to have administrative rights to their machine?

  • RE: Best way to create a DSN connection at runtime?

    A bit of extra information:  we're running SQL 2000 on Windows 2000 and will be migrating to Windows 2003.

  • RE: Runnigs a Stored Procedure with ADO

    Zoul:  Just a suggestion: if you use named parameters in VB you're less likely to miss a comma.  Example:

    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter(name:="@Site", type:=adInteger, direction:=adParamInput, value:=gintSite)

  • RE: Relplace all but a-zA-Z0-9

    Here's a snippet of a function I wrote to strip out any non-alpha characters from a name, such as apostrophes and hyphens.  You can add a third criterion to the...

  • RE: update stats and sp_recompile and sp_refreshview ?

    Question:  if I set up a job to run sp_updatestats, will this significantly impact performance of my server or network?  I'm scheduling the job to run at 2 am when...

  • RE: Memory leak?

    We had major memory leak problems with SQL 7, but they magically went away when we upgraded to SQL 2K.


  • RE: transaction not rolling back

    Hit submit too soon ... disregard previous entry.


    Regarding your statement:  "Unless issueing the rollback/committ stops the proc ... " - doesn't it?  I've always assumed that once you rollback, that's...

  • RE: transaction not rolling back


    Regarding your statement:  "Unless issueing the rollback/committ stops the proc ... " - doesn't it?  I've always assumed that once you rollback, that's the end of it. Note my...

  • RE: transaction not rolling back

    Since you're going to roll back if any errors happen, you don't need an error variable:

    insert statement ....

    If @@ERROR <> 0

           ROLLBACK    ---no need to go further!

    update statement ....


  • RE: Need help with DELETE

    Just a minor point ... I've found that when testing a field for a number of values, the IN function is more manageable and easier to read than a series of OR...

  • RE: Design Suggestions Needed (For an Employee Database)

    How about this:


    EmpID (primary key)



    TeamID ... foreign key to Team Table


    TeamID (primary key)


    DivisionID ... foreign ID to Division Table


    DivisionID (primary key)


    ChannelID ... foreign key to Channel Table


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 44 total)